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MEANINGS OF CAN 1) Mental or physical ability:She can do sums in head. He can swim well. 2) Possibility: We can see the mountain from here in clear weather. 3) Permission: You can go now, Mary. Can I have another ice-cream? 4)Prohibition: You can not cross the street here. 5) Request: Can you tell me the time? Could you give me a lift? 6) Disapproval,reproach: You could have sent me a word. 7) Strong doubt: Can it be so late? Can they be waiting for us? 8) Very strong doubt, You can not mean it Improbability: She can not have said it.

MEANINGS OF MAY Possibility, absence of obstacles to the action ( = CAN) Permission ( = CAN) 3) Very sharp prohibition: You may not smoke here. Request ( mostly ironic) You may bring me the paper, Mary. or suggestion: Good girl! Reproach ( = COULD) Doubt, supposition: Leave the key under the mat. She may come when we are out.

We can make the doubt stronger by using more and more emphatic expressions They may be meeting in secret. They might be meeting in secret. Can they be meeting in secret? stronger They can not be meeting in secret.

MEANINGS OF MUST, HAVE, BE Necessity: I am afraid I must/ have to go. The lecture is to begin at 8. Order, command You must stay here till 9. ( must, be to): You are to tell me everything. Urgent request ( must) You must come and have emphatic advice: dinner with us. 4) Prohibition(must,be to): You must not ask for things. You are not to say a word to her. 5) Strong probability, She must be about 20. near certainty ( must):

Imperative sentences may express different degrees of strictness: You must not write me letters. You are not to write me letters. stronger You can not write me letters. You may not write me letters.

MEANINGS OF SHOULD, OUGHT TO 1) Moral obligation, You should not eat so many sweets. duty, advice You ought to make an effort. 2) Criticism of a past You should have come straight to me. action You ought not to have tried. 3) Strong probability, Potatoes should/ought to grow well supposition, near here. certainty

MEANINGS OF NEED Absence of necessity (= HAVE): He need not go there. He can ring her up. Permission not to do something: You need not wait for me.

MEANINGS OF WILL, WOULD Volition ( will, intention, She will not tell me what is determination) wrong, just keeps crying. The pen will not write. 2) Order ( only will) You will tell your parents that I wish to speak to them. 3) Request Will you say it again, please? 4) Near certainty This will/would be the place he meant.

MEANINGS OF SHALL I) Certainty, determination on the part of the speaker: promise You shall get your money back. Warning You shall catch another cold. Threat You shall be sorry one of these days. Strict order, compulsion She shall go off tomorrow. Asking for instruction Shall I open the window?

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