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Андриянова Ольга Владимировна104

ОГБПОУ «Рязанский колледж культуры»

Внеклассное мероприятие по иностранному языку

American music and dance

Преподаватель иностранного языка :

Андриянова О.В.

Шацк, 2018 г.

Презентация «American music and dance»
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Создавать условия для ознакомления студентов с историей развития музыкальных жанров и лучшими образцами песен зарубежных авторов.

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Задача: Исполнение песен на английском языке и восприятие их , а также информации о достопримечательностях , культуре США на слух.


компьютерная презентация, ММ проектор, доска, МР3 – файлы песен, постеры певцов, музыкантов, музыкальных групп

Ход мероприятия.

Dear friends! Music and dance are amazing things which inspire us, reflect our mood and emotions. American music and dances can be heard and seen all over the world. They’ve gained a near global audience. So, welcome to American music and dance party!

( slide ) The USA: sights and people. I’m sure you know a lot about the USA, don’t you? The USA is a large country. It goes from the shores of the Atlantic ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific and from cold snowy northern Alaska to sunny Florida in the southeast. There are a lot of natural wonders in this country. ( slide )The Mississippi River. In the north are Great Lakes. The greatest river is the Mississippi. Native Americans called it “the father of waters”. It has been an important waterway since early times when native Americans travelled on the river in canoes. ( slide )The Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is one of the main America’s tourist attractions. The Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon over the millions of years. It’s interesting that there are different kinds of plants and animals on opposite side of the canyon. The south side is dry and desert country. The north side has tall forest. At sunrise and sunset the red, gold, brown and orange colours of the rocks are especially clear and bright. ( slide )Hollywood. Hollywood is in Los Angeles ,California. It is the historical center of movie studios and the movie stars. It is a popular destination for nightlife, tourism and is home to the Hollywood Walk of fame. ( slide )The Statue of Liberty. One of the most symbol of the USA is the Statue of Liberty. The Statue is in New York on Liberty Island. It is one of the first things people see when they arrive in New York. ( slide )Our Melting Pot. The USA is a young country and a big melting pot of countries, because the people of the United States are a mixture of many different nationalities. In the USA you can find people whose parents, grandparents and great-grandparents came from Africa, South America, Asia and every European country. These different people brought to their new land a wonderful mixture of culture. ( slide )Native American Music. Native Americans lived in America before Columbus arrived. They had songs for many occasions and they used drums and other musical instruments. Dancing and music was an important part of their life and their religion. You can still hear native American music and see dancing at special festivals. Listen to native American music.

( slide )American Folk Music. The Americans themselves did not write much music. But they had begun to listen to the music of black slaves and put this music in variety shows called minstrel shows. In minstrel shows the performers sang and danced and told funny stories. Listen to the popular American song “ Oh, my darling Clementine”. It is performed by Alexandr Lysenko. ( The song “ Oh, my darling Clementine”) Country music is very popular in the USA. Its lyrics depict the everyday life. The Americans like the song ”Old Macdonald had a farm”. They enjoy singing it while travelling or at the party. Let’s listen to this song. It is performed by Ekaterina Baranova. ( The song “ Old Macdonald had a farm”) Dances reflect people’s emotions and feelings. American country dance (or contra dance) had been part of American culture for years. It is a dance as practiced by country. Meet the dance group of the first year students. ( The country dance) ( slide ) Jazz. Jazz grew out of black people’s musical traditions. America fell in love with dancing and popular jazz music. ( slide )Louis Armstrong. One of the most famous musician of the time was Louis Armstrong. He became famous for his trumpet playing and his low rough voice. Musicians like Armstrong brought a new kind of music to America and the world. Listen to his song ”Hello Dolly”. ( The song “Hello Dolly”) Dance halls were opened around the country. New dances with strange names like the Charleston were popular. Meet the dance group of the first year students with the dance “ Charleston”. ( The dance “ Charleston”) ( slide ) Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra was a singer, an actor, a director and a producer who entertained generation after generation all over the world. Frank Sinatra’s songs have a timeless beauty to them. Enjoy his song “ Let it snow”. It is performed by Maxim Kuznetsov. Meet Maxim! ( The song “ Let it snow”) Now enjoy the popular American dance “ Foxtrot”. Meet the dance group. ( The dance “ Foxtrot”) ( slide ) The Beatles. We love the Beatles. Our grandmothers and grandfathers grew up with their songs. This group was formed at the end of the 50-s. John, Paul, George and Ringo were amazing talented boys who made a unique contribution to music and it made a revolution in pop history. A hysteria that was called “ Beatlomania” swept Britain and soon afterwards America. Their songs will live forever. The Beatles were sure of that when they wrote one of their last songs “Let it be”. Listen to it. Meet Victoria Kuznetsova! ( The song “ Let it be”)

( slide ) Rock’ n’ Roll. Rock’ n’ Roll appeared in the USA of 1950s and soon spread across Europe. Rock’ n’ Roll is based essentially on boogie woogie melody. In the initial stage of Rock’ n’ Roll, the leading instrument used was piano or saxophone, but later it was replaced by guitar. Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley have been famous Rock’ n’ Roll stars. Not only the Rock’ n’ Roll music but the Rock’ n’ Roll dance has become very popular . Meet the dance group with the Rock’ n’ Roll dance. ( The Rock’ n’ Roll dance) ( slide ) Modern pop music. Nowadays the United States has the world’s largest music industry. The names of greatest American musicians, singers, pop groups are well known in the world. Madonna is an American dance – pop singer – songwriter, record and film producer, actress and fashion icon. She is noted for her ambitions music videos and stage performances as well as using political, sexual and religious themes in her work. She is one of the most successful female recording artist of all time. Britney Spears was awarded silver first prize for Miss Talent USA at 7. She has been crowned as the “ Princess of Pop”. Michael Jackson is a famous American singer, dancer, song writer, choreographer and an entrepreneur. He was born in the state of Indiana in the family of guitarist at the local band. When he was only 5, he was already a member of a family music band “ Jackson Five”. Michael’s solo career began to prosper and he proved his status as the first star in the world of show business and the king of pop music. Listen to “ Earth Song” by Michael Jackson. It is performed by Alexandra Bardysheva. ( The song “ Earth Song”) ( slide ) Linking Park. There are many kinds of modern music and music bands in America. Some people like “ Linking Park". They sing in different styles, such as : alternative, new metal, heavy metal and rock. I like this group because of good texts and unusual musical decisions. They released 9 albums. There are 6 men in this group. The most prominent person of the group is Chester Bennington. He is very talented. He writes poems and composes music. ( slide ) 30 seconds to Mars. This is American pop group from Los Angeles, California. It was founded by the brothers Jared and Shannon Leto .They sing alternative rock. ( slide ) Twenty One Pilots. It is the most favourite pop group of teenagers. They are unusual pop duet: Tyler Joser and Jom Dan from Columbus, Ohayo. They were winners of Grammy for “ The best pop duet” in 2017.

- We’ve listened to American music and enjoy dances. Now we’re finishing. And I suggest that you are listen to the marvelous song “ The Climb” by Miley Syrus.

- Thanks for your attention. I hope you’ve found something interesting and enjoyed yourselves. Goodbye! Good luck!

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