Презентация к уроку "Проблемы на отдыхе", 8 класс

Материал опубликован 17 February 2021

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Открытый урок по теме: «Проблемы на отдыхе» 8 класс Подготовила: учитель английского языка Сорочинская Ольга Валериевна

On our previous lesson… Camel riding in Morocco Wagon travel in Wyoming Ice diving in Arctic Sledding in Russia

Preferences enjoy prefer am keen on am fond of am into see famous landmarks buy souvenirs try the local cuisine lie on the beach all day explore nature go on guided tours have time to myself visit museums visit local markets

What will our lesson be about?

Today on the lesson… Holiday problems

Today on the lesson… What are we going to learn? What are we going to know? What are we going to practice?

Listen and repeat

Match the pictures to the phrases j i h f g e d c b a get sunstroke get seasick lose the way lose passport have an accident weather gets bad car breaks down have a flat tyre wallet gets stolen miss the flight

Listen to the audio Ex. 2 p. 92. Which problems are they describing? Ann Laura Tony weather gets bad gets sunstroke car brakes down

Discuss holiday problems Describing a bad experience Sympathising It was a nightmare! You’ll never guess what happened! We had an awful experience. Wait till I tell you what happened. Oh, you poor thing! What a shame! How awful! That’s terrible! That’s bad luck! A: How was you holiday? Hope you had a nice time. B: It was an absolute nightmare! Our car broke down! A: How awful!

Listen to the dialogue and read it. Do the tasks Task 1. What countries did Isabelle visit? Task 2. What good/bad experience did she have? Bad Good Greece was beautiful got sunstroke Italian cuisine was great Italians were friendly got purse stolen got seasick

*Do the extra tasks Task 4. How do you think, does Andrew really sympathise Isabelle? Prove it. Task 3. Find English in the text. добро пожаловать жаль, что ты не пришел завидовать бедняжка портить отдых удаваться несколько трудностей неудача в целости и сохранности

We’re coming to the end… learnt… had difficulty in… practiced how to… During the lesson I…

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