Исследовательская работа "English folk songs and poems translated by Russian writers".
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Автор публикации: Ю. Пичугина, ученица 5Б класса
Пояснительная записка к презентации
Автор публикации: Ю. Пичугина, ученица 5Б класса
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English folk songs and poems translated by Russian writers a research project on linguistics The author : Julia Pichugina form 5”B” The supervisor : Leskova E.P.
Contents 4 Introduction 1 2 Chapter 1 Samuil Yacovlevich Marscak and Kornei Chukovsky are great translators of English songs and poems Chapter 2 The translation of English songs and poems done By Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak and Kornei Chukovsky Conclusion 1.1. Translation types of poems 1.2. Special features of Marshak’s works 1.3. “Rules for children poets” made by Chukovsky 3 2.1. “The Crooked Man” 2.2. “The Tailors and the Snail”
Russian children can hear English folk literature even in their childhood. These poem are translated by S. Marshak and K. Chukovsky. “The brave men” and “The crooked song” are famous books where folk literature is collected.
English poems are very enjoyable. The are easy to read and funny. The collection of English poems “Nursery Rhymes” has always attracted Russian poets. Here we can find songs, cradles, counting-out rhymes and poems for children.
To find out what is different and what is similar in their translations To compare the translation done by Marshak and Chukovsky To translate the poems In my work I study two English poems: “The crooked man”, “The tailors and the Snail” and their translations done by S.Y. Marshak and K.I. Chukovsky. The aim
The object of my project The subject matter of my project The value of my project English folk songs and poems translated by Russian writers The comparison of different versions of translations done by Marshak and Chukovsky My work can be used at the English lessons
-to develop your skills in translation; -to broaden the reader’s outlook; -to get to know the cultural heritage of the world The work with the poems in the original help you Topicality
Connection with other sciences Russian English Russian literature Linguistics English literature Folklore studies
Methodology: Description Generalization Comparison Observation Illustration
The literal translation The work in verse The poetical work Translation types
The difficulties of translation Word order The features of intonation The features of stylistics The features of culture
“The Tailors and the Snail” Four and twenty tailors Went to kill a snail, The best man among them Durst not touch her tail; She put out her horns Like a little Kyloe cow, Run, tailors, run, Or she'll kill you all e'en now.
S. Marshak Однажды двадцать пять портных Вступили в бой с улиткой В руках у каждого из них Была иголка с ниткой! Но еле ноги унесли, Спасаясь от врага, Едва завидели вдали Улиткины рога.
S. Marshak 1 kept the general structure and poetic rhythm 2 increased the number of tailors 3 sped up the rhythm of the poem, dramatized the poem
K. Chukovsky Наши-то портные Храбрые какие: «Не боимся мы зверей, Ни волков, ни медведей!» А как вышли за калитку Да увидели улитку – Испугалися, Разбежалися! Вот они какие, Храбрые портные!
K. Chukovsky increased the number of the lines -repeated the lines - changes the plot - stressed the irony - made fun of boasting - added the didactic tone
The comparison of translations The characters, the idea, the irony of the poem 1. The similar things to the originals 2. The different things to originals The title, the actions of the characters 3. The differences between translations Marshak developed the plot of the poem. Chukovski created his own one.
Conclusions: - Both writer’s translations reflected features of Russian folk literature. -The songs and poems translated by Chukovsky are hardly considered to by translations. He only used the general idea of the English poems to create his own ones. -Marshak preserved the sense, the mood and the rhythm of the original poems. Changing the plot of the poems he made them funny. He kept the general structure and poetic rhythm of the original. Both writers kept the original intonation, irony and imagination. Both writers highlighted the main function of folk works. That is to bring up children through humour.
Nowadays these poems are considered to be an important part of Russian classical literature
Источники информации S.Y. Marshak “The brave men”. 1 2 K.I. Chukovski Стихи и сказки. 3 K.I. Chukovski От двух до пяти. 4 Английский мир детства.-www.study.ru 5 Collection of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes for Children.- www.apples4theteacher.com 6 S.Y. Marshak. Биографии писателей.- biography.5litra.ru 7 Лексико-семантические особенности переводов С.Я. Маршака.- http://www.vestnik.adygnet.ru
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