Сценарий новогодней сказки на английском языке «New Year in Prostokvashino»

Материал опубликован 12 December 2022

Сценарий новогодней сказки

«New Year in Prostokvashino.

Цель: развитие творческих способностей и мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.


Закрепление лексического материала уроков английского языка.

Раскрытие творческих способностей детей.

Развитие эмоциональной сферы.

Развитие творческой инициативы учащихся и их познавательной активности.

Воспитание коммуникативных навыков и умения работать в группе.


На сцене:

Комната с окном - экран, в котором - зимний лес;

В комнате – елка, журнальный стол, стулья, на столе чайник, чашки, вазочка с печеньем);

Перед началом сказки:

Ведущий: Давайте представим, как бы выглядел наш любимый мультик про героев из Простоквашино глазами Санты Клауса.

Начало сказки:

Sharik, Uncle Fyodor and Vera Pavlovna decorate the Christmas tree, singing a song, Matroskin is sitting in an armchair with a mobile phone.

Действие 1.

Дядя Федор: Sharik, what date is it today?

Шарик: Why should I know that? I know that it’s winter...

Дядя Федор: Today is the 31st of December, by the way!

Шарик: 31st or 32nd – what’s the difference...

Матроскин: You are a Dark Animal, Sharik! The 32 of December doesn’t exist, and on the 31st people celebrate the New Year holiday!

Шарик: Wow! Father and Mother will come!!! They will bring us tasty things!!!

Вера Павловна: When will mum and dad come? I miss them.

Дядя Федор: May be, they will come tomorrow. Today is mum’s concert. But they will phone.

Матроскин: That is a question... MTS does not work and there is no WI-FI. We live at the edge of the world. No civilization, no internet, no guests…

Действие 2.

Печкин с коробкой пробирается к сцене.

Печкин: knock- knock- knock.

Галчонок Jackdaw: Who's there?

Печкин: It's me, Mister Pechkin. I have brought a telegram and a box from your parents.

Jackdaw: Who's there?

Печкин: It's me, Mister Pechkin.

Jackdaw: Who's there?

Печкин: I am Mister Pechkin!!!

Шарик: (runs to open the door): Wow!

Печкин: (shakes off the snow): Here is the telegram and the box from your parents.

Get and sign! Oh, no! I can’t give you the box. You have no documents.

Матроскин: We do! Whiskas, paws and tails are our documents.

Печкин: I can give you the telegram, but only to read.

Дядя Федор: Dear children! We can't phone you. We'll come after the concert. Here is the box with sweets for the New Year Party.

Шарик: Wow! Dad and mum are coming, it'll be real fun!

Матроскин: Yes, it's fun! But how I could feed them all? Even the box with sweets…

Вера Павловна: But we have a lot of cookies.

Печкин: How about a cup of tea for me?

Дядя Федор: Of course, Mister Pechkin, sit down please!

Everyone, except Matroskin, sits down at the table. Pechkin puts the box under his chair. Galchonok takes Pechkin’s cookies. Pechkin runs after the bird and at the same time Matroskin changes the box.

Печкин: How greedy people can be!

Pechkin is angry, he goes away.

Действие 3.

There was a knock at the door. Olya and her friends appeared.

Галчонок: - Who's there?

Дядя Федор: It’s my friend Olya!

Оля: May we come in?

Все вместе: Come in please.

Дядя Федор: Olya! Girls, hello! We are so glad to see you.

Оля: It’s so cold outdoors!

Вера Павловна: Mom is on TV!

Дядя Федор: But I hear her voice not from the TV.


(минусовка мелодии «Кабы не было зимы»)

If there is no winter snow

In the villages and towns

Hardly we could ever known

Jolly days of smiles

Never kids being around

Snowy girl in gown

Never ski-tracks running down

If there is no winter snow

Never ski-tracks running down

If there is no winter snow

If there’s summer  year round

And no winter ever

Never we should learn about

Christmas’ crazy fever

Father Frost wasn’t leaping

Up the pits and holes

River stopped the icy-freezing

If there is no winter snow

River stopped the icy-freezing

If there is no winter snow

If there is no winter snow

In the villages and towns

Hardly we could ever known

Jolly days of smiles



Mum and dad: Knock- knock- knock.

Шарик: Wow! Father and Mother have come!!!

Dad: Hello, people!

Mum: Hello, dear! We have missed you.

Шарик: Wow!

Everyone hugs…

and then girls dance (a dance from Tik-tok).

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