Мордовия на английском.

Материал опубликован 22 April 2020

Автор публикации: А. Исмаилов, ученик 8Б класса




About nature, how important it is to protect and what is the Red Book of Mordovia.


Nature is the most wonderful thing God has created. In a wide open field, in a thorny and not passable forest, it is beautiful in its own way. In Mordovia there are no huge lakes, large rivers and high mountains. But wherever you are, whatever you say, your homeland will be close and dear to you. That's what I think too. Even without the majestic sights, I love where I was born.

But nowadays there is a problem of conservation. Forests are burning, the environment is polluted, and many animals and plants are on the verge of extinction. They are listed in the Red Book of Mordovia. The red book is called the one where information about rare species of animals, plants and fungi is collected. In the near future, they may disappear altogether. And every year this book gets bigger and bigger. All that is brought there will soon disappear from the face of the Earth. We cannot allow this to happen, so they were listed for protection in the Red book. They need to be protected and helped to develop.

Nature is an integral part of life, an integral part of us. If nature disappears, we will evaporate with it.

Questions about the material:

Where do rare species of animals and plants of Mordovia go?

What is the Red Book?

What should be done to preserve nature and rare species of animals and plants?

Think about it: What would you do to preserve the environment?



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