Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 8 класса (I вариант)

Материал опубликован 17 July 2018 в группе

I вариант

Задание 1. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

1)    My sister had done our flat by 3 o’clock.


2)    Sam had washed the plates by the time mother came back.


3)    After Mary had done the shopping, she went back home.


4)    Robin had left before Alice returned.


5)    When Betty phoned, Jim had already sent the email to her.


Задание 2. Вставьте нужные слова в пропущенные места.

walk, exercise, relax, junk food, hard.

1)    John is very weak. I think he should take more _______________________.

2)    Why are you crying? Sit down and try to ____________________________.

3)    What wonderful weather we are having today! Join us for a ____________!

4)    If you want to lose some weight, stop eating _________________________!

5)    If you want to pass all your exams, you should work __________________.


Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

Hi! I’m Helen. I go to school in Moscow. My school is not usual. We study a lot of English and German. English is my favourite subject. I have always been interested in languages. After school I spend a lot of my time reading English books and watching English video bloggers on “youtube.com”.  I like it very much. I keep some pets at home too. I have got a dog, a parrot and fishes.

1)    Is Helen’s school usual?


2)    Does Helen go to school in St. Petersburg?


3)    What subjects does Helen study a lot?


4)    What does Helen like to do after school?


5)    What pets has Helen got at home?



Задание 4. Распределите слова на 2 колонки.


Bear, duck, fox, flamingo, wolf, deer, owl, crocodile, parrot, pig, goose, sheep, magpie, snake, hen, rabbit, panda, woodpecker, swallow, raven.

























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