Материал опубликован 14 May 2024 в группе

Автор публикации: В. Домнина, студентка 2 курса


What do the paintings say?


Казимир Малевич. «Черный квадрат»

О чем говорят картины?

Пояснительная записка к ресурсу



Калягина Ирина Владимировна https://dzen.ru/ira_kalyagina29






Высшая педагогическая.


Образовательное учреждение

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции». СПб ГБПОУ «СПб ТКУиК» http://www.tcmc.spb.ru/


Название ресурса

Kazimir Malevich. “Black Square”.


Вид ресурса

Сочинение-описание по картине на английском языке.



ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык.


Студент, автор сочинения



Курс, группа

2 курс, группа 9КМ-21.


Специальность СПО

38.02.04 Коммерция.


Количество слов



Количество знаков без пробелов







Чтобы текст сочинения отражался по заявленным требованиям конкурса - шрифт — Times New Roman, размер — 14 кегель, междустрочный интервал — дополнительно прикреплен файл в формате Word.


Файл с сочинением в формате Word

Сочинение на английском языке. Домнина ВалерияDOCX / 14.8 Кб



Для сочинения-описания студент выбрал ту картину, которая очень нравится, исходя из собственных художественных предпочтений.

Источники информации





1. Who is the author of the picture and what is depicted?

2. What is depicted in the foreground and background, in the center? What paints does the artist use?

3. What mood does the picture cause?

Kazimir Malevich. “Black Square”

For my composition, I chose the painting "Black Square" by the artist Kazimir Malevich. The description of this work could be very short if it were not for the ambiguity of its symbolism. It is obvious that the painting depicts a black square on a beige canvas. And everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. From the point of view of geometry, there is no square in the painting, since Malevich depicted all its sides out of proportion to each other, and its color is quite controversial, since Кasimir did not use a single tube of black paint in his work. Thin cracks are visible on the dark surface, forming a mysterious ornate pattern. The dark shade used to write the "Black Square" is obtained from a mixture of burnt bone, which replaced soot, as well as black ochre and copper arsenide, a dark green pigment. In addition, the artist added chalk to the paint so that the painting would not glare and the color would seem deep. It is believed that Malevich thus tried to create an unusual dynamic figure that does not obey any previously known laws. After all, it is precisely such moods that characterize all the artist's work.

If you decide to examine the very first of the "Black Squares" carefully, you will find that the painting is covered with cracks (artists call them craquelures) and other colors appear through them. The painting offers to look behind it, to find out what is hidden behind the black figure. And what is hidden there? Scientists have found out this not so long ago. In 1915, Malevich was not rich and therefore painted the first of his "Squares" on an already used canvas. A 2015 X―ray showed that there are two more paintings under the "Black Square" - both also in the spirit of the avant-garde. One is cubofuturistic, the other is one of the very early supremacist works. The term "suprematism" was coined and introduced by Kazimir Malevich. The paintings of this direction consist of flat mostly geometric shapes filled with solid color. The first version of the "Black Square" hides, apparently, one of the early experiments that did not satisfy the artist. The first one? So there are a lot of "squares"? There are four "Black squares" in total. The first of them was painted for the futurist exhibition "0.10", which opened in 1915. There were forty works by Malevich on it, and the square took the central place in the exposition. The artist hung it the way icons were hung in Russian huts ― in the "red corner". This "Square" is now kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. There you can carefully examine it, seeing with your own eyes both the specially created black color and the craquelures under it. And where did three additional "Squares" come from? The second "Black Square" is kept in the Russian Museum. It was painted in 1923 as a fragment of a triptych for the International Exhibition in Venice. The paintings of the triptych repeated the famous works of Malevich — "Black Square", "Black Circle" and "Black Cross", which showed the viewer the basic figures of suprematism. The project was done jointly with the students, and the researchers have every reason to assume that Malevich did not write this "Black Square" himself, being only a mentor. Malevich painted the third "Black Square" in 1929 for a solo exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery. This is an almost complete copy of the 1915 work. Now it is also kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, and in 2019 both "Squares" could be seen side by side. The last, fourth, "Black Square" is the most interesting story. It was painted in 1931-1932 for the exhibition "Artists of the RSFSR for 15 years", but then it was forgotten for more than half a century. It was discovered only in 1993, when a man brought the painting to one of the major banks to sell it. It turned out that this man's wife was quite distant, but the only remaining heir of the master. The family also donated some more works to the bank, and the examination of the Tretyakov Gallery confirmed the authenticity of the painting. Since 2000, it has been in the permanent exhibition of the State Hermitage Museum — that is, you can see the "Black Square" not only in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery, but also in St. Petersburg.

The picture shows me that it is worth looking at situations from a different angle, and then something new will open up; that after making 40 attempts, 41 will be successful; that even something ordinary hides the extraordinary. I advise you to study the painting, because I haven't even told you half about this beautiful work.

Перевод сочинения Домниной Валерии на русский язык:


1. Кто автор картины и что на ней изображено?

2. Что изображено на переднем и заднем плане, в центре? Какие краски использует художник?

3. Какое настроение вызывает картина?

Перевод сочинения Валерии Домниной на русский языкDOCX / 15.02 Кб

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