Разработка теста по английскому языку для студентов языкового направления
Разработка теста по английскому языку для студентов языкового направления
Возраст учеников: студенты 2 курса вуза.
Направление: Педагогическое образование с двумя профилями. История и Английский язык.
Предмет: Практический курс иностранного языка.
УМК: «Английский для студентов языковых вузов. 2 этап обучения» (авторы Зыкова Г. Н., Кочетова Л. А., Лебедев А. М.).
Тип: итоговый по теме.
Тема: Jobs and careers.
Время на выполнение: 60 минут.
Test “Jobs and careers”
1 вариант
1) Fill in with necessary words/ prepositions (you should also put the words in the right form where necessary).
1. I’m afraid I won’t be able to _____ with this enormous amount of work.
2. You were late when last week our teacher was _____ the register, you should ask her to add a record.
3. I _____ all the responsibilities of this job long time ago, so now it’s not a big deal for me.
4. In order to be _____, you should _____ contacts with as many _____ as you can.
5. She _____ valuable experience working _____ this firm.
6. This _____ is so devoted _____ his job! His boss should be very proud _____ him.
7. - What are you doing?
- I’m filling _____ an application for my new job.
8. - I’d like to know a little more about why you want to _____ your position.
- This position will _____ me a raise in salary.
9. He _____ in 2012 and now he is helping his adult children to _____ his grandchildren.
10. I found a school which principal wants to hire me as a math teacher in the future so I’m certainly _____ a job upon graduation.
Words and prepositions: retire, hire, guarantee, cope, give, get, of, call, for, make, out, employee, raise, employer, change, to, accept.
2) Name the jobs/ trades/ professions.
1. _____ gives lessons on certain subject, checks his students’ knowledge.
2. One of the responsibilities of the _____ is to dress up the mannequins standing near the shop entrance and decorate the place surrounding it.
3. _____ not only protects the forest from poaching and logging, but also keeps the forest a complex ecosystem.
4. _____ is a specialist that deals with the detection, diagnosis and correction of various speech disorders.
5. _____ is a government law enforcement officer, or soldier who protects a person or a group of people.
6. _____ is a practitioner of certain branch of medicine pertaining to the oral cavity.
7. The profession of a _____ involves constant search and sorting of books.
3) Translate the sentences (write on another sheet).
1. Джейн чувствует, что работа с детьми - ее призвание.
2. Я позвоню моему другу, он - плотник, так что точно поможет вам с мебелью, а я договорюсь о скидке.
3. На вашем месте я бы уже трудоустроилась, так как работу на неполный рабочий день можно найти практически во всех сферах деятельности.
4. Каковы перспективы повышения зарплаты и продвижения по службе на этой должности?
5. Кейт не нравилась идея работать учителем физики из-за низкой зарплаты и непослушных детей, но она все-таки заполнила заявление на работу.
6. Если бы он рассматривал преподавание в качестве карьеры, мой старый друг Джек рассказал бы ему обо всех недостатках этой профессии.
7. Так как Майкл - единственный кормилец в семье, ему пришлось устроиться рабочим на стройку, хотя ему очень не нравятся рабочие условия.
8. В середине 80-ых моя бабушка была высококвалифицированным инженером. В 2005 она уволилась, но иногда навещает своих бывших коллег.
9. Мне нравится идея работать хирургом, но в то же время я боюсь длинного рабочего дня, ночных смен и отсутствия личной жизни - я буду чувствовать себя замужем за своей работой!
10. Энн работала изо всех сил, затем получила прибавку к зарплате, а через 3 месяца ее повысили! Я думаю, ее работодатель знает, что она - ценный работник.
4) Choose one statement, say if you agree or not and explain why (3-5 sentences) (write on another sheet).
1. Men are better doctors than women.
2. Working as an office clerk is boring.
3. A good teacher always knows how to maintain discipline in the classroom.
4. It is better to have a monthly salary than a weekly one.
5. You should be honest about your strengths and weaknesses during a job interview.
2 вариант
1) Fill in with necessary words/ prepositions (you should also put the words in the right form where necessary).
1. I saw _____ today’s paper that you need a secretary _____ a knowledge of French.
2. Like a lot of people who want a _____ he’s pushing himself too hard.
3. It’s often difficult for the people who are in work to appreciate the problems of the _____.
4. I’m certainly not married _____ my job.
5. Many people work _____ the federal government all their adult lives.
6. This position is considered to be highly _____, but in fact the salary does not _____ me.
7. The employer has _____ his valuable qualities during the job interview and now Jack is _____ as a financial manager.
8. Why should not a nurse be _____ as valuable and paid as well as a manager?
9. It’s hard to _____ highly trained people, so the working _____ have to be attractive.
10. You should try to _____ a positive image during the job interview if you want to get _____ very well with your future boss.
Words and prepositions: consider, to, present, promotion, in, on, condition, recognize, with, employed (noun), hire, keep, for, pay, satisfy.
2) Name the jobs/ trades/ professions.
1. _____ plans, designs and oversees the construction of buildings.
2. _____ instructs and advises patients on the safe and effective use of medicines and their possible side effects.
3. A _____ is a tradesperson who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for potable (drinking) water, sewage and drainage.
4. A _____ is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities.
5. A _____ is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials.
6. Working as a _____ involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire them to perform legal services.
7. A _____ is a person who formulates and serves alcoholic or soft drink beverages.
3) Translate the sentences (write on another sheet).
1. Как и отец, Алекс выбрал профессию военного.
2. Друзья, центры занятости и объявления о вакансиях в газетах могут помочь вам в поиске работы.
3. На ее месте я бы пошел работать социальным работником, ведь она очень ответственная, умная и любит помогать людям.
4. Выпускаясь, студенты попадают на конкурентный рынок труда, и многие из них на некоторое время остаются безработными.
5. Мне нравится идея работать на фирму. Если бы я была боссом, я бы не смогла проводить так много времени с моей семьей.
6. Любой госслужащий, достигший 60-летнего возраста, имеет право выйти на пенсию.
7. Джейк не заинтересован в профессии учителя, ведь он решил, что хочет стать ученым. Родители хотели повлиять на его решение, но он даже не желает это обсуждать.
8. Метафора «стеклянный потолок» была впервые придумана феминистками для обозначения барьеров в карьере женщин с высокими достижениями.
9. На его месте я бы был готов столкнуться с трудностями в первый рабочий день. Эта должность требует сосредоточенности и аккуратности.
10. Я считаю, что Мэри подходит для этой должности, но мне не нравится идея получать такую маленькую зарплату. Решать ей, но на ее месте я бы тщательно все обдумала.
4) Choose one statement, say if you agree or not and explain why (3-5 sentences) (write on another sheet).
1. Men are better doctors than women.
2. Working as an office clerk is boring.
3. A good teacher always knows how to maintain discipline in the classroom.
4. It is better to have a monthly salary than a weekly one.
5. You should be honest about your strengths and weaknesses during a job interview.
3 вариант
1) Fill in with necessary words/ prepositions (you should also put the words in the right form where necessary).
1. Should all careers be open _____ women?
2. She is _____ to a new job _____ better salary.
3. Teaching is a profession that _____ total commitment.
4. I’m well-qualified and have _____ a course in graphic design.
5. I’m thinking _____ _____ my job, because there are few prospects for promotion.
6. He has _____ as a car dealer _____ Brown and Co. for 10 years.
7. She _____ a little money by working _____ a janitor.
8. Mike _____ the respect of his colleagues because he is always friendly to them and helps them to _____ with different difficulties.
9. I _____ being challenged by new tasks and not afraid _____ working overtime.
10. There are laws to _____ workers _____ losing their jobs.
Words and prepositions: as, require, from, to, make, cope, work (verb), move, of (x 2), enjoy, for, complete, protect, with, change, deserve.
2) Name the jobs/ trades/ professions.
1. A _____ is a trained professional cook and tradesman who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation, often focusing on a particular cuisine.
2. A _____ is a person whose occupation is to cut or style hair in order to change or maintain a person's image.
3. _____ treats diseases, disorders, and injuries in non-human animals.
4. _____ represents sellers or buyers of real estate or real property.
5. A _____ is a person who cleans and maintains buildings such as hospitals, schools, and residential accommodation.
6. An _____ is a professional who invents, designs, analyzes, builds and tests machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost.
7. A _____ is a person who collects, writes, photographs, processes, edits or comments on news or other topical information to the public.
3) Translate the sentences (write on another sheet).
1. На ее месте я бы не была такой амбициозной. Ей все-таки нужно сперва получить высшее образование и развить необходимые навыки.
2. Ваши шансы быть принятым на работу во многом зависят от четкости и информативности резюме.
3. Мне не нравится идея работать пять дней в неделю с девяти до пяти. Но лучше быть реалистичной и принять, что рабочий день именно такой у большинства предприятий.
4. Не стоит кричать на детей длительное время, пытаясь поддерживать дисциплину в классе. Краткого повышения голоса может быть достаточно.
5. Если бы он надел офисный костюм на собеседование, его бы, возможно, приняли на работу. Какой идиот пойдет к работодателю в спортивной майке и шортах?
6. Сьюзан нравится идея получить прибавку к зарплате, поэтому она планирует работать изо всех сил и в будущем обсудить эту тему со своим начальником.
7. Работая фармацевтом, вы должны быть готовы к ночным сменам, усталости и не всегда вежливым клиентам.
8. Пока ты не сделал свой выбор, у тебя так много возможностей! На твоем месте я бы сходил на несколько собеседований, прежде чем окончательно решить, где именно я хочу работать.
9. Дорогие коллеги, день зарплаты настал! Я предлагаю завершить наш рабочий день в 16:00, все равно босса сегодня нет.
10. Карен была ответственным логопедом. В 2007 она вышла на пенсию и сейчас ее «работа» - приглядывать за внуками.
4) Choose one statement, say if you agree or not and explain why (3-5 sentences) (write on another sheet).
1. Men are better doctors than women.
2. Working as an office clerk is boring.
3. A good teacher always knows how to maintain discipline in the classroom.
4. It is better to have a monthly salary than a weekly one.
5. You should be honest about your strengths and weaknesses during a job interview.
Ключи к тесту “Jobs and careers”
1 вариант
1 задание
1) cope
2) calling
3) accepted
4) hired, make, employers
5) gets, for
6) employee, to, of
7) out
8) change, give
9) retired, raise
10) guaranteed
2 задание
1) teacher/ lecturer
2) window dresser
3) forester
4) speech therapist
5) body guard
6) dentist
7) librarian
3 задание
1) Jane feels that working with children is her vocation.
2) I will call my friend, he is a carpenter, so he will definitely help you with the furniture, and I will arrange a discount.
3) If I were you, I would have already been employed, because a part-time job can be found in almost all occupations.
4) What are the prospects for salary increase and promotion in this position?
5) Kate did not like the idea of working as a physics teacher because of low salary and disobedient children, but she still filled out a job application.
6) If he considered teaching as a career, my old friend Jack would tell him about all the disadvantages of this profession.
7) Since Michael is the only breadwinner in the family, he had to get a job as a construction worker, although he does not like the working environment.
8) In the mid 80's my grandmother was a highly qualified engineer. In 2005 she retired, but sometimes visits her former colleagues.
9) I like the idea of working as a surgeon, but at the same time I am afraid of a long working day, night shifts and lack of personal life - I will feel married to my job!
10) Ann worked to the best of her ability, then received a salary increase, and after 3 months she was promoted! I think her employer knows that she is a valuable employee.
4 задание
Творческое задание, оценивается на наличие грамматических/ лексических ошибок + наличие аргументации.
2 вариант
1 задание
1) in, with
2) promotion
3) unemployed
4) to
5) for
6) paid, satisfy
7) recognized, hired
8) considered
9) keep, conditions
10) present, on
2 задание
1) architect
2) pharmacist
3) plumber
4) priest
5) farmer
6) lawyer
7) bartender
3 задание
1) Like his father, Alex chose a military profession.
2) Friends, job centers and vacancy advertisements in newspapers can help you find a job.
3) If I were her, I would start working as a social worker, because she is very responsible, smart and likes to help people.
4) Upon graduation, students enter the competitive job market, and many of them remain unemployed for some time.
5) I like the idea of working for a firm. If I were the boss, I would not be able to spend so much time with my family.
6) Any civil servant who has reached the age of 60 has the right to retire.
7) Jake is not interested in the teaching profession because he has decided that he wants to become a scientist. His parents wanted to influence his decision, but he does not even want to discuss it.
8) The "glass ceiling" metaphor was first invented by feminists to describe the barriers in the career of women with high achievements.
9) If I were him, I would be ready to face challenges on the first working day. This position requires concentration and accuracy.
10) I think that Mary is suitable for this position, but I do not like the idea of receiving such a small salary. It is up to her to decide, but if I were her I would think it over carefully.
4 задание
Творческое задание, оценивается на наличие грамматических/ лексических ошибок + наличие аргументации.
3 вариант
1 задание
1) to
2) moving, with
3) requires
4) completed
5) of, changing
6) worked, for
7) makes, as
8) deserves, cope
9) enjoy, of
10) protect, from
2 задание
1) chef
2) hairdresser
3) veterinarian
4) realtor/ real estate agent
5) janitor
6) engineer
7) journalist
3 задание
1) If I were her, I would not be so ambitious. She still needs to get higher education first and master the necessary skills.
2) Your chances of being hired depend greatly on the accuracy and informativity of your resume.
3) I do not like the idea of working five days a week from nine to five. But it is better to be realistic and accept that the working day is the same for most companies.
4) You should not shout at children for a long time trying to maintain discipline in class. A short voice raising may be enough.
5) If he had worn an office suit for the job interview, he might have been hired. What kind of idiot would go to an employer wearing a sports T-shirt and shorts?
6) Susan likes the idea of getting an increase in salary, so she plans to work to the best of her ability and discuss this topic with her boss in the future.
7) As a pharmacist, you must be prepared for night shifts, fatigue and not always polite customers.
8) Before you make your choice, you have so many opportunities! If I were you, I would attend several job interviews before finally deciding where I want to work exactly.
9) Dear colleagues, the payday has come! I suggest to finish our working day at 16:00, the boss is not here today anyway.
10) Karen was a responsible speech therapist. In 2007 she has retired and now her "job" is to look after her grandchildren.
4 задание
Творческое задание, оценивается на наличие грамматических/ лексических ошибок + наличие аргументации.
Кияйкина Наталья Федоровна
Берсенева Анастасия Александровна