Презентация урока английского языка в 6 классе «Великобритания»

Материал опубликован 5 October 2016 в группе

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Презентация разработа для 6 класса, обучающихся по УМК Spotlight.Расскрывается тема Великобритании, с рефлексией в конце урока в виде синквейна.
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Предварительный просмотр презентации

What we are speaking about? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

How are the flags related to the map?

p.11, ex. 2 a,b

Every country has its own symbol. Red rose is the emblem of England. The flag of England is the red cross of St.George. England Every country has its own symbol. Red rose is the emblem of England. The flag of England is the red cross of St.George.

The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle and a white flag of St. Andrew. Scotland The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle and a white flag of St. Andrew.

Wales has a daffodil, as a symbol.There are many of them in the Wales valleys. Wales Wales has a daffodil, as a symbol.There are many of them in the Wales valleys.

Northern Ireland Northern Ireland has its own symbol- a shamrock.The flag is the red cross of St.Patrick.

Use the diagram to talk about the UK.

English is the native language in: The United States of America The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Canada Australia New Zealand

Make up the poem about Great Britain communication foreign, native Inglish study, listen, write It’s important to know English

Hometask: p.11, ex.3

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