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На что подростки тратят деньги?


What do teenagers spend money on?

GOAL: find out what teenagers spend money on.

TASK: 1. Find Out What pocket Money is.

2. for what purpose do teenagers spend money?

Pocket money- is money that the child spends at his own discretion. Money for food and travel does not

belong to pocket money, and must be issued regularly.

I know from personal experience that teenagers spend pocket money on their own additional needs

More detailed

Almost half of teenagers (42%) aged 14-17 have their own bank card that is not linked to their parents ' account. 76% of respondents who do not have such a card would like to issue it. 49% of the study participants use an electronic wallet.

When paying for something online, 36% of teenagers used their bank cards, 35% - personal e-wallets.

At the same time, more than half of parents believe that you can only shop online from the age of 18

78% of underage survey participants buy food and drinks, 52% - save up, the same amount is spent on movies and other entertainment

In general, the digital literacy of adolescents is predictably higher than that of adults — the index of digital literacy of teenagers, according to NAFI estimates, reaches 73 pp out of 100, adults — 52 pp.

Источник: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/finigram/kak-i-na-chto-tratiat-dengi-rossiiskie-podrostki-5c38440ef1999900ab0bf770

1. Teenagers crave new clothes. They spend 40% of their cash just updating their wardrobe.

2. Teenagers are the layer of society to which their clothes owe their popularity. It is they who dictate the fashion of adults for sportswear, which is why the sportswear market has grown by 5% over the year, even though there is a crisis outside the window.

3. More than 70% of teenage girls said that they buy clothes in chains that sell cheap clothes, while boys are less, only 55%.

4. Nike among" foreign " teenagers is considered the best brand of sportswear and has been confidently taking the first place for several years.

5. For a third of teenage girls, the main thing is that the bag has a large logo of a well-known brand.

6. Hot trends for school children. For boys, Nike Air Jordans and yoga leggings for girls.

7. When it comes to food, it turns out that teenagers are finally thinking about the quality of food. 40% already choose organic food, a year ago it was 33%.

8. But still 41% choose fast food and 15 choose a casual snack instead of quality food.

9. Food is also dominated by brands, including Taco Bell and McDonalds.

10. Headphones which listening to music should be the brand Beats by Dr. Dre, not Apple.

11. However, almost half of teenagers are iPhone owners.

12. Apple is still the leader among teenagers. 59% said they use Apple OS. Android is 30% behind.



Thus, from all the information, we can conclude "what teenagers spend money on». That is, teenagers and children approach smart reasoning on what to spend their pocket money on. Most often, these are new and fashionable clothes, various accessories, phones and Internet connections, as well as thinking about healthy eating.

the project was made by a 10th grade student

Melnik Vyacheslav


Автор материала: В. Мельник (10 класс)

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