Food traditions in the UK and in the USA

Материал опубликован 27 October 2020

Презентация Food traditions in the UK and in the USA
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«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1»

пгт. Нижний Одес

Проектно-исследовательская работа

Тема «Food traditions in the UK and the USA»

Выполнила: Прощенкова Анастасия Денисовна обучающаяся 9А класса МБОУ «СОШ №1» пгт. Нижний Одес

Научный руководитель: Воронина Анастасия Романовна, преподаватель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №1» пгт. Нижний Одес

пгт. Нижний Одес


Table of contents

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение 1

Настя, цель и задачи обосновываем во введении, то есть первую строчку надо убрать в оглавлении и страницу во введении скорректировать 2

Introduction 3

Food traditions in the UK and the USA 3

Chapter 1. Meals 5

1.1. Breakfast 5

1.2. Lunch 5

1.3. Dinner 6

Chapter 2. Holidays 7

2.1. Christmas 7

2.2. Easter 8

2.3. Thanksgiving Day 8

Chapter 3. English, American cuisine and Russia 10

Conclusion 11

References 12

5) American Cuisine: 9 Traditional Foods of the USA.-URL: (дата обращения:16.09.19) 12

6) American food: The 50 greatest dishes.-URL: (дата обращения:27.12.19) 12

Настя, цель и задачи обосновываем во введении,
то есть первую строчку надо убрать в оглавлении и страницу во введении скорректировать

Introduction Food traditions in the UK and the USA

Although the United States of America did use to be part of Great Britain on the other side of the tiny little pond and the two lands do share a primary language, there are pretty big cultural differences between the two - for one the food is different. Britain supposedly home to overcooked tasteless food, America for an illustrious love affair with burgers, fries, and donuts. No other country has created two additional mealtimes in the day: elevenses, helping bridge that gap between breakfast and lunch, and afternoon tea, which is between lunch and dinner. British food is alive, well, and continues to thrive. We are a little humbler in our approach. Unlike our American sibling, we don’t shout quite as loudly about our achievements. After surveying the facts, though, could Britain be responsible for America’s current culinary craze? Probably, some traditional meals that the United Kingdom offers includes: Sunday roast, which is roast beef, potatoes, and Yorkshire pudding; Shepherd’s Pie, which is literally just meat and potatoes; and other pastry-and-meat assorted dishes.

On average, a person spends about four years of their entire life eating. And it’s very interesting to learn about food customs in the UK and America especially because they are very different from ours.

The goal of this study is to learn the main traditions of English and American cuisine to expand your knowledge of the country

The tasks of this study are

1) to study the literature

2) to collect information about the culinary traditions of England and the United States

3) to identify similarities and differences in food traditions

4) to study their role in people’s lives

5) to provide interesting facts

The object of the study is the culinary traditions of England and the United States. The subject of the study is their similarities and differences

Here are some similarities and differences between the UK and the USA food traditions.

Moreover, I believe we may study about the traditions of Russian cuisine in the UK and the USA next year and learn about its influence on culinary traditions in these countries

Chapter 1. Meals

Meals are a very important part of the life of every Englishman and American. This is what their daily food routine consists of.


Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Nutrition experts believe that breakfast is the most important meal, skipping it increases the chances of developing obesity, diabetes, and can lead to a heart attack.

This typically comprises of the following things: toasted bread, spread with butter, jam, marmalade or honey; followed by a 'fry-up' or cooked breakfast of fried bread, sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs and tomatoes. It is usually served with hot tea, with milk. In the morning Americans have cereal or scrambled eggs, milk or orange juice.


Lunch is a meal that is eaten in the middle of the day. Moreover, both the British and Americans like to eat.

A Packed lunch usually consists of a few sandwiches, a bag of chips, an Apple, and a can of something to drink, such as Coca-Cola. Pork pie, sausage roll, even a Scotch egg turn the body over between meals, and it can be easily eaten on the go. We have all these hearty, savory snacks.

Americans love to eat sandwiches for lunch. In fact, there is no better food for lunch. The most popular combination for lunch is probably soup and salad. Since most people don't have a very long lunch break, fast food is very popular.

Americans drink a lot of juice and soda, iced tea. Americans love their coffee, but in the UK you will most likely find an assortment of tea with your dishes. Tea even has its own daytime activity there - but it's not always as fancy as you think.


Dinner –is the biggest and the main meal of the day. In the UK it begins with soup. The most typical thing to eat for dinner is ‘meat and two vegs’. This consists of a piece of meat accompanied by two different boiled vegetables. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. Brits love a meat pie. Although Americans may enjoy a chicken or turkey pot pie, it’s just not as big of a thing here as it is across the pond. It’s not uncommon to see steak or pork meat pies in many varieties in America.

Chapter 2. Holidays

Holidays take up a significant part of our lives. Every year, a person celebrates their Birthday, New Year, Christmas, and many other famous holidays. First of all, a holiday is a kind of day of rest. But it differs from the weekend in that it is a solemn day, which then should leave the warmest and most beautiful memories. During the holidays, everyone shares warm and kind emotions. Of course, a holiday makes our life much brighter, more beautiful and unforgettable. In Russia, there is no such tradition – to celebrate food days. In the US, on the contrary, this custom is so common that every month there are about 10-15 such days! In total, Americans celebrate 175 days of food or drink a year: from the most trivial examples, such as pies and chocolate, to rare and specific dishes – cassoulet, zucchini bread or fried snails. By comparison, there are only six such days a year in the UK these days are dedicated to sausages, tea, cookies, the national dish fish and chips, beer and burgers.


The traditional Christmas dish is Turkey, pudding and pie. Christmas pudding is a special rich pudding made with a lot of dried fruits (raisins, currants), eggs, mastic and a very small amount of flour. Christmas Turkey pudding, Christmas pie, juicy mince pies are signals of the beginning of the Christmas season in the UK.

These tiny tartlets are traditional for holidays in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. They are often served with mulled wine, and they start popping up everywhere, from work canteens and coffee corners to the local Starbucks, as the days begin to shorten. It is considered a great fortune to eat meat pie every December day, and most people do not refuse it when offered to them.

Turkey has long replaced goose as the most popular main dish. But it is the fact that the Turkey comes out on the table that makes it particularly British.

The British table almost always includes piles of crispy Golden fried potatoes - the so-called fried potatoes-best cooked in goose fat.

In New England, a logger's pie made with mashed potatoes and stuffed with meat and vegetables is a must-have for the Christmas holiday, while the Pennsylvania Dutch serve their families and friends shortbread pies. In the southern States, whiskey cake and cereal souffle are often served, and empanadas are a staple food in new Mexico. Roast ham and Turkey are the most popular Christmas dinner main courses across the country, but some regions also serve seven fish seafood salad, roast pork, roast goose with red cabbage, and jambalaya Crayfish.


Easter is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. At Easter, people eat colored and chocolate eggs, especially those like children. Moreover, mothers prepare traditional hot cross buns and famous Apple pies! Apple pies are usually made with apples, sugar, and eaten with custard.

Like Christmas, Easter has many associations with food. In the UK, on Easter Sunday, families will sit down for a juicy dinner of roast lamb stuffed with herbs, Royal Jersey and traditional peppermint sauce with seasoning. Other foods associated with Easter are hot cross buns, Simnel pie, and Easter cookies, a rich and indulgent food that is forbidden during the previous 40 days of Lent. Simnel cake is a rich fruit cake with a marzipan filling and 11 marzipan balls on top, each representing each of the disciples of Jesus, with the exception of Judas. In America Easter can be like glazed ham and seasonal vegetables are also a popular choice and are good for feeding the crowd.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving was originally a celebration of expressing gratitude and appreciation to God, as well as to family and friends for material well-being and kindness. In the United States and Canada, this holiday has largely lost its religious significance and has become civil, accepted, and nationwide.

The centerpiece of modern Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada is a large meal, usually centered on a large roast Turkey. Thanksgiving dinner is the largest food event in the United States; people eat more on Thanksgiving than on any other day of the year.

In the UK, people usually eat pickles, green olives, celery, roast Turkey, stewed oyster, cranberry sauce, giblet sauce, dressing, asparagus cream, potatoes with snowflakes, baked carrots, hot rolls, fruit salad, meat pie, fruit pie, candy, grapes, apples, clams, fish, and many other foods on Thanksgiving day.

Chapter 3. English, American cuisine and Russia

Hotdogs in the park, doughnuts on the go, burgers that are sold on every corner, sandwiches- these gastronomic habits are firmly established in the lives of Russians. They were borrowed from residents of North America corporations like McDonald’s, KFS. Burger King contributes to the spread of American food habits around the world including Russia.

However, there are a lot of differences between Russian cuisine and English and American cuisine.

A distinctive feature of Russian peasant cuisine dishes is that there is almost no such method as frying. Also, Russian cuisine is characterized by harvesting vegetables and fruits using pickling and urination. However, for modern versions of Russian dishes, frying is an equal cooking process along with the rest. In particular, pancakes, eggs, and many types of meat dishes are fried.

Russian products are typically more 'natural' and, to my taste, more delicious.

Different regions of the UK have their own delicacies: Wales-lamb with mint sauce; Scotland-oatmeal porridge with meat and spices; England-steaks; Northern Ireland-trout.

In the 18th century English cuisine was still widely recognized throughout Europe. But then the situation changed: leading positions in cooking passed to other European countries. However, experts it is much better than the glory of it.

There are also borrowed foreign dishes in Britain. In the history of great Britain as a colonial power, British cuisine was strongly influenced by the cooking of ‘overseas’ countries, primarily India. For example, an Anglo-Indian chicken dish (tikka masala) is considered a real British 'national dish'.


Thus, our hypothesis that the national cuisines of Great Britain and England differ from each other was confirmed.

The study examined traditional national dishes of British and American cuisine, traditional holiday dishes, as well as food traditions.

It became clear that the English have a first Breakfast ( breakfast), second Breakfast or lunch (lunch), Evening tea (five-o-clock), lunch (dinner), which falls on 18-20 hours.

It is interesting to note that English desserts, even by world standards, are considered the highest achievement of culinary art. There is "English Apple pie"; "caramel pudding"; "Cornish pasty" - puff pastry pie with various fillings; "Simnel" - fruit pie with almond paste.

Americans also have their own traditions. For example, ice is widely used in American cuisine. Iced tea is ubiquitous, and the restaurant serves a pitcher of ice. A typical product in American cuisine is considered cheese. Also, Americans are very fond of peanut paste-a traditional American product made from ground peanuts with the addition of vegetable oil and salt. Americans also love corn – they use it to make first and second courses, bread, and everyone's favorite corn flakes and popcorn.

There are similarities in the cuisines of great Britain and England. They are, for example, porridge or omelette for Breakfast, cheese and pork rinds, as well as oven-baked beef Dishes, which are popular in all countries.

All cuisines were influenced by the peoples who inhabited these countries. I was very interested in working on the project, as I learned a lot of useful and helpful information, and this knowledge can be applied in the future when learning English.


1) Безлепкин Ю.В. Кухня народов мира. – Харьков: Прапор, 2000 г. -461c.

2) Новоженов Ю.М., Сопина Л.Н. Зарубежная кухня. — М.: Высшая школа, 1991 г. -283c.

3) Похлебкин В.В. Кулинарный словарь. Классики кулинарного искусства.- М: Центрполиграф, 2002 г. - 302 с.

4) Сатинова В.М. Читаем и говорим о Британии и британцах. – М.: Высшая школа, 1997 г.- 334с.

5) American Cuisine: 9 Traditional Foods of the USA.-URL: (дата обращения:16.09.19) 6) American food: The 50 greatest dishes.-URL: (дата обращения:27.12.19)

7) Top 10 British foods- with recepties.-URL: (дата обращения:07.01.20)

8) The 20 most popular British foods to try in the UK.- URL: (дата обращения:03.02.20)

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