Ярмарка фруктов

Материал опубликован 1 February 2023

Автор публикации: М. Чудинова, ученица 6В класса


It1675218490aa.gif want to tell about an apple. The apple is a unique fruit that can be eaten in both summer and winter. And there is a lot of iron in the apple, so it is very useful. The taste and color of apples are very different - there are sour ones, and there are sweet ones. There are red, and there are green and yellow. Many different dishes and drinks can be prepared from apples, such as pie, compote, salad, etc. Apples also have three types of them - garden, honey and loose. And now some interesting facts about apples: Apples invigorate the body no worse than coffee. If the apple quickly darkened at the cut point, then it is good. Apples are a quarter of the air, and therefore do not sink in water. I eat apples every day.

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