12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Афанасьева Татьяна Александровна34
учитель английского языка
Россия, Карелия респ.

Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку к учебнику Spotlight (6 класс)

TEST. 6 form . Module 3

1) Cоотнеси слова первого столбика со словами второго

parking warden

traffic zone

traffic lights

yellow crossing

zebra lines

wear the driver

talk to a seat belt

2) Напиши предложения в отрицательной форме (опровергни)

Talk to the driver

Cross between parked cars

Push others when you enter the bus

Run into the road

Play on the road

Lean out of the window.

Ride fast.

3) Вставь глаголы (can/ can't)

Look at the traffic light! It's red. You ------------------- cross the road!

Tom is ten. He --------------fly a plane.

I ----------- swim very well. Tomorrow I will take part in swimming competitions.

My friend is from the UK. He------------speak British .

I am twelve years old. I ----- read and write very well.

My mom --------- cook beautifully.

Bob ---------- drive a car. That's why he rides a bisycle.

4) Переведи слова и выражения

Не разговаривай с водителем автобуса!


Не паркуйся здесь!

Не высовывайся из окна!

Поверни налево.

Иди прямо.

Не опаздывай!

Посмотри на доску!

Вы можете повернуть только направо.

Путешествовать на самолете/ на поезде


5) Нарисуй дорожные знаки

You can only turn left.

You can't park here.

You can drive over 30 mph.

You can't turn right.

You can't go here.

Go straight.

6) Допиши предложения

….............before crossing the road!

Always ….........your seat belt.

7) Напиши слова с противоположным значением

stop -

turn right-

in front of the hospital -

green lights -

8) Заполни пропуски предлогами ( in, on, by) ( Fill in) :

Be careful when you cross the street ...... foot.

When you travel ...... a bus, don't annoy others.

It isn't dangerous to travel ...... plane

Always wear a seat belt when you travel ...... a car.

It's safe to travel ...... train.

9) Переведи предложения (Translate the sentences into Russian:)

Look both ways before you cross the road.

Always wear a seat belt.

Don’t lean out of the window.

Make sure your bike is in good working conditions.

Always use the door on the pavement side to get out of the car.

10. Cоотнеси (Match the words with the translations) :

Parking zone

Seat belt

Pedestrian crossing

Traffic lights

Traffic signs

Ремень безопасности



Дорожные знаки

Пешеходный переход

11. Under line the correct item.


1. You can/can’t go straight only. 2. You can/can’t drive over 40 mph.


3. You can/can’t go here. 4. You can/can’t drive at 30 mph.


12. Прочитай текст. Ответь на вопросы после текста. Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Kate and I’m eleven years old. My best friend is Bobby and he’s thirteen years old. Bobby is very smart and can do a lot of things. Bobby can play the violin and the guitar. He is very good at sport. He can swim very well and sail a boat. I can’t swim and sail a boat. Bobby cooks breakfast for himself and his little sister every day. I can’ cook because my mother says I’m too young. There’s one thing that Bobby and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car.


Who is eleven years old, Bobby or Kate?_______________________________


What can Bobby play?______________________________________


What sport can’t Kate do?___________________________________________


Who cooks breakfast every day?________________________________


What can’t Kate and Bobby do?_______________________________________


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