Стенгазета к уроку английского языка «Сравнение использования времен Present Perfect и Past Simple»

Материал опубликован 14 January 2018 в группе

Всероссийский дистанционный конкурс педагогического мастерства на тему «Современная образовательная стенгазета»

Название стенгазеты: Present Perfect vs Past Simple. Сравнение использования времен Present Perfect и Past Simple.

Предмет: Английский язык

Аудитория: учащиеся 6-7 класс общеобразовательной школы,

Авторы: Подоксенова Елена Николаевна (учитель), Бушуева Алёна, Алпацкая Алёна, Тищенко Полина, Боярских Екатерина, Молодых Дарья, Казакова Арина(учащиеся 7 класса).

Стенгазета содержит:

·        грамматический материал по теме: «Времена английского глагола Present Perfect и Past Simple»: образование утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложений, случаи употребления.

·        практический материал: игра на различие времен, комиксы, примеры в картинках.

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

Present Perfect

Past Simple


Regular verbs


Irregular verbs

Regular verbs


Irregular verbs

+Noun + have/has Ved/d


·         already

·         just

·         second time

·         ever

·         never

+Noun + have/has V3


+Noun +  Ved/d


·         yesterday

·         two days ago

·         last week

·         in March

·         in 2003

·         when I was young

+Noun + V2


- Noun + haven’t/hasn’t+



_ Noun + haven’t/hasn’t+


- Noun +didn’t + V1


- Noun +didn’t + V1



?(Wh) have/has + Noun + Ved/d


?(Wh) have/has + Noun + V3


?(Wh) did + Noun + V1


?(Wh) did + Noun + V1


Present Perfect always connects the past and the present.

1/ Unfinished actions these started in the past and continue up in the present.

I have lived for 10 years (I still live in London).

2/ Indefinite actions: I have lost my wallet.


The past simple tells us about the past.

1/For something that started in the past and finished in the past.

I lived in Manchester for 10 years (I do not live in Manchester now).

2/ Definite actions: I lost my wallet yesterday.


Steve’s Conversation Class: Present Perfect vs Past Simple


·        Take it turs to play rock, scissors, paper and move your pieces.

·        Use the words in the square you landed on to make a complete sentence.

·        If you can’t make complete sentence, go back one space!




I live/ in Canada/ all my life


Steve and Eileen/ go to Canada

She visit/Paris three times so far


yet/ take/

his pills



She/ the floor/ clean/ just


He/ yet/ get back home


Skip a turn!



Go back to the start


Roll again


You/have lunch/ already



You/ finish/ yet/ the report


Nate/ buy a new car/ last week


Uncle Pat/ get/ a new motorbike


They/ be married/ for / two years

Nick/ already/ go to bed

I/ never/ eat/ seafood/ before

I/ cut/ my finger. It’s bleeding!


You/ walk/ the dog


Go back to the start





I/ make a mistake/


I/ feed the cat/ already

Skip a turn!


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