Эссе «Why do we learn language?»

Материал опубликован 17 February 2019

Language is one of the important means of communication. With one language every nation would lose their historical and cultural roots. It would be a disaster.

In my opinion, having only one language is a catastrophe. It’s not good idea at all. Firstly, any language bears unique for every nation traditions, customs and history. From way back when nations appeared, everyone spoke their own language which distinguished them from other countries. Secondly, there are a variety of languages. Each language is different from other language because of it requires vocal structures, correct pronunciations and knowledge of grammar. I think it’s wonderful that every person owing to learning language can learn not only how to speak. They can learn a lot various things as a history or interesting facts of this language.

On the other hand, there are people who think that to have one language is a step towards the future. Because they think that speaking in diverse languages is too hard to communicate and understand person of other continent. In their opinions, one language can help to solve the problem of communication and misunderstandings.

I can’t disagree with their point of view. With one language we could stop the wars between countries and come to a general agreement. But we should remember that language bears cultural aspects. Without them the world will come to ruin.

To sum up, I would like to say that one language could unite people all other the world. But it can also lead to loss of historical and cultural roots.



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