Тест для 10 класса в двух вариантах к учебнику Spotlight 10 «Module 6»

Материал опубликован 9 March 2022


Класс: 10

Учебник: Spotlight 10

Раздел: 6

Количество заданий:3

Задание 1: вставить слова в предложения по смыслу

Задание 2: раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужную форму (условные предложения 1,2,3 типов)

Задание 3: перевести слова и фразы по теме на английский язык

Время выполнения: 40 минут


Test 6 . Spotlight 10. Variant 1.

Ex. 1 Fill in the correct word: protect, raw, vegetarians, carbohydrates, brain, overweight, fiber, rumbling, indigestion, potatoes

I am hungry and my tummy starts ….

Orange foods are …. food.

My favourite vegetables are cucumbers and …..

In sushi they use … fish. I don’t like it.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and …..

Chips contain many ….

Fruit and vegetables ….. us from all kinds of illnesses. 

Ann is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.

If you have ….., you should avoid spicy food.

This restaurant is a great place for ….

Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

I'm sure she (come) if you invite her.

If the weather (be) fine, we will go for a walk.

If I were you, I (not spend) so much time playing video games.

If I (can) live anywhere in the world, I would live in Bali.

 If she had studied harder, she (have) a well-paid job.

If you had added more spices, the meat (be) more tasty.

If I had bought dollars earlier, I (be) rich.

If I (be) you, I (stop) eating junk food.

If you are at home on time, I (have) dinner with you.

If it wasn’t so cold outside, we (go) for a walk.

Ex. 3 Translate into English

1. сырая рыба 2. вареный картофель 3. желтая дыня 4. изжога 5. обслуживание 6. широкий выбор 7. самообслуживание 8. персонал 9. углеводы 10. лишний вес

Test 6 . Spotlight 10. Variant 2.

Ex. 1 Fill in the correct word: soothing, peaches, service, overweight, carbohydrates, dry seeds, boiled, protein, red, atmosphere

.. foods get you moving.

My favourite fruits are apples and …..

In okroshka they use …. vegetables. I don’t like it.

Diary products are rich in …..

Sugar contains many ….

Blue foods are ….

Susan is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.

If you have ….., you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.

The …. in this restaurant is too slow.

I like this place for its informal and relaxed ….

Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

I'm sure he (join) us if you invite him.

If there is no rain, we (ride) a bike.

If I were you, I (not let) her go.

If I (can) buy any car, I would buy Mercedes-Benz McLaren .

If she (finish) her homework on time, she would have come to the party.

If you had added more salt, the dish (be) more tasty.

They (go) to Alaska if everything (be) ready for them.

If I (be) you, I would stop watching this silly film.

If you are ready on time, we (not wait) you outside.

If it wasn’t so rainy outside, we (go) for a walk.

Ex. 3 Translate into English

1. сырой баклажан 2. жареное мясо 3. красный арбуз 4. сухая кожа 5. неформальная атмосфера 6. приемлемые цены 7. самообслуживание 8. жирная рыба 9. клетчатка 10. лишний вес

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