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The 29th of November Classwork Adverbs ever, never, just, yet with Present Perfect Tense.

Words to know: already – уже just – только что never – никогда ever – когда-либо yet – еще нет journey –путешествие repair – чинить miracle – чудо military - военный competition – соревнование

Present Perfect Tense Используется: 1. когда мы делимся опытом: (положительным или отрицательным) I have never been to Germany. Я никогда не была в Германии. 2. когда есть результат в настоящем: He has not done his homework, now he will have problems. Он не сделал домашнюю работу, теперь у него будут проблемы. 3.без четкого указания времени (если будет указано время мы используем Past Simple.): She has already come. Она уже пришла.

Present Perfect Tense Никогда не ответит на вопрос «когда?» Важен: Жизненный опыт Достижения Результаты Не важно когда мы их получили!

Present Perfect Tense Слова маркеры: already – уже (есть результат) just – только что never – никогда (не было опыта) yet – еще нет (еще не получен результат) He has already bought flowers for her birthday. We have just come from our journey. I have never been to Germany. They have not repaired the car yet.

Present Perfect Tense I not lunch yet. I never to Paris, but I would like to go. I finish my project. She not finish his work yet. He already flowers for her birthday. We just from our journey. I never to Germany. They not repair the car yet. have have have have have have has has ed ed ed had been come bought been

Present Perfect Tense have + ed (III) has

Put words in correct order: done Students homework have. worked Bob never has in a bank. car We bought have a new. I lived have in London. finished Mary already has cleaning. have tried Students to pass exam. come The time has not yet. I thought have about you. Bob house and Mary have bought a. seen You have a miracle. Students have done homework. Bob has never worked in a bank. We have bought a new car. I have lived in London. Mary has already finished cleaning. Students have tried to pass exam. The time has not come yet. I have thought about you. Bob and Mary have bought a house. You have seen a miracle.

Have or has: Bob has worked in a bank. — Боб работал в банке. We have bought a car. — Мы купили машину. Students have passed an exam. — Студенты сдали экзамен. Mary has gone to the shop. — Мэри ушла в магазин. Bob has gone to London. — Боб уехал в Лондон. Bob has seen that movie many times. — Боб видел этот фильм много раз. I think I have met Mary once before. — Я думаю, я встречал Мэри однажды раньше. People have travelled to the Moon. — Люди посещали Луну. Mary has been to Russia. — Мэри была в России. Bob has lost his keys. – Боб потерял ключи. have/ /has /has have/ have/ have/ /has /has have/ have/

Put correct adverbs into sentences: He has won the competition. Он только что выиграл соревнование. I have been to their concert once. Я уже был на их концерте один раз. The plane has not taken off . Самолет еще не взлетел. I have cut my finger. Я только что порезал свой палец. We have flown by a military plane. Мы никогда не летали на военном самолете. You have been in Prague. Вы уже были в Праге. Have you cooked a Caesar salad? Вы когда нибудь готовили салат Цезарь? I have seen him. Я никогда его не видел. He has not finished his work . Он еще не закончил свою работу. Have you ever been to St. Petersburg. Ты когда-либо был в Санкт-Петербурге. just already yet just never already ever never yet

Я никогда не слышать как вы читать, но мне очень нравиться. I have never heard you reading, but I like it very much.