Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке на тему «Red Data Book»

Материал опубликован 23 March 2024 в группе

Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым








на тему:


"The Red Data Book"





Преподаватель высшей категории Байкова В.А.







Симферополь, 2023



- познакомить учащихся с охраняемыми видами животных и растений России;

- расширять словарный запас и кругозор учащихся; привлечь внимание учеников к проблемам окружающей среды;

- предоставить возможность реализовать свой творческий и интеллектуальный потенциал


- развивать экологическое мышление, речь, память;

- развивать познавательные и творческие способности учащихся;

- развивать коммуникативные навыки


- воспитывать бережное отношение к природе

Оборудование: видеопроектор, презентация, проекты студентов, макет «Красной книги»











Ход мероприятия

Сл. 1 Student 1: Good morning dear guests!

Student 2: We are glad to see you here!

Student 3: Today we’ll start a useful measure about the huge problem of endangered species.

Student 2: By the end of this event we will be able to create the Red Data Book.

Student 1: Here are some words you need to speak about rare animals, birds and plants and to understand the problem of endangered species. Look at the screen: Сл.2 extinct – вымерший

endangered – вымирающий

innocent – невинный

disappear – исчезать

harm – вред

pollution – загрязнение

starve – голодать

ignore – не обращать внимания

adopt an animal –взять животное

humanity – человечность

Student 3: Some animals and plants in our world are very common, like houseflies, cats or daisies. They are not in danger of dying out. Other species are very rare. Sometimes only a few of them are left. Such species may disappear forever.

Student 1: Ever since life on earth began, animals and plants have died out and new ones have appearedDinosaurs, for example, roamed the planet during the earth’s middle ages. 65 million years ago they disappeared forever.

Student 2: Animals and plants need each other to survive. They keep the world of nature in balance. If a certain plant dies out some animals may become extinct too, because they depend on the plant for food.

Видео 1

Student 2: - Why do species become extinct?

Student 1: Long ago, most animals and plants became extinct because of natural events, like earthquakes or volcano eruptions.

Student 3: Climatic changes, like the beginning of the Ice Age, also led to the disappearance of certain species. Today, plants and animals are in danger mostly because of human beings.


Student 2: It’s awful….

Student 1: Yes, People have hurt plants and animals but they are also willing to help them survive.

Student 3: All over the world organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, the Rainforest Action Network or Friends of the Earth are helping to protect habitats.

Student 1: They raise money for their projects and make governments and the public listen to them.

Student 3: New laws have also been made to protect endangered plants and animals all over the world.

Student 2: And what can every person do to protect the animals?

Student 1: To answer this question you can watch the video and try to follow these instructions.

Видео 3

Student 2: But now, what can we do?

Student 1: We can make our own Red Data Book and tell everybody in this hall about the problem of endangered species.

Student 3: Our Students prepared interesting reports about animals and plants which may extinct in the near future.

Доклады студентов:

Сл. 3-4 The King Cobra

Сл. 5-7 The Green Turtle

Сл. 8-10 The Snow Leopard

Сл. 11-12 The Amur Tiger

Сл. 13-14 The Red Wolf

Сл. 15-16 The Manul

Сл. 17-18 The Asian Elephant

Видео 4 (без звука) Стих “Make it Green”

Сл. 19-20 The Lady’s Slipper

Сл. 21-22 The Edelweiss

Сл. 23-24 The Crocus Tauricus

Сл. 25-26 The Snowdrop

Сл. 27-28 The Crimean Peony

Сл. 29-30 The Crimean Birch

Teacher: We’ve just created the Red Data Book. But now I want to ask you some questions:

Сл. 31 Which animals are in the Red Data Book?

Сл. 32 Which plants are in the Red data Book?

Сл. 33 Why do species become extinct?

Сл. 34 What should we do to protect the animals?

Thanks for everybody! Our speakers: (перечисление участников)

Песня “Endangered Species” (Видео 5)







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