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Калягина Ирина Владимировна26433
Преподаватель иностранного языка (английский). По диплому также преподаватель педагогики, психологии, методист, учитель английского языка в детском саду. Последние 11 лет - в среднем профессиональном образовании
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Материал размещён в группе «ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИ СПО, ОБЪЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ! »


What do the paintings say?


Иван Айвазовский. «Корабль у берегов»

О чем говорят картины?

Пояснительная записка к ресурсу



Калягина Ирина Владимировна https://dzen.ru/ira_kalyagina29






Высшая педагогическая.


Образовательное учреждение

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции». СПб ГБПОУ «СПб ТКУиК» http://www.tcmc.spb.ru/


Название ресурса

Ivan Aivazovsky. “Ship at the Shore”.


Вид ресурса

Сочинение-описание по картине на английском языке.



ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык.


Студент, автор сочинения



Курс, группа

2 курс, группа 9КМ-21.


Специальность СПО

38.02.04 Коммерция.


Количество слов



Количество знаков без пробелов







Чтобы текст сочинения отражался по заявленным требованиям конкурса - шрифт — Times New Roman, размер — 14 кегель, междустрочный интервал — дополнительно прикреплен файл в формате Word.


Файл с сочинением в формате Word

Акимова Анна. Сочинение на английском языкеDOCX / 14.87 Кб



Для сочинения-описания студент выбрал ту картину, которая очень нравится, исходя из собственных художественных предпочтений.

Источники информации




Ivan Aivazovsky. “Ship at the Shore”


1. Who is the author of the picture and what is depicted?

2. What is depicted in the foreground and background, in the center? What paints does the artist use?

3. What mood does the picture cause?

Ivan Aivazovsky's painting “Ship at the Shore” is one of the most famous works of the artist. It was painted in the 1880s, presumably in Feodosia. Contemporaries noted that Aivazovsky liked to choose a specific color palette for each image and strictly adhere to it. For example, dark gray, blue and purple prevail in the painting “Storm”, and orange, red and blue prevail in the canvas “Storm over Evpatoria”. Landscape “Ship by the Shore” belongs to the late period of the artist's work, when he used the “method of improvisation”. The painter had a good visual memory and imagination. He regularly went ashore, observed the changing sea elements and made sketches from life. Aivazovsky practiced a special method of work - he painted paintings in one sitting, until the paint on the canvas did not dry. Ivan Aivazovsky was born and grew up in Feodosia, on the shores of the Black Sea. He observed the sea throughout his life, which is why he loved to paint the water element in different states. In total, he created several thousand paintings and sketches of seascapes. Most of all, he was attracted by the theme of storms and ships fighting with natural forces. On the canvas, Aivazovsky depicts a storm with a ship visible in the distance. We can see blue skies through the clouds, a sign that the storm will soon be over.

The canvas depicts a picturesque seascape. A stony shore can be seen in front of the canvas. In the foreground against the background of the stormy sea stands or floats an ancient ship, its sails are blown by the wind, reflected in the bright sunlight. Waves are crashing against the ship's side, creating an impression of dynamics and tension of the moment. The artist depicted seawater in transparent silver gray and green tones. He used blue and turquoise colors to depict the sky, as well as various shades of brown, gray and gold for the rocks and sandy areas on the shore. The color of the waves is yellow, it is the sand from the seabed that has risen and mixed with the water. This means that the storm has been going on for a very long time. The sky in the painting looks real. Behind the white clouds you can see a beautiful blue sky. All colors are very competently combined. Different density of white paint gives the clouds an additional volume. The sail of the ship is painted in white, cream, dark gray colors to attract the viewer's attention and add brightness to the composition. The ship is depicted in detail, with a brightly colored mast and sails that contrast with the background. The ship does not lower the sails because it is waiting for the end of the storm. After that it will be able to easily go out to sea, and the water will become emerald-colored again. If we look closely at the picture we see another sail near the horizon. Aivazovsky clearly divided the painting into two parts. Below is the raging sea, and above is the beautiful sky. Between them is the horizon. The lower part of the ship is painted on the waves, and its sail against the beautiful sky.Aivazovsky loved the sea in any of its states. He perfectly managed to convey the mood of the storm. The picture looks realistic. Looking at it, you are transported to the seashore and feel the sound of water.

Ivan Aivazovsky's painting “Ship by the Sea” evokes an impression of the power and majesty of nature. The formidable and turbulent sea creates a sense of the unknown. The ship near the shore symbolizes safety and shelter from natural disasters, but at the same time reminds of vulnerability to the power of nature. The mood created by a painting can be different, depending on the interpretation of the viewer. Some may feel anxiety before the power of the storm, some calm and peace from the beautiful seascape. Overall, the painting evokes reflections on the infinity of the sea, its beauty and danger, and the role of man in this great world.

Перевод сочинения Акимовой Анны на русский язык:


1. Кто автор картины и что на ней изображено?

2. Что изображено на переднем и заднем плане, в центре? Какие краски использует художник?

3. Какое настроение вызывает картина?

Перевод сочинения Акимовой Анны на русский языкDOCX / 15.38 Кб

Автор материала: А. Акимова (2 курс)

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