12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Андреева Людмила Александровна14

Проверочная работа по теме "The Present Simple Tense"

Упражнение 1. Напишите форму 3-го лица ед.числа следующих глаголов:













Упражнение 2. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Simple:

1. One fly ______________ (to fly), two flies ______________________(to fly).

2. One girl ______________ (to cry), two girls _____________________ (to cry).

3. When a wolf _______________ (to see) a moon, it ___________________(to begin) to howl (выть).

4. Wolves and sheep ______________(to be) never friends.

5. Our hens _____________________ (to lay) a lot of eggs.

6. Boys ___________________(to fight) and ______________________(to shout).

7. That boy ___________________(to try) to catch some balls.

8. These girls ____________________(to try) to run away from an angry turkey.

9. If one goose ___________ (to have) one tooth, how many teeth ___________ (to have) thirteen geese?

Упражнение 3. Вставьте глаголы из скобок в правильную форму Present Simple:

Misha is at a summer camp in England. He_________(get) up at 7. He _________ (have) his

English lesson every day. He __________ (speak) English to his friends. He

______________(play) board games in the afternoon. Sometimes he _______ (swim) in the

lake. He often ___________(go) hiking. He sometimes _________ (to sit) by the camp fire in

the evenings. He never _________ (go) on a trip without his friends.

Упражнение 4. Задайте вопросы, используя do или does. Дайте краткие ответы.

Ask your friend about what Misha does in the English camp.

E.g. Does he speak English in the camp every day– Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t).

1. Misha / speak English/ in the camp/ every day?

2. Misha / have/ English classes/ every week?

3. he/ play/ board games?

4. he/ go hiking?

5. Misha / go/ on a trip/ every day/ without his friends?

6. he/ sometimes/ sit/ by the / Christmas tree?


1. Does, goes, reads, collects, hates, plays, studies, tidies, washes, watches, brushes, teaches.

2. 1. flies/fly, 2. cries/cry, 3. sees/begins, 4. are, 5. lay, 6. fight/shout, 7. tries, 8. try, 9. has/have

3. gets, has, speaks, plays, swims, goes, sits, goes

4. 1. Does Misha speak English in the camp every day? – Yes, he does.

            2. Does Misha have English classes every week? - No, he doesn’t.

            3. Does he play board games? – Yes, he does.

            4. Does he go hiking? – Yes, he does.

            5. Does Misha go on a trip without his friends every day? - No, he doesn’t.

            6. Does he sometimes sit by the Christmas tree? - No, he doesn’t.


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