Автор публикации: К. Горбачева, студентка 2 курса
What do the paintings say?
Карл Брюллов. «Последний день Помпеи»
О чем говорят картины?
Пояснительная записка к ресурсу | ||
1. | ФИО | Калягина Ирина Владимировна https://dzen.ru/ira_kalyagina29 |
2. | Должность | Преподаватель. |
3. | Категория | Высшая педагогическая. |
4. | Образовательное учреждение | Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции». СПб ГБПОУ «СПб ТКУиК» http://www.tcmc.spb.ru/ |
5. | Название ресурса | Karl Bryullov. “The Last Day of Pompeii”. |
6. | Вид ресурса | Сочинение-описание по картине на английском языке. |
7. | Дисциплина | ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык. |
8. | Студент, автор сочинения | ГОРБАЧЁВА КРИСТИНА. |
9. | Курс, группа | 2 курс, группа 9КМ-21. |
10. | Специальность СПО | 38.02.04 Коммерция. |
11. | Количество слов | 445 |
12 | Количество знаков без пробелов | 2008 |
13 | Орфография | Авторская. |
14 | Дополнительно | Чтобы текст сочинения отражался по заявленным требованиям конкурса - шрифт — Times New Roman, размер — 14 кегель, междустрочный интервал — дополнительно прикреплен файл в формате Word. |
15 | Файл с сочинением в формате Word |
16 | Примечание | Для сочинения-описания студент выбрал ту картину, которая очень нравится, исходя из собственных художественных предпочтений. |
Источники информации | ||
1 | Иллюстрация | https://img.goodfon.ru/original/4000x2788/b/3c/bryullov-posledniy-den-pompei.jpg |
1. Who is the author of the picture and what is depicted?
2. What is depicted in the foreground and background, in the center? What paints does the artist use?
3. What mood does the picture cause?
Karl Bryullov. “The Last Day of Pompeii”
The painting “The Last Day of Pompeii” was painted by Karl Bryullov in 1833 in Italy. The artist depicts in this painting an ancient Roman tragedy - the death of the ancient city of Pompeii, located at the foot of Vesuvius. August 24, 79 AD e. A volcanic eruption occurred, which claimed the lives of two thousand inhabitants. The idea for painting appeared after Karl visited the excavation site in 1827. The feelings he experienced while there did not leave him.
In the foreground is a married couple with children who are trying to escape from the lava, then a woman hugs her daughters to her, and next to her is a Christian priest who has already resigned himself to his fate and is therefore calm. In the depths of the picture we see a pagan priest who is trying to escape by taking away ritual valuables. Here Bryullov hints at the fall of the ancient pagan world of the Romans and the onset of the Christian era. On the right side of the picture in the background there is a rider on a horse who reared up. And closer to the viewer is the groom, gripped by horror, who is trying to hold his bride in his arms (she is wearing a wreath of roses), who has lost consciousness. In the foreground are two sons carrying their old father in their arms. And next to them is a young man, begging his mother to get up and run further from this all-consuming element. By the way, this young man is none other than Pliny the Younger, who actually escaped and left his memories of the tragedy. On the left side of the picture, in the background, several people are depicted on the steps of the large building of the tomb of Scaurus. A woman looks directly at the viewer, with horror in her eyes. And behind her is an artist with a box of paints on his head: this is a self-portrait of Bryullov, experiencing a tragedy along with his characters.
The picture evokes very disturbing feelings and sympathy for those who were there at that time. The work of painting is written in dark shades, mainly burgundy, which at the same time signifies the tragedy of the situation and the approaching lava, which does not spare anything in its path.
The painting “The Last Day of Pompeii” reminds the viewer that the main value of the world is human. The artist contrasts his physical beauty and spiritual greatness destructive forces of nature. The picture caused an explosion of admiration and excitement, as in Italy and Russia.
Перевод сочинения Горбачёвой Кристины на русский язык:
1. Кто автор картины и что на ней изображено?
2. Что изображено на переднем и заднем плане, в центре? Какие краски использует художник?
3. Какое настроение вызывает картина?
Кристина Горбачева. Перевод сочинения на русский языкDOCX / 13.95 Кб