12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Раджабова Умукус Магомедхабибовна100
Россия, Дагестан респ., с.Гутатли Цунтинский район

Project «The problems of the young generation»

The English teacher Radzhabova U.M.

The problems of the young generation worried specialists and representatives of various fields - from philosophers and writers to economists and psychologists. It is because the youth are the future of the country and each new generation has to develop fully without compromising. But young people do not have time to adapt to the rapid economic, political, spiritual changes and social aspects of life.

Today, there are a number of social problems associated with young generation. These are issues which are related to education, to Internet, and to the topic of self-development. But one of the main problem not only for society, but also for the state is exodus of youth from small towns and even from Russia.

Further we will analyze this problem from different perspectives.

The aim of the project is to study the problem of exodus of youth from cities and villages of Russia, as well as to propose a solution to this problem.

The topic is relevant, since more than 200 thousands young people leave for large cities every year, and small settlements are left without labor and a generation that can develop them. And also according to the Levada Center (February 4, 2018), 41 % of respondents aged from 18 to 24 would like to go abroad for permanent residence.

According to “Vedomosti”, the migration flow was called "the influx of hands and brain drain." It is important for the country to retain qualified staff.

The empirical base of the work is the data of sites, dictionaries, study guides, scientific papers and the media.

The Project phases:

A) The preparatory phase. We are choosing a project topic, setting goals and objects.

B) The main phase. We are describing, studying, researching for the necessary information, and systemizing.

C) The final stage. We have proposedthe solutionto the selected problem, summed up and written conclusions.

Methods of work: study, theoretical and literary analysis, generalization of literature on the topic of research, comparative analysis.


1. To study the basis of the problem of exodus of youth;

2. To identify the causes of the exodus of youth from small towns to large cities of the country and abroad;

3. To suggest solutions to the problem and alternatives.























1. Problems of youth exodus

From all the regions, Moscow, St. Petersburg and the surrounding areas, as well as the Krasnodar Territory, Belgorod Region are the most attractive for young people.

Most often, young people leave for large and economically developed regions, where millionaire city-millionaires exist. But there are some exceptions to this rule: for example, Tomsk Region which is attractive for young people because of its universities. Belgorod region is also actively attracting migrants.

The Chukotka Autonomous Region and the Magadan Region are experiencing the most intensive exodus: they have lost the biggest part of their population since the beginning of the 2000s. Young people are actively leaving these regions. Moreover, in recent years, the population exodus from them has increased.

Young people leave the northern and Far Eastern regions of the country: the population is declining in the Chukchi and Kamchatka territories, the Murmansk and Sakhalin regions, in Altai and Tuva.

In most Russian regions, the number of pupils is much less than the number of students. This is very noticeable in the North Caucasus: there are much fewer students enrolled in the universities, than school graduates.

Experts explain it by the low level of higher education system development in the region, as well as by the limited employment. There is simply nowhere for a graduate to find a job.

According to agencies that send Russians to study abroad, about 1,500 people leave the country each year. 60% of prospective students go to England, the remaining 40 to America, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland and Malta.

Future financiers, lawyers, production engineers with western diplomas have good chances to find a job. But if earlier such specialists, especially in senior positions,received 20 percent more than in other countries, now salaries are equal.

Not all young people in small settlements have the opportunity to move to Moscow and St. Petersburg, more often they move to the center of their region or the larger capital of the neighboring region. Increases with the size of the town, the costs are higher, but the return on such migration are higher in the future, too. Choosing the direction of migration, the role does not even focus on studying at a particular university or the desire to receive a certain specialty, but the potential employment opportunities in the city where the university is located. It means that the ability of universities to attract “non-native” applicants depends, in addition to their prestige, on the potential capabilities of the city, where they are located.

2. The reasons of the youth exodus from small towns to large cities.

Today, young people can be divided into two groups: those who want to leave their town and those who are not going to move. What is the reason why someone stays and someone leaves?

There is a joke in social networks: “obsession about moving to St. Petersburg”. This concept has not introduced in psychiatry yet, but we can find the manifestation of this phenomena among young girls in age of 19 to 23. So there is some truth in these words. The trend of youth exodus from small towns to city-millionaires is observed everywhere.

According to numerous studies, the following youth attitudes are the main reasons of the youth exodus:

1. “In the capital you can find the work of your dreams”;

2. “It is better to live in a metropolis”;

3. “Wages are higher in metropolises”;

4. “Big cities have more culture and entertainment”;

5. "In big cities the level of education is better";

6. “Moving to a larger city will make life better and more interesting”.

What problems can science highlight?

1. The existing gap between expectations and perceptions of future work and appropriate vacancies in the labor markets of small towns.

2. The limited financial capabilities of small cities, their lack of support for social, transport and engineering infrastructure, as well as the lack of investment in the villages, which jeopardize its development.

3. The lack of large industrial enterprises in many small towns. This factor also affects limited employment.

4. Poorly developed social sphere in small towns: low medicine level (especially, the lack of childcare, what is important to young families).

5. The lack of places in schools and pre-school institutions. The demand for places in kindergartens and schools is increasing, but the supply is not growing.

6. The lack of material and technical resources of educational institutions, the lack of teaching at a high level.

7. The lack of development in the cultural and entertainment sphere: there are no sports culture enterprises (gyms, swimming pools, etc.), culture (libraries, museums, theaters, exhibition halls, etc.), lack of cultural spaces (parks, art quarters, etc.).

8. Climate and geographical location are also important. Many small towns and villages are located in those places where there is a very low level of infrastructure or very unfavorable weather conditions in which state and collective farms die and these problems influence even those who, perhaps, would like to live in the village, to leave for cities.

9. It is almost impossible to use received knowledge in practice, because of the low technical equipment of educational institutions and workplaces. In the age of computerization, progress has not reached all places. And sometimes irrelevant and outdated technical base does not allow young people to obtain and apply relevant skills and knowledge.

10. The lack of comfortable habitation.

11. The obstacles to the development of small and medium-sized businesses and inadequate assistance to small entrepreneurs.

The exodus trend is quite alarming, at least because it indicates an expanded reproduction of the prerequisites for “a brain drain”. It also demonstrates the low availability of public institutions, and the underdevelopment, the lack or the deformation of self-development spaces, and about the futility and danger of development.

What does the youth themselves think? Almost two-thirds of FOM respondents believe that today it is difficult for young people to succeed in life, to realize themselves, primarily because of unemployment, poverty and corruption. In this regard, relatively few people call personal qualities of young people, for example, inertness and lack of determination.



3. Contributions to problems resolution and alternatives

With regard to job, it is not always easier or profitable to find it in another city or abroad. There is lot of competition in metropolises: there are fewer vacancies than job applicants. There is opportunity to have a dream job in small towns. For many basic specialties, there are always vacancies, especially in the public sector - medical and educational institutions. In small towns it is extremely difficult to get a job for specialized expertise. But in many areas, now it is possible to get a telework or a job online.

It is not always better to live in a metropolis, because:

1. More time is spent on the way, that is why sometimes we do less than we suppose;

2. The environment (even if there are not any factories) is sometimes worse due to the large number of vehicles, in addition, there is noise pollution;

3. The threat of terrorist and military attacks also exist.

The salary is not always higher. If in Moscow or St. Petersburg the salary is higher, but the costs of any products are also higher (apartment, food, gas, etc.). But now it is possible to work online and receive Moscow and St. Petersburg salaries and spend them living in the provinces.

Oleg Kharkhordin, who is the rector of the European University in St. Petersburg, agrees that it is possible to find a decent work in Russia: “If you don’t have the equipment and you have to carry reagents from America in your pocket, it’s difficult for a tech guy to be a patriot”.

In this sense, it is easier for humanitarians to find a job, because they need only a pen and a computer. “I had the opportunity to stay abroad. But here, in Russia, there is an enormous backlog in the social sciences and the return can be much greater. It’s more interesting to work at home.”

We form culture and entertainment ourselves. Small cities also have their own museum, and creative groups, and cinemas, and entertainment centers, etc. They are, but not on such an extent, however the contribution to their development can help to solve the problem.

With regard to education, the city does not educate, the person receives it himself. As for information, books and the Internet can help. Now you can listen to lectures from all over the world. And “a piece of paper” (diploma) without its own ingenuity and desire to work does not mean anything. In the 21st century, many graduates do not work in their specialty. An IT specialist works as a cashier, the chief editor of a well-known Moscow magazine was a surgeon in the past, an ex- repair man does business, an ex-employee opened a network of plumbing stores, etc. There are a lot of examples.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to solve this problem. Undertaking research on this problem, we identified priority tasks that should be addressed in a comprehensive manner:

1. Education.

As for the level of education, it is necessary to equip schools and other educational institutions with modern equipment.

2. The quality of life and population policy.

To create a stable population, it is necessary to create conditions that secure a high standard of living, such as employment, wages, the provision of decent societal benefits (education, healthcare, social security) and housing. It is also necessary to educate people to prevent diseases and to promote public health, including the health lifestyle promotion and cautious attitude to health. All this contributes to higher fertility rate and low mortality, as well as to creation of a healthy, and therefore active and able-bodied population.

3. Family policy

The main directions in the formation of a stable population are strengthening of the family institution and increasing the birth rate. Children are the future of any city in any state as a whole. It is necessary to create living conditions for families, which can ensure all the family needs.

4. Attracting immigrants

The problem can be solved not only by motivating the return of the native inhabitants to their homeland, but also by attracting and securing immigrants of reproductive age who are able-bodied and have a high qualification level in the professions needed in the labor market, We can achieve it, encouraging the migration of youth using educational and labor migration, creating favorable conditions for the consolidation of young specialists.

5. Investments.

It is necessary to consider the possibility of attracting investment and implementing projects to create new industries. It may facilitate the emergence of new employment and the attraction of youth to these places. Also it is important to invest in cultural and social projects which will allow society to receive support and develop.

6. Employment.

It is necessary to ensure effective employment, to support new forms of employment in accordance with the structural economy adjustment. It is also necessary to develop programs to attract personnel from outside. It is like a “northern” supplement, a pay increase or housing for young teachers who go to work in towns and villages.

It is impossible to solve all these problems without development of small and medium enterprises. So another important way is to support and to provide assistance to emerging entrepreneurs. And then the youth will be able to realize their career opportunities for self-development and self-realization, be interested in the results of their work and desire to work not only for themselves, but also for the city and the region. And then, our city will definitely have a future.

7. The development of tourism and recreation.

Small historical cities require close attention from the authorities and the tourism business. The development of tourism in such regions can help to revive small towns by creating new jobs and attracting investment, which, in turn, will contribute to the growth of the city budget, and the standard of living conditions of the population to prevent its exodus to large cities.

In general, small towns require the following changes:

To fill the city full of opportunities for discoveries (for young people it is important to modernize and create something).

To create new job places.

To create training platforms for narrow specialists.

To provide the opportunity to develop fully (visiting other universities, exchange programs, etc.).

To introduce media education and other disciplines in schools and universities which are relevant to our modern time; also to provide modern equipment.

The city must support novelty, cultural, social, political and educational activities.

To pursue patriotic policies.



The return of youth after pursuing higher education in small towns is small, and isn’t approved by relatives. This is an example how strategic orientation on departure of the population of small cities evinces, they are firmly rooted among a wide range of households. “There is nothing to do here” – such words often sound in provincial families.

Is it necessary to resist the exodus of youth from small towns? According to our research, it is impossible not only because of limited employment and low wages in small towns, but also for objective reasons, as the impossibility of creating living conditions in contrast to big cities. Young people will always be attracted by the “city lights”, wider possibilities which could be opened there.

The project investigated the problem of youth - exodus from small settlements.

Using these selected methods, the following tasks were accomplished:

1. The basis of the problem of youth exodus has been studied;

2. The causes of youth exodus from small towns to major cities of the country and abroad were discovered;

3. Solutions to the problem and alternatives are proposed.

In the future, the project can be used for self-studying and to present the problem to the public.




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