12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Альмакеева Оксана Ивановна27

1.      A. Form noun with the help of these suffixes ( there may be more than 1 world):

-tion, -ity,-er/-or, -ness, -ment

Employ, lonely, advertise, announce, determined, popular, instruct, manage, communicate, spectacular, entertain, responsible, celebrate, dark, invent, govern.

B.     Complete the sentences with some noun from A:

1.      After fast and colourful sunset total __________fell on the island. ( dark)

2.      The total was only 2 km from the city`s shopping and_____areas.  (entertain)

3.      There was over 10,000________at the stadium on Sunday. ( spectacular)

4.      Whatever you do, it`s important to have ambition and _______. (determined)

5.      Jane served as a ________for MR. Rochester`s little foster-child. (govern)

6.      Initiative and social skills are always attractive to_______(employ)

7.      The industry needs better _______rather than more money. ( manage)

8.      They invited a few ______to open the festival. ( celebrate)

9.      Sometimes we prefer to use symbols and icons for__________. (communicate)

10.  She takes her _______ as a teacher very seriously. ( responsible)

2.      A. Form adjective with the help of these suffixes and translate them :

1.      –fulwonder, beauty, care, harm, help, dread, respect

2.      –less care, harm, end, rest, pain, shape

3.      – ousmystery, fury, courage, nerve, danger, fame, envy

4.      – y salt, fog, rain, mud, dirt, sleep, storm

B. Complete the text  withthe adjective : careless, sleepy, mysterious, dreadful, courageous, endless, nervous, rainy, foggy, shadowy.

One cold (1)______night Sam was driving home. He felt tired and (2)_______.

The weather was (3)_____. The rain seemed (4)_______and to make it worse it was getting (5)_____. Suddenly Sam saw a lonely figure standing at the side of the road.

He slowed down to offer a lift to the (6)______pedestrian. But when he approached the (7)______figure vanished.  Puzzled and a little (8)________Sam slowly continued his way and hardly had he covered 50 metres as he almost bumped into a big fallen tree lying across the road. He saw it just on time. Sam is a (9)_____man and he doesn`t believe in supernatural, but now he says that he is grateful to the (10) ________ghost that saved hin from the accident.

3.      A. Make opposite meanings with the help of these prefixes: un, in, mis, il, dis.

Polite________                                  patience______                           agree_______

True________                                    understand_____                         able________

Legal________                                  reliable_______                           probable____

Expensive____                                  appear_______                            behave______



B. Paraphrase the underlined words.

1. The night clouds vanished and the sky was clear.

2. Not allowed by the law fishing can destroy marine life very badly.

3. He was so exhausted that he couldn`t  answer our questions.

4. We are against their plan.

5. I can`t believe it, it`s false!

6. This ticket is quite cheap.

7. It`s very rude to leave without saying goodbye.

8. Children often act badly and cause trouble at school because of lack of attention at home.

9. I`m afraid you don`t realize the nature of the problem.

10. We could hear eagerness in his voice, he didn`t want to wait.

11. Don`t ask Val for help, he is a person who can let you down.

12. The story sounds not likely to happen!


4.      Mind that these words have different spelling. In the sentences choose the correct word.






1.      My friend_________me to buy this dictionary.-He`s given you really good_________.

2.      To get good results you should _____more. ______makes perfect.

3.      When swimmers saw a shark they ______.  In_____they  turned to the boat.

Do you know how much this rucksack________? –It`s over 20 kilos in________.


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