Автор публикации: Т. Кутбиддинов, ученик 11 класса
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Steps To My Career Done by Kutbiddinov Timur

Your future profession is your life To start with, choosing a future profession is one of the most important decisions in our life. A person passes almost half of her/his life at work. There are a lot of interesting and useful professions, and it is not an easy task to choose the right one.

My future profession As for me, I want to be a nuclear physicist. This profession requires qualifications, so I am entering the Ural Federal University. I am entering the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, where I will study for 5 years. The specialization of this faculty is atomic physics. This work is very interesting, it requires good education and accurate knowledge of science.

Characteristics of the selected work A nuclear physicist is a specialist who operates and controls the operation of nuclear power plant equipment, nuclear and thermonuclear installations for various purposes. The profession requires only intellectual expenses. Professional activity, first of all, involves the implementation of control, the search for errors, the identification and elimination of their causes. The specialist carries out activities both indoors and outdoors.

Why did I choose this profession I chose this profession because I have a fairly large knowledge base in this field of physics, I like this profession and related activities, and I have also admired the courage of professionals in this profession, because to work on such a product, you really need to be a brave person.

Where do I plan to work I would like to work abroad, because in our country, for unknown reasons, this profession is not in demand. People with my classification are needed abroad, and the work is highly paid. For this reason, I will have to improve my English language skills through online courses at home before applying for a job abroad.