12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Капаева Елена Александровна883
Меня зовут Капаева Елена Александровна. Стаж педагогической деятельности – 9 лет, и за это время я ни разу не усомнилась в правильности моего профессионального выбора! Я люблю учиться сама и свою задачу вижу в том, чтобы пробудить у ребят интерес к учебе
Россия, Москва, Москва

Name____________________ Surname____________________ Class________ Date _______

1. Match the types of Conditionals to their use.

1) Conditional Type 0 expresses         a) Advice

2) Conditional Type 1 expresses         b) A general truth

3) Conditional Type 2 expresses         с) An imaginary situation contrary to facts in the present

4) Conditional Type 3 ­ expressesA      d) real or very probable situation in the present/future



  1.                                          e) Regrets or criticism

                                             f) Something that always happens as a result of                                                      something else

                                            g) An imaginary situation contrary to facts in the past


2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If she weren’t so lazy, she _____________ (become) a brilliant student.

2. I am not sure what I am doing tonight, but if I go out, I _____________ (phone) you.

3. If Steve hadn’t bought a lottery ticket, he _____________ (not/win) $1 million.

4. We usually_____________ (walk) home together if we both _____________ (finish) at the same time.

5. If the police question you, _____________ (tell) them the truth.

6. Dairy products keep longer if you _____________ (put) them into the fridge.

7. She would not have stolen the food if her child_________________ (not/be) hungry.

8. If you _____________ (leave) ice in the sun, it _____________ (melt).

9. If Jack had planned it carefully, he _________________ (not/have) so many problems.

10. He is a very wise person. I __________________ (speak) to him if I were you.

3. A) Put the words into the correct order.

1. gone / visit/ known / you / were / hospital / if / I’d / have / I’d / to/ in / you ________________________________________________________________________

2. have / we / find / had / been / compass / wouldn’t / if / a / able / to / our / way / hadn’t / we ________________________________________________________________________

3. it / window / stopped / have / ball / if / wouldn’t / broken / the / the / you’d ________________________________________________________________________

4. would / by bugs / bought / stung / we / if / have / got / I / insect / hadn’t / repellent ________________________________________________________________________

5. I / casino / money / in / hadn’t / if / have / lost / paid / my / I’d / bills ________________________________________________________________________

6. I’d / my / race / broken / I / won / if / have / leg / that / hadn’t ________________________________________________________________________

7. loudly / let / hadn’t / in / if / have / us / the / you / there / spoken / she’d / stay / library ________________________________________________________________________

8. we’d / have / caught / earlier / our / if / we’d / arrived / train ________________________________________________________________________

B) Read the statements for each sentence from part A). Mark them T (TRUE) or F (FALSE).

1. The speaker feels sorry. ____ 

2. The speaker is happy they took their compass ____ 

3. The speaker thinks the broken window is his fault. ____ 

4. The speaker doesn’t have problems with insects. ____ 

         5. The speaker didn’t run out of money. ____

         6. The speaker is happy he isn’t in the race.____

         7.The speaker is happy to be with her friend. ____

         8. The speaker is annoyed that they left late. ____

4. Read the dialogue. Complete it using the phrases from the table.

Jack: Hey, Steve! You look upset. What’s happened? 

Steve: It’s our anniversary with Jessica today. But I have no idea what to do. 

Jack: Calm down, buddy! I’m sure1) _________________________, you’ll find something. How about chocolates and flowers? Girls love them very much. 

Steve: Ha, nice try. 2)___________________________, I would have bought them immediately. 

Jack: Invite her to the restaurant. Just think - candles, sounds of violins and delicacies. 3)__________________________, you will enjoy the romantic atmosphere and tasty dinner at the same time. 

Steve: I did it last year and our evening was ruined. By the way, it was your fault! 

Jack: My fault? Why? What did I do? 

Steve: It’s more what you didn’t do. Jessica is your sister.4) _____________________________________, I wouldn’t have taken her to the ‘Steak House’. And now she thinks I’m a cruel guy eating little cows. Tsss. Here she’s coming. Hi, Jess! Darling … What? She has just walked right past me. What have I done? 

Jack: Umm…Steve, I guess I know what seems to be the problem. What is the exact date of your anniversary? 

Steve: The 27th of July. 

Jack: Steve, it’s the 28th of July today. 5) ______________________ ______________, you wouldn’t have mixed up the days. She looks furious! 6) __________________________, I’d stay away from her for a while.

A) if she hadn’t had an allergy to both of them

B) if you think a bit

C) if you had been more attentive

D) if you go there

E) if I were you

F) if you had told me that she was a vegetarian



5. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1) If she doesn’t do her homework, ____________________________________________

2) I’d feel very angry if  _____________________________________________________

3) They wouldn’t have missed their flight if ______________________________________

4) Would Ted mind if I _______________________________________________without asking him?

5) If this student were good at English, _________________________________________

6. Listen to the song “If I had a million dollars” and put a tick () next to the things the person would do if he had this money.


1. make furniture for the house

2. buy a real fur coat

3. build a tree fort in the yard

4. spend a week in the castle

5. buy an ordinary pet

6. walk to the store

7. go on a cruise

8. drive a limousine

9. eat more Kraft dinner

10. buy really expensive ketchup

*Answer the question. What would you do if you had $1 million dollars? _____________________________________________________________________


1. Match the types of Conditionals to their use.

1 – B, F

2 – D

3 – A, C

4E, G

2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.











3. A) Put the words into the correct order.

1 – If I’d known you were in hospital, I’d have gone to visit you.

2 – If we hadn’t had a compass, we wouldn’t have been able to find our way.

3 – If you’d stopped the ball, it wouldn’t have broken the window.

4 – If I hadn’t bought insect repellent, we would have got stung by bugs.

5 – If I hadn’t lost money in casino, I’d have paid my bills.

6 – If I hadn’t broken my leg, I’d have won that race.

7 – If you hadn’t spoken loudly in the library, she’d have let us stay there.

8 – If we’d arrived earlier, we’d have caught our train.


B) Read the statements. Mark them T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)

1 – T (TRUE)

2 – T (TRUE)

3 – F (FALSE)

4 – T (TRUE)

5 – F (FALSE)

6 – F (FALSE)

7 – F (FALSE)

8 – T (TRUE)


4. Read the dialogue. Complete it using the phrases from the table.

1 – B - if you think a bit

2 – A - if she hadn’t had an allergy to both of them

3 – D - if you go there

4 – F - if you had told me that she was a vegetarian

5 – C - if you had been more attentive

6 – E - if I were you

5. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

Your students’ own ideas.

6. Listen to the song “If I had a million dollars” and put a tick ( ) next to the things the person would do if he had this money.

3. build a tree fort in the yard

8. drive a limousine

9. eat more Kraft dinner

10. buy really expensive ketchup

* If I had $1 million dollars, I would …

Ресурсы, которые были использованы для подготовки данной работы:

Song “If I had a million dollars” by Barenaked Ladies.

Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

Комментарии (3)

Сюсюкайло Татьяна Айдамировна, 13.08.17 в 13:41 0Ответить Пожаловаться
Такой большой возрастной диапазон, с 7-го по 11-ый классы... Возможно ли составить работу, удовлетворяющую таким разным уровням?
Капаева Елена Александровна, 13.08.17 в 19:07 0Ответить Пожаловаться
Уважаемая Татьяна Айдамировна!
Данную работу я составляла, исходя из собственного опыта работы:в настоящее время в нашем учебном заведении обучение проходит по 2 программам (УМК Starlight (для групп с углубленным изучением английского языка) и УМК Spotlight), до этого работала по УМК Биболетовой М.З и УМК Верещагиной И.Н. Например, знакомство учеников с условными предложениями по УМК Starlight начинается в 6 классе (Module 4 - Cond. Types 0,1,2 и Module 5 - Cond.Type 3), и к этой теме мы возвращаемся в Starlight7 (Module 3 - Conditionals Types 0,1,2,3), в то время как в Spotlight7 ученики знакомятся лишь с Cond. Types 0,1(Module 5), а уже в Spotlight8 - Cond.Types 0,1,2,3 (Module 8c). Учитель также может воспользоваться данной работой для повторения/обобщения знаний по теме в старших классах.Учебные программы могут разниться довольно существенно, так же как и уровень подготовки и знаний учащихся. В пояснении к работе (публикации)я написала,что выбор класса для проведения данной работы зависит от уровня знаний ваших учащихся по теме и содержания/учебной программы УМК (может это пояснение не отразилось в публикации???:((()
С уважением,
Капаева Елена Александровна

Отредактировано 13-08-2017 19:15

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