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Коваленко Елена1499
Активная и творческая личность, сочиняю стихотворения, занимаюь спортом.
Россия, Пермский край



The tangerine orange (Citrus reticulata), also known as mandarin or mandarin, is a small fruit of the citrus tree. Considered as a separate type of orange, it is usually eaten in its pure form or in fruit salads. Tangerines are a group of orange citrus fruits consisting of mandarin hybrids with some pomelo added.

Tangerines are smaller and flattened, unlike regular spherical oranges (which are a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo). The taste is considered sweeter and stronger than that of an ordinary orange. Ripe tangerine from hard to slightly soft, heavy for its size and with a pebble peel. The peel is thin, loose with small white stalks, so they are usually easier to peel and divide into slices. Hybrids usually have these traits to a lesser extent. Tangerine is tender and easily damaged from the cold. It can be grown in tropical and subtropical areas. Tangerines are usually peeled and eaten fresh or used in salads, desserts and main dishes. Fresh tangerine juice and frozen juice concentrate are widely available in the United States. Tangerine is a traditional fruit. It is eaten on New Year's Eve. I like tangerines.

Автор материала: М. Насеко (6 класс)

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