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Седунова Юлия Владимировна152
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Россия, Ростовская обл., Шахты


by topic "What do teens spend their pocket money on?"

Project manager: Sedunova Yulia Vladimirovna

Project author: Streltsov Denis Romanovich

(All information was taken from the site; https://plus- one.rbc.ru )

A large number of teenagers live in Russia, many of whom are given pocket money by their parents. The amount of pocket money that parents give their children usually depends on the age of the child: the older the more pocket money. But what does a teenager spend his pocket money on? Studies show that almost half of teenagers (47%) spend their pocket money on gum and all kinds of sweets; 34%- on soda, juices; 33%- on cafe; 33%- ice cream, chips and crackers; 17% - going to the movies, parks and other entertainment; 9%- pay for a mobile phone; 7%- on toys; 6%- on gifts; 5%- on magazines and comics; 4%- on cosmetics, jewelry, books, internet payments; 3%- on games and applications for a computer or phone.


Also, teenagers can save money for something more expensive, but it takes a lot of times and few teenagers will be able to save money from pocket money for expensive things without working, for example, on a laptop.

Speaking of me, I don't really like spending my pocket money. I save them to spend later on what I need. Also, I must say that I don't really ask my parents to give me pocket money, at the moment I do not have a great need to buy myself something.

Автор материала: Д. Стрельцов (10 класс)

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