Тестовые задания по учебнику English "Сферы"

Материал опубликован 30 September 2024

Тест Form:6

Unit 1

I Combine words from two columns and translate them. ( Соедините слова из двух колонок и переведите, полученные словосочетания)

1 stormy

A. mountain

2 green

B. the bed

3 high

C. a chance

4 be

D. some money

5 make

E. place

6 give

F. weather

7 borrow

G. holiday

8 uncomfortable

H. nervous

9 special

I chair

10 active

J. aliens

II Make these sentences negative

1 We went shopping yesterday.

2 He cleans the room every day.

3 They are happy.

4 I painted the kitchen door 2 days ago.

5 They were twins.

6 There are hibiscus flowers in Jamaica.

III Complete sentences using prepositions: on the left, by, in front of,

on, up, from ….to

1 Spain borders …….. Portugal.

2 Mrs Wilson went to France …….train.

3 Russia has many types of climate …… very cold …. very hot.

4 We went ….. the Empire State Building.

5 There is a chair ……. the table.

6 ……… you can see an underground.

IV Translate sentences from Russian into English

1 В нашей школе есть комната отдыха.

2 Он недружелюбный.

3 Мы были на красивом пляже.

4 Ты можешь взять лыжи напрокат.

5 Это большой остров.

6 Ты правда так думаешь?

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