Эссе «A brief history of my native town Podolsk»

Материал опубликован 14 November 2018

В эссе автор рассказывает краткую историю города Подольска и высказывает своё мнение о необходимости знания истории рождения своего города, а также доказывает, почему любит его.


A brief history of my native town Podolsk

There are many beautiful cities and towns in my country, but, as for me, Podolsk is the best of them because it is the place where I was born. It is well known, each town has its own biography. Podolsk also has its own one. As I remember, my first acquaintance with my town began with my mother’s story about it. I think it is very important to know about past of your town to understand its present.

The first thing that needs to be said that archaeological excavations on the territory of the town and its district found bone and flint objects, dating back to the 7th Millennium BC, the Mesolithic period (VII—V Millennium BC). Moreover, the first settlement of prehistoric people was found in Dubrovitsy, at the confluence of the Desna and Pakhra.

It would be unfair not to mention the fact that the first written mention of the village on the Pakhra River, 33 miles from Moscow, belongs to the beginning of the 17th century. Over those years the village of Podol was called a monastic patrimony. There were only 41 peasant houses and a wooden Church in it.

It is a well-known fact that Podol became a town on October 5, 1781 by decree of Her Imperial Majesty Catherine II on the base of the reform "The Establishment of Provincial Counties."

Furthermore, one should not forget that at the beginning of September 1812 the French troops entered Podolsk. They burnt houses on the right side of the river, destroyed "floating" bridge. In memory of the merits of Podoltchan the Church of the Holy Trinity was built. You can see it when you entering the town.

Now Podolsk is a beautiful, compact, densely populated town. It has everything you may dream of. Over recent years my town has increased, expanded. One neighborhood Kuznetchiki in its scope resembles a modern city.

In conclusion, I can say that I feel proud of my birthplace. I’m sure that you’ll like it and maybe you will even have a wish to visit it. Believe me; your visit won’t be in vain. Podolsk is the place which is worth visiting at least once in your life.


 www.pkmuseum.podolsk-news.ru/arxeolog.php Подольский краеведческий музей.

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