Презентация «How do we get to Tunbridge Wells?» (Английский язык, 6 класс)
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Тема урока: How do we get to Tunbridge Wells?
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Тема урока: How do we get to Tunbridge Wells?
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How do we get to Tunbridge Wells?
Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «ориентация в городе» и подтеме «Как добраться до…?», тренировать учащихся самостоятельно работать с фонетическим материалом, повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.
Задачи: Познакомить учащихся с одним из городов юга Англии – Танбридж Уэллсом; Повторить виды транспорта, которыми пользуются люди, добираясь до того или иного объекта; Обучить читать слова с буквосочетанием - ure.
Clap your hands Clap, clap, clap your hands, Clap your hands together. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet, Stamp your feet together.
Touch, touch, touch your ears, Touch, touch, touch your ears, Touch your ears together. Touch, touch, touch your cheeks, Touch your cheeks together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands, Shake, shake, shake your hands, Shake your hands together. Smile, smile at your friends, Let us smile together.
turn – turn – повернуть
right – right – направо
left – left – налево
go down – go down – идти вниз по
go left – go left – идти налево
street – street – улица
road – road – дорога
go past – go past – идти мимо
right side – right side – правая сторона
left side – left side – левая сторона
corner – corner – угол
opposite – opposite – напротив
between – between – между
station – station – станция
how – how – как
Вокабуляр (новые слова): County – графство [kaunti]
distance – расстояние [‘distǝns]
measure – мера, измерять [‘meӡə]
pleasure – удовольствие [‘pleӡǝ]
treasure – сокровище, клад treasure – сокровище, клад [‘treӡə]
Tunbridge Wells - Танбридж Уэлс [Tanbridӡ Wǝlz]
What is the full name of Tunbridge Wells? What is the full name of Tunbridge Wells? Royal Tunbridge Wells
Is Tunbridge Wells in London? Is Tunbridge Wells in London? No, it is not in London.
Which county is Tunbridge Wells in? Which county is Tunbridge Wells in? In Kent
Is Tunbridge Wells far from London? Is Tunbridge Wells far from London? Not so far
Guess the meaning of the underlined words: 10 kilometres (six miles) is not a long distance.
Буквосочетание -ure measure treasure pleasure Буква s перед –ure передает звук [ӡ], а –ure передает звук [ε].
For your information In Russia we measure the distance in kilometres. (В России мы измеряем расстояние в километрах). In England they measure the distance in miles. (В Англии в милях)
Answer the questions: Which is longer a mile or a kilometre? How many kilometres are there in 200 miles? How far is your town from Moscow in kilometres / in miles?
How do people get to work / school? Model: Alex gets to work by car.
Read the conversation between Robin, Alice and Misha then answer the questions Read the conversation between Robin, Alice and Misha then answer the questions
Tunbridge Wells is about 50 miles from here. How do we get there? 50 miles isn’t very far. We need a car.
We don’t have a car, but we can go by train. We don’t have a car, but we can go by train. Let’s find a station. That’s a good idea!
How far is Tunbridge Wells from London? How far is Tunbridge Wells from London? How are the friends going to get to Tunbridge Wells? What are the friends looking for?
Royal Tunbridge Wells – Королевский Танбридж-Уэлс. История этого города отражена в его названии. Wells (колодцы) означает, что когда-то этот город был курортом, знаменитым своими водами. Royal Tunbridge Wells – Королевский Танбридж-Уэлс. История этого города отражена в его названии. Wells (колодцы) означает, что когда-то этот город был курортом, знаменитым своими водами. Royal (королевский) добавлено к названию города потому, что этот курорт часто посещали члены королевской семьи.
In pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Model: How do you get to school? - By underground.
How do you get to the shop? How do you get to the shop? How do you get to school? How do you get to your granny’s house? How do you get to Moscow? How do you get to your best friend’s house? How does your mother get to work?
Answer my questions, please (around Ust-Maya) How can I get to “Red Shop” from this school? - Can you tell me how can I get to the Ust-Maisky library from school? - Would you like to tell me how to get to the airport in Petropavlovsk?
Is your school far from your house? Is your school far from your house? How do you get to sсhool? How long does it take you to get to your school?
– How long does it take you to get to the nearest bus stop / your favourite shop? – How long does it take you to get to the nearest bus stop / your favourite shop?
Role play. Role play. Roles: a stranger and a passer-by. Where ……is? How to get to…..? The best way to get to …… How far it is? Which bus you should take?
Home task: be ready to the project.
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