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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Комиссарова Наталия Юрьевна24
Россия, Нижегородская обл., р.п. им. М.И.Калинина

                               Проверочная работа по английскому языку по теме “Живые существа вокруг нас» для 7 класса

                                                                                      Variant 1

1.       Make the following statements true. Complete them with one of the the variants.

1.        There is a certain kind of ……………. which is only 4 cm long.

a)       A stonefish

b)      A seahorse

c)       A penguin

2.       Some rabbits get their name ……………. from their unusually wide feet.

a)       Furry jumpers

b)      Quick runners

c)       Furry skiers

3.       The ………………… ostrich is the largest living bird.

a)       African

b)      Indian

c)       Australian

4.       The ……………….. has 13 spines on their backs which are very dangerous not only for other fish but also for human beings.

A)      Goldfish

B)      Stonefish

C)      Seahorse

2.       Use the verbs in past simple or present perfect progressive.

1.        you (travel) here? – We (travel) for ten days. 4) When they (arrive) in St. Petersburg? 5) I (wait) for Jack since 2 p.m.  6) Your eyes are tired.  You (play) at the computer? I (play) at the computer for two hours.The sun (shine) now. In fact the sun (shine) all day. 2) It (start) shining at 8 a.m. in the morning. 3 ) How long

                                                            Variant 2

1.       Make the following statements true. Complete them with one of the variants.

1.       The …………………..  climate of Great Britain is very good for plants.

a)       Warm and wet

b)      Warm and dry

c)       Cold and wet

2.       The …………………., or in other words animal life in the British Isles is like in the northwest of Europe.

a)       Fauna

b)      Flora

c)       Underwater world

3.       Many of birds in the British isles are ……………….., in spring the land rings with their singing.

a)       Waterbirds

b)      Penguins

c)       Songbirds.

4.       It may be interesting that the ……………, one of Britain’s common birds, has become the national symbol of the country.

a)       Blackbird

b)      Starling

c)       Robin

d)      Nightingale

2.       Use the verbs in past simple or present perfect progressive.

1)      It (rains) now. In fact it (rain) all day. 2) It (start) raining at 9 a.m. in the morning. 3 ) How long you (live) here? – We (live) here for ten years. 4) When they (live) here? 5) I (wait) for you since 3 p.m. I am glad you have come at last. 6) Your hands are dirty. What you (do)?


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