Презентация к уроку английского языка «Описание картины»

Материал опубликован 10 December 2016

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Презентация-тренажер для обучения описанию картины с использованием технологии «картинка без запинки».

Describing a picture
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Describing a picture


in the middle of the picture at the front in the background on the left on the right



Unite The man in the sledge The woman The house The forest The sky The road

Unite The man in the sledge The woman The house The forest The sky The road is looking at is standing is waiting is going is sitting there is is

Sense and say I think …. To my mind… happy Sad bright light dark colorful boring

Collect beautiful – artistic, attractive, brilliant, charming, decorative, elegant, excellent, fine, good-looking, graceful, grand, handsome, harmonious, impressive, lovely, magnificent, nice, panoramic, poetic, pretty, superb, wonderful

Collect beautiful – attractive, brilliant, charming, decorative, elegant, fine, good-looking, graceful, handsome, harmonious, impressive, lovely, nice, panoramic, pretty, wonderful

Back Present Perfect I think….. To my mind….. have V3 has

Forward Future Simple will V1 is going to V1 are

This is a picture Winter by Konstantin Korovin Place Time Objects Actions Emotions Past Future

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