Презентация к занятию "Modern gadgets and devices/Современные гаджеты и девайсы"
Modern gadgets and devices Государственное областное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Елецкий колледж инновационных технологий» Подготовила: преподаватель английского языка Овсянникова Наталья Геннадьевна Елец, 2024 г
Pay attention gadgets A gadget is a small technological object such as a device or an appliance that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. devices A device is usually a constructed tool
Segway [ˈsɛɡ-weɪ] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
GyroScooter or Hoverboard [gyroscooter] [ˈhɒvə bɔːd] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Laptop [ˈlæptɒp] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Smartphone [ˈsmɑːtfəʊn] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Smartwatch [ˈsmɑːt.wɒtʃ] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Tablet [ˈtæblət] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
3D printer [θrˈiː dˈiː prˈɪntə] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Smart ring [smɑːt rɪŋ] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
E-book reader [iː-bʊk ˈriːdə] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Fitness Tracker [ˈfɪtnɪs ˈtrækə] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
VR headset [vər ˈhedset] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Drone [drəʊn] Answer the question: What do we use this invention for?
Write an article about which gadget or device you found most interesting and why
Queestionnaire What would you say is the difference between a gadget and a device? Is there a gadget that you are hoping to buy in the near future? What does it do? Which gadget makes your life much easier? Which gadget makes you feel happy? What would be a good gadget to buy your mother or father? Why would they like it? What are some useful gadgets that help people with their health and fitness? How many different gadgets have you used today? How did you use them?
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