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Андриянова Ольга Владимировна104

ОГПБОУ « Рязанский колледж культуры»

Конспект урока

Учебная дисциплина: ОД 01.01 Иностранный язык ( английский )

Тема: «Великобритания»

Специальность: 51.02.01 Народное художественное творчество (хореографическое творчество)

2-й курс. Очная форма обучения

Подготовила: Андриянова О.В.

Преподаватель иностранного языка

Преподаватель первой категории



Цели урока:

Развивающие: развивать устную речь, осмысленности восприятия и к распределению внимания, к слуховой дифференциации, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного и услышанного.

Обучающие: совершенствование навыков и умений всех видов речевой деятельности, чтения на английском языке, устного высказывания, понимание текста, основанного на незнакомом языковом материале; введение новой лексики в активный языковой материал.

Воспитательные: формировать у учащихся интерес к культурным и историческим ценностям; развивать познавательную активность на уроке.


совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции во всех видах речевой деятельности;

умение работать с новой лексикой, воспринимать незнакомый текст с извлечением основной информации, обсуждать проблемы по данной теме в монологических и диалогических высказываниях, с извлечением определенной информации.

Оснащение урока: 

ноутбук, экран и проектор; компьютерная презентация ;

бумага и карандаши для работы в группах; тексты из книги В.В. Ощепковой и И.И. Шустиловой «Britain in Brief», кластеры для работы над текстами;

небольшой кусочек из музыкального произведения.

Тип урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков

Ход урока Оргмомент ( Слайд 1) Hello, dear friends! How are you? What date is it today? What’s the weather like today? What’s the season now? Let’s begin our lesson.

Фонетическая зарядка Listen and say after me: [au] bow, how, row, house, round, mountain , county

Now, now! Out of doubt. How about an outing?

Autumn leaves” Down, down, down Red, yellow, brown Autumn leaves tumble down, Autumn leaves crumble down, Autumn leaves bumble down, Flaking and shaking, Tumbledown leaves. ( Cтуденты проговаривают стихотворение в парах и по одному)

Мотивация ( Слайды 2-9) Look at the screen! What connects all these pictures? (Students: Great Britain) You’re right. Are you sure you know everything about this wonderful country? (Students: Not quite)

Предъявление темы урока (Слайд 10) You can see the name of our lesson. (Слайд 11) Firstly, look at these proper names. Listen and say after me! Say them correctly. ( Студенты проговаривают имена собственные хором и индивидуально)

Речевая зарядка ( Слайд 12) Let’s revise the information of the UK. 1.What is the official name of the country which is situated in the British isles?

2. Is it an island country?

3.What countries does the UK consist of?

4.What are their capitals?

5.What separates the UK from the continent?

6.What islands does the country lie on?

7.What is the name of the flag of the UK?

8.Why don’t all the people of the country like to be called English?

9.How many people live in Britain?

10.What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

( Cтуденты показывают на карте части страны, их столицы, Британские острова, пролив, отделяющий их от континента)

Актуализация Imagine that we’re in the British capital now. Were driving along London streets. ( Слайды 13-16) ( Студенты рассказывают о достопримечательностях Лондона)

Релаксация There are a lot of parks in and around London. Oh, it’s so pleasant to sit on the grass in Hyde Park. Please close your eyes and listen to the birds’ songs. ( Звучит музыка – 2 мин) Open your eyes and let’s work again.

Получение новых знаний и их предъявление And now youll work in groups. You should read the text about one of the parts of the UK, find out the most important facts of it and fill in the diagram on the sheet of paper. You ‘ll have 10 minutes to do this work. Start working!

(Четыре группы по 3 человека работают с текстами об Англии, Шотландии, Уэльсе и Северной Ирландии. Задача, изучив предложенные тексты, составить кластер и по нему предъявить новую информацию, о которой узнала та или иная группа. ( Приложение 1, 2)

Well, have you finished? Are you ready to present your work? (Представитель от группы , рассказывает о стране, опираясь на диаграмму на листе ватмана у классной доски , группа поддерживает его, добавляя информацию из текста)

Well, now I think you’ve been interested in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Why not to visit some of these wonderful countries? Make up the dialogues. Give the idea where you’d like to go and why using information of the texts. Your partner will take the idea or suggest the another one.

( Алгоритм диалога: ideas – reasons – attitude – suggestions. ( Приложение 3)

(Student 1: What do you think if we organize a tour to Edinburgh. Every August and September the Edinburgh festival take place so we can see military tattoo. Student 2: Oh! The idea is attractive! Let’s go!)

( Student 3: Let’s have a holiday at Cardiff . It’s the capital of Wales, the largest city of the country. It is its administrative and educational centre. Student 4: I’d rather not. I don’t find it interesting. It would be better to go to Snowdonia - the main tourist attraction of Wales. In summer when the sun is shining, Snowdon looks very peaceful and beautiful. Student 3: All right.)

Рефлексия (Слайд17) Today we know more about the UK it’s symbols, population, culture ….. Do you like our lesson ? 

Заключительная часть Thanks for your work. You were active and smart. Your marks are … . ( Слайд 18) Look at this cup! It isn’t full of tea but it’s full of knowledge of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ( Слайд 19) Your hometask is to prepare a topic about the UK. I’d like you’ll find any information about the UK which will be interesting for your groupmates.

Our lesson is over. Goodbye.

Приложение 1

Et1602146998aa.png ngland

tt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ac.pngt1602146998ac.png he most populated(46 million)

the largest rivers – the Thames and the Severn

the lake District – holiday area

Lt1602146998ac.pngt1602146998ab.png eeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham



Nt1602146998ae.png orthern Ireland

tt1602146998af.pngt1602146998ab.png he smallest part

tt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ag.png he greenest

t1602146998ad.pngt1602146998ah.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ad.png1,5million people

rivers – short, but deep

Tt1602146998ab.png he climate is warm and damp



gt1602146998ab.png reen shamrock

Wt1602146998aa.png ales

7t1602146998ad.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998aj.pngt1602146998ak.png 5 per cent live in towns


flag – Welsh dragon(red)

folk music, singing, drama,


mt1602146998ac.png any choirs

Et1602146998am.png isteddfod – a festival of Welsh culture

yt1602146998an.png ellow daffodil

3t1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ao.png mln people

St1602146998ae.png cotland


5 mt1602146998ad.pngt1602146998aq.pngt1602146998ar.pngt1602146998as.png illion people


Ben Nevis (1343m)

many lakes, Loch Ness

Et1602146998au.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998ab.pngt1602146998av.png dinburgh

festival of Music and Drama

George Byron,

Walter Scott,

Conan Doyle,

Robert Stevenson

Ct1602146998ab.png lyde,

Glasgow, Aberdeen

Приложение 2 ENGLAND

Of the four parts that make up Great Britain England is the largest, the most industrial and the most populated part of the United Kingdom. Over 46 million people of the population of the country live in England.

The greatest concentration of population is in London, Birmingham and northwest industrial cities. The coast of England is washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. No part of England is more than 120 kilometres from the sea.

There are many rivers in England. The longest and the most important is the Thames. The rivers are of great importance for communication and especially for carrying goods.

England is mostly a lowland country. There are upland regions in the north and the southwest, but the rest of England is almost flat.

There is a lot of industry in England. The wool industry is centred in Leeds and Bradford, the cotton industry in Manchester. The industries of the Midlands produce metal goods: from motor cars and railways to pins and buttons. The Midlands represent the largest concentration of manufacturing industry. Lancashire is the centre of the cotton and textile industries, chemicals and textile machinery. Shipbuilding and ship – repairing are also essential for the region

The capital city of England and the United Kingdom is London. Its population is about 6–7 million and it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. It is one of the world's most important financial centre, and one of the largest ports. There are a lot of tourists attractions in London.

Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their universities. Many tourists come over to look at the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall, a stone wall built in the north of England to defend from the Scottish tribes. The Lake District in Northern England with its lakes, mountains and valleys is the favourite holiday area.

In the 15th century the red rose was the emblem of the Lancastrians. Since then the red rose has become the national symbol of England.

lowland – низменность flat – ровная, плоская stone wall – каменная стена to defend – защищать Lancastrians – Ланкастеры


Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England. It’s symbol is a thistle. Scotland takes up one third of the territory of the British Isles, but its population is not very big. Its population is a little over 5 million people.

Scotland is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. Most industrial region is Lowlands . Glasgow is its largest and busiest city.

The traditional Scottish industries are: coal mining, steel manufacture,

shipbuilding, electronic engineering, chemicals, food and drink industries and light engineering.

Edinburg is the capital city of Scotland and its cultural and industrial centre. Clyde is the main river of Scotland.

Scotland is agricultural land, but 70 percent of it consists of hill grazing for cattle and sheep. Only about 10 percent of the agricultural area is used for crops.

Scotland accounts for half of Britain’s forest area. Fishing remains an important activity.

The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis. Many valleys between the hills are filled with lakes, called lochs. The best–known is Loch Ness where some people think a large monster lives. The most important city here is Aberdeen. This ancient city is the oil centre of Scotland.

One of the things that people associate with Scotland is the kilt. The kilt is a relic of the time when the clan system existed in the Highands. Everybody in the clan had the same family name, like Mac Donald or Mac Gregor. Every clan had its own territory and its own tartan.

The Edinburgh festival takes place every August and September. You can see military tattoo. 600 performers play military music and march to it in front of the Castle of Edinburgh for 90 minutes on five or six nights a week.

Sctland is famous for its writers and poets: George Byron, Walter Scott, Robert Stevenson,Conan Doyle.

thistle –татарник, чертополох ( нац. эмблема Шотландии)

is divided – делится

Highlands, Lowlands – Высокогорье, Низменность

Clyde – название реки

consist of hill grazing – состоит из зеленых пастбищ

crops – зерновые культуры

ancient city – древний город

kilt – юбка шотландского горца

tartan – клетчатая шерстяная материя , шотландка

military tattoo – военные марши


Wales became the part of the UK in the 16th century. The Welsh call their country Cymru ['kimri]. Now the population of Wales is over 3 mln people. About 75 percent of the people of Wales live in towns .

The living standard of people here is lower than in England.

Wales is a highland country of old, hard rocks. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys. South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys. The tourist attraction of Wales is Snowdonia - a region of high mountains. In summer when the sun is shining, Snowdon looks very peaceful and beautiful.

The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the largest city of Wales. It is an important industrial city and a port. It is also an administrative and educational centre.

The Welsh people are fond of folk music, singing, poetry and drama. Welsh literature is one of the oldest in Europe. Wales has its own flag called the Welsh dragon.

Since World War II there has been an intensive development in the metals industries. Now the traditional basic industry is coal–mining. It produces 9 percent of Britain's coal. New firms have appeared in Wales, including most recently Japanese and American concerns.

Besides Cardiff the main industrial centres are Newport and Swansea, which are also major ports.

Agriculture occupies about 72 percent of land area, the main activities are sheep and cattle rearing in the hill regions and dairy–farming in the lowlands.

Wales accounts for about 30 percent of forest area in Britain.

The yellow daffodil is the national symbol of Wales.

highland country – высокогорная страна

hard rocks – высокие скалы deep valleys –глубокие долины

Welsh dragon – Уэльский дракон coal-mining – угольная промышленность


Northern Ireland is the smallest part of the United Kingdom. It occupies the northeast of the island of Ireland, only one–sixth of its territory.

The population of Northern Ireland is about 1,5 mln people. 53 percent of the total population live in urban areas.

The fact is that the winds usually flow in from the Atlantic Ocean and make the air warm and damp. Grass grows well in such a climate and it makes the island look so beautiful.

The economy of Northern Ireland has three basic industries – agriculture, textiles, shipbuilding. Agriculture is still the single most important branch of economy. It is based on small family farms and occupies about 72 percent of the land area.

Belfast, the capital city, is the leading industrial centre and a large port. Its chief industries are the production of linen and other textiles, clothing, tobacco and engineering. It has Britain’s largest shipyard. Northern Ireland is particularly well-known for linen.

The symbol of Northern Ireland is the shamrock. There are three leaves on one stem as an illustration of the mystery. The Irish wear this national emblem on St. Patrick’s Day, March, 17.

damp - влажный

linen - льняной

Приложение 3 Ideas: 1) What do you think if we organize a trip to …? 2) What about going to … ? 3) Why not to spend a holiday at … ?

Reasons: ( Look up in the texts of England ,Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

Attitude: 1) I take the idea. 2) I don’t find it interesting /worth of thinking. 3) I think it’s dull. 4) It’s great to put the idea into life. 5) The idea is attractive.

Suggestion: 1) Why not to … . 2) Let’s … . 3) It would be better to … .


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