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It has no mouth but speaks. It has no mouth but speaks. It is not a tree but it has leaves. It is not alive but it can be a good friend.

Reading, Reading, Reading, Reading, Reading, Reading, I refuse it never! Reading, Reading, Reading, makes me very clever!

There are some proverbs on the black board. Read it and write in your exercise – books, please. 1)A room without books is like a body without a soul. 2)Tell me what you read and I will tell you what you are 3)Books are a great thing as long as you know how to use them 4)There is no friends so faithful as a good book 5)We are what we read

A house without books is like a garden without flowers… like a body without a soul… A house without books is like a garden without flowers… like a body without a soul…

1   2   3   4 5   1. блестящий (превосходный) 2. источник 3. автор 4. хорошо осведомленный, информированный 5. захватывающий, восхитительный, пленительный

1 B R I L L I A N T   2 S O U R C E   3 A U T H O R   4 K N O W L E D G E A B L E 5 F A S C I N A T I N G  

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My favourite book( to write, to speak 7 sentences)

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