12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Коваленко Елена1485
Активная и творческая личность, сочиняю стихотворения, занимаюь спортом.
Россия, Пермский край



I want to tell you about lime. Lime is a hybrid citrus tree, common in tropical and subtropical regions. An adult plant rarely exceeds 5 meters. The branches are covered with small leaves and sharp thorns. This plant somewhat resembles a lemon tree, but with larger and darker leaves. The researchers suggest that the first halves appeared on the Indonesian archipelago or on the nearby mainland of Asia. Today, India, Mexico, Brazil, and China are considered to be among the world's leading suppliers of these citrus fruits. Lime is a very sour fruit, they are very similar to lemon. Lime can be found in the store for 70 rubles a piece. If you like lemon, then lime will be delicious. Lime has a lot of vitamines, it can be added to tea and to many products.

Автор материала: Е. Шаповал (6 класс)

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