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Коваленко Елена1485
Активная и творческая личность, сочиняю стихотворения, занимаюь спортом.
Россия, Пермский край

Dragon fruit


Pitahaya is the fruit of cacti, and of several different species. It is also called pitaya, strawberry pear and dragon fruit. Pitahaya fruits can weigh from 150 to 600 g, some specimens even up to 1 kg. The smooth skin is covered with small thorny leaves, giving a resemblance to a cone. The flesh is dense with a large number of small dark grains resembling poppy seeds. Dragon fruit is transported all over the world from regions where it is grown on an industrial scale. These are many countries of Southeast Asia, Hawaii, Mexico, Israel, northern Australia, Colombia and others. The recommended portion of dragon fruit is 200-230 g. Traditionally, pitahaya is eaten fresh. Previously, the fruit should be washed well, cut into quarters and peel them off. As for me, I like this fruit.

Автор материала: М. Туктагулов (6 класс)

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