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Степанова Виктория Витальевна38

Тест по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме:

« Использование похожих глаголов make /do и tell /ask /say »

Предмет- Английский язык

Класс- 6

Тема –« Глаголы с похожим значением - make /do и tell /ask /say »

Автор теста – Степанова В.В. , ГБОУ СОШ № 483 , г. Санкт - Петербург

Цель данного теста проверить умения учащихся правильно употреблять похожие глаголы, выбирать правильный глагол для использования с существительным, правильно использовать ранее изученную лексику.

Всего в тесте 36 вопросов в четырех заданиях. Оценивается тест следующим образом : за каждый правильный ответ дается один балл, далее баллы суммируется и ставится оценка .

Оценка «5» - 33-36 баллов

Оценка «4» - 26-32 балла

Оценка «3» - 15 – 25 баллов

Оценка «2» - 0 -14 баллов


1.Choose the right word

Complete these sentences, choosing one of the words in brackets in the correct form.

1. Could you ________ a photo of them ? ( Do / Take)

2. That nigh I _______ a dream about Mary . (Have / Make)

3. Didn’t you listen _______the phone ringing ? (Hear / Listen )

4. Molly _______ us that she was from Germany .( Tell / Say )

5. We spent the evening _________television. ( Look / Watch / See )

6 . Harry ________ the gardening every day.( Make / Do)

7. Try not to _______so many mistakes when you write. (Make / Do)

8 . Just a minute, I have to _______ a quick phone call before we go .(Do / Make)

9. We _______ the shopping every Friday. ( Do / Make)

10. Kathy and Andrew help their grandmother _______ the cleaning at the weekend. ( Do / Make)

11. Our teacher _______ us to open our books. ( Told / asked / Said )

12. The secretary _______ him to complete the form. ( Said / Asked / Told)

2. Look at these words and phrases. Decide which verb ( have, take, do , make) you can use with them- and then put them in the right box .One of the words can go in more than one box. Which word is it?

your job * the cooking * a suggestion * notes * a noise * a headache * a rest * a photo * an exam * an affort * your homework * a bath * a problem * a party* a mistake





3. Choose one word from each box, and write a sentence.





4. Translate into English . Choose make or do

Делать домашнее задание-

Мыть посуду-


Вытирать пыль-

Приготовить блюдо-

Делать украшения -

Заваривать чай-

Делать покупки-


                                                 Ответы / The keys:

1.Choose the right word

Complete these sentences, choosing one of the words in brackets in the correct form.

1. Could you take a photo of them ? ( Do / Take)

2. That nigh I had a dream about Mary . (Have / Make)

3. Didn’t you hear the phone ringing ? (Hear / Listen )

4. Molly told us that she was from Germany .( Tell / Say )

5. We spent the evening watching television. ( Look / Watch / See )

6 . Harry does the gardening every day.( Make / Do)

7. Try not to make so many mistakes when you write. (Make / Do)

8 . Just a minute, I have to make a quick phone call before we go .(Do / Make)

9. We do the shopping every Friday. ( Do / Make)

10. Kathy and Andrew help their grandmother to do the cleaning at the weekend. ( Do / Make)

11. Our teacher told us to open our books. ( Told / asked / Said )

12. The secretary asked him to complete the form. ( Said / Asked / Told)

2. Look at these words and phrases. Decide which verb ( have, take, do , make) you can use with them- and then put them in the right box .One of the words can go in more than one box. Which word *is it?

your job * the cooking * a suggestion * notes * a noise * a headache * a rest * a photo * an exam * an affort * your homework * a bath * a problem * a party* a mistake





a noise

your job


a party

a suggestion

the cooking

a photo

a rest

a mistake

your homework

a bath*

a problem

an affort

an exam

a headache

a bath*

*Слово , которое может быть записано более чем в один столбик- Bath

3. Choose one word from each box, and write a sentence:


Our fater doesn’t like when we make a lot of noise.

Do your job well.

I would like to take a bath before I go to bed.

We have Billy’s birthday party on Sunday.

4. Translate into English. Choose make or do

Делать домашнее задание - do the homework

Мыть посуду - do the washing-up

Позвонить - make a phone call

Вытирать пыль- do the dusting

Приготовить блюдо- make a dish

Делать украшения - make a decoration

Заваривать чай - make a tea

Делать покупки - do the shopping


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