Презентация "St. Valentine's Day"
Автор публикации: Д. Галушина, ученица 11А класса
Автор публикации: Д. Галушина, ученица 11А класса
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St.Valentine’s day
About the festival The 14th of February is St. Valentine's Day, a holiday which is celebrated by loving couples(влюбленные пары) in different countries. Each year on St. Valentine's Day, people give valentine cards, sweets and chocolate, flowers and other gifts to their friends and lovers.
Symbols of Valentine’s Day Roses Heart Cupid Sweets
Who is Cupid? Cupid was the son of the love goddess, Venus. He was a playful child who flew around shooting love arrows into people's hearts, making them fall in love.(Купидон - сын богини любви Венеры. Этот игривый ребенок летал и пускал любовные стрелы в сердца людей, заставляя влюбляться друг в друга)
Celebration British people honor Saint Valentine by writing verses about love and giving each other heart- shaped presents and cards.(В Великобритании люди чтят Святого Валентина, сочиняя стихи про любовь и даря друг другу подарки и открытки в форме сердец).In all parts of Britain Valentine’s Day is celebrated according to that tradition and newspapers publish love poems. (Во всех уголках Великобритании день влюбленных отмечают традиционно, а газеты публикуют лирические стихи о любви)
Here are some examples of Valentine’s day cards people give to each other:
When do people celebrate St.Valentine’s day? A)On the 1st of April B)On the 16th of March C)On the 14th of February D)On the first day of spring
How do you spell “14th“? Fourtyth Fourteen Fourteenth Fourth
What is not the symbol of Valentine's Day? Cupid Bird Sweets Heart
Who is Cupid? A) Son of the love goddess B) Jesus’s son C) Son of British queen D) An angel
Find six words. Then write the seventh word. Hug, love, rose, candy, balloon, chocolate, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y E E W H I D V T D U W N O A R G B A L L O O O C N O S N C H O C E
St. Valentines’ Contest. Составь из слов St. Valentine’s Day как можно больше слов!
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