12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Мухаметзянова Айгуль Рафиловна19

Present Tenses. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Present Simple:

1. … you usually (go) to school by bus or taxi?

2. He …(like not) milk.

3. In autumn leaves ...(fall) from the trees.

4. … your mum (wake) you up in the mornings?

5. My friends ...(travel) to the Black sea every summer.

6. The Earth …(go) round the Sun.

7. Where … (live) his parents?

8. I …(do not) my homework on Sundays.

9. She always… (cook) vegetable soup for lunch.

10. Hurry up! The film …(start) at 7pm.

Tenses: Present Continuous:

 1. What… you (do) now?

2. … she (sleep) now?

3. My parents and I… (see) our granny this weekend.

4. Look! The plane… (set off) the land.

5. The weather …(get) colder and colder.

6. … they ( surf the net) at the moment?

7. Exams …(get) more and more  difficult.

Present Perfect:

1. … you ever (be) to Paris?

2. I… never ( travel) to Australia.

3. Her sister … just (go) shopping.

4. They … (write) 2 essays this week.

5. My friends … ( finish not) the project yet.

6. He … (know) me for 3 years.

Present Perfect Continuous:

1. How long … (live)you here?

2. He … (study) Spanish for 2 years.

3. Look! It’s raining. – Yes. It … (rain) since morning.

4. You … (surf) the net the whole night.


1. Сколько тебе лет?

2. Тебе 14? – да, мне исполнится 15 лет в октябре.

3. Твой папа врач?–Да.

4. Какой замечательный день сегодня! – я так не думаю.

5. Ты говоришь по английски?- да.

6. Тебе нравятся фильмы ужасов?

7. Ты читаешь книги каждый вечер?

8. Ты думаешь это хорошая идея?

9. Ты оптимист или пессимист?


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