Comparison of wedding traditions in the Kuban and England

Материал опубликован 8 November 2020

Comparison of wedding traditions in the Kuban and



Мещерякова Мария Владимировна, ученица 9 Г класса

БОУ СОШ №2 МО Динской район

Научный руководитель:

Лютая Александра Константиновна,

учитель английского языка

БОУ СОШ №2 МО Динской район


Introduction 3

1. Theoretical part 5

1.1. Wedding ceremony in the Kuban 5

1.1.1. What is “свадьба” 5

1.1.2. The story of the wedding in Russia 5

1.1.3. Kuban's wedding 6

1.1.4. Statistics 12

1.2. Wedding ceremonies in England 12

1.2.1. History of weddings in England 12

1.2.2. Modern wedding traditions in England 15

1.2.3. Statistics 17

2. Practical part 19

Conclusion 20

References 22

Appendix №1 23

Appendix №2 24

Appendix №3 25

Appendix №4 26

Appendix №5 27

Appendix №6 31

Appendix №7 33

One who does not respect the customs of his people,

Don't keep them in your heart,

He is a disgrace to not only own people,

But first of all he does not respect himself, his family and his ancient ancestors.


Certain wedding traditions are familiar to each of us like cutting the wedding cake and tossing the Bridal bouquet. And it seems that a wedding may not be a wedding if all the wedding ceremonies are not observed. But many people have their own traditions, which they adhere to for many centuries, such as in England and in our Kuban.

Accustomed to modern customs, we do not always understand why our ancestors, so carefully followed the sequence of the wedding ceremony. Especially it changed over time. What were the weddings like and how have they been transformed up to now? We are the heirs of this bright original culture.

In order not to lose our spiritual basis to preserve the wisdom of the people we need to know and love the rites, traditions and history of his native land. No wonder they say that people who do not remember their past – do not have their future.

Since ancient times, it was believed that "the Family – the Shrine of marriage. No one has the right to interfere in the life of the family without the request. Family is the basis of Cossack society".

Wedding is a very important moment in the life of every person. England is traditionally considered a conservative country. So loved by today's youth Valentine's Day appeared here, as well as the first marriage Agency. Wedding in England is an important solemn event, which is held in one of the most conservative countries in the world. It was conservatism that could become the main reason for such a variety of wedding folklore. It will be very difficult for you to find at least one more country whose residents were so sensitive to own traditions, culture and history.

The relevance of this work is determined by the expansion of cultural ties between Russia and the UK. As far as we know, there are no special studies on the theme of the wedding ceremony in England and the Kuban. In this regard, it seems necessary to turn to the study of this topic.

The problem of the research is to find out the differences between the Kuban wedding traditions and English one.

The object of research is English and Kuban traditions of wedding celebration, as well as their similarities and differences in the celebration of weddings.

The purpose of the work is the study of wedding traditions in the Kuban and England in order to better understand the society of the country whose language we study and finding similarities and differences in the celebration of weddings in the Kuban and England.

Achieving this aim involves the solution of a set of research tasks, the main of which are the following:

- to understand what the word "wedding" means;

- to find out the historical origin of wedding traditions in the Kuban;

- to reveal the traditions and peculiarities of English weddings;

- to study the statistics of marriages in the Kuban and England in recent years;

- to compare weddings in England and the Kuban, find similarities and differences in the celebration.

Research methods: the solution of the tasks was carried out with the help of a complex of system-structural methods of analysis, as the main of which the structural-logical method was chosen. The methods of theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem were also used. All this allowed in combination with diagnostic methods (observation, self-analysis) to achieve the objectives.

Practical value: the material collected by us in the course of work can be used in English lessons, history, Kuban studies at school, and it can be useful to people who are interested in the traditions of the Kuban and England.

The result of our research is dishes on which you can find some tradition of wedding celebrations in England or the Kuban.

1. Theoretical part

1.1. Wedding ceremony in the Kuban

1.1.1. What is “свадьба

Linguists and historians have not yet come to a consensus on where the word came from. But all options are very curious. There is, for example, such a point of view: "свадьба" comes from the ancient Indian "sva-", which means "свой". The implication is that the husband and wife become each other "their own people", relatives.

And according to another theory, "свадьба" was born from the ancient Slavic root "вед" and originally sounded like "сводьба" — mixing the bride and groom into one family. By the way, the word "невеста" also comes from this root, but has acquired a different meaning — "не изведавшая."

Some scientists break the word "свадьба" into three syllables and get the whole concept: "сва" – enlightenment, heaven, "дь" – good and "ба" – respect.

Of course, there is no absolutely reliable theory in this regard. At the same time, it is clear that the "wedding" has long contained a bright meaning: a blessing for a happy life together.

1.1.2. The story of the wedding in Russia.

Before the Сhristening in Russia there were no wedding ceremonies. Mores were primitive, polygamy was common. By the XVI century there was a wedding ceremony, combining pagan and Christian beliefs.

Until the XVII century, early marriage was considered common and useful. To protect 11-year-old girls from vice, they were married to 15-year-old boys. In simple families, where the need was not his wife and worker, while the bride could be older than the groom.

All marriages in Russia were concluded at the will of parents. The wedding ceremony included a matchmaking, conspiracy, a wedding and a feast. The bride could not be seen before the matchmaking (the matchmaker came to the show), and the groom was until the wedding. [1, p.22]

Parents of the bride and groom signed the "line entry". It consisted of two parts: a kind of marriage contract and an inventory of the dowry. After that, it was almost impossible to dissolve the marriage.

Feast began the day before the wedding and lasted three days after. After the first day of the feast the newlyweds were taken to the "sennik " – it's time for the wedding night. The next morning all the guests showed the bride's shirt as proof of her lost innocence, and the holiday went on.

With the coming to power of Peter I attitude to the wedding became much freer. Unequal (both by age and by birth) marriages, unions with foreigners, priests and divorcees were permitted. The tsar abolished the marriage contracts and the tradition of showing the bride's shirt. He approved of the voluntary marriage and ordered the dissolution of all forced marriages. However, the will of parents in this matter has long been significant. [2, p.55]

1.1.3. Kuban's wedding

Kuban wedding is one of the most colorful Cossack traditions, known far beyond the Krasnodar region.

In the Kuban it is believed that the old wedding ceremonies can protect a young family, provide protection from the couple of enemies and attract her comfortable life in prosperity and well-being. Even though most of these ancient traditions and rituals in the history of their existence have lost their original features and acquired a more formal character – they still have the same efficiency and effectiveness as before. Moreover, by bringing these rites to the wedding ceremony, you can not only protect yourself and your other half from the evil eye, but also give the celebration a unique beauty and special meaning. What are the ancient wedding ceremonies remain relevant in our days? Which ones are already forgotten? And what you need to do to renew the tradition. Today we will try to answer these questions.

Usually three wedding periods stood out in the year:

- Autumn (from Dormition to Filippovka)

- Winter (from the Сhristening to Maslenitsa)

- Spring (from Krasnaya Gorka to Trinity)

The celebration of weddings in the Kuban was associated with the agricultural calendar, usually weddings were held in the autumn after harvest. The expression “гуля’ть (отбува’ть) сва’йбу” meant not only the celebration on the occasion of the marriage of the young couple, but also strict adherence to the established ritual script, which according to popular belief, contributed to the well-being of new families, young of fertility, the fertility of the land. It was forbidden to hold wedding events during fasting and on the eve of big religious holidays. The people said: «Прыйшла Покрова, зарэвла дивка як корова. Ужэ сватать нэ будуть, ужэ аж до Рожэства. На Рожэства тожэ нэ гуляиця свайба, аж послэ Крэщения. Вода освятылася, туди вжэ свайбы гуляйтэ»

The marriage age of the bride ranged from 16 to 21 years, the groom was from 18 to 22 years. The Cossacks are rarely native to the other groups. If a Cossack married a nonresident, then after the wedding his wife legally became a Cossack. Girls-Cossacks rarely married nonresident, as the Cossacks tried to prevent anyone from their family lost a privileged position.

The younger sister couldn't get married before the older sister. Parents were afraid that the eldest daughter "will stay in maids". There are cases when the Cossack, who came to marry the youngest daughter, eventually married the eldest one.

Main concern not only of parents but of the whole Cossack community was the economic well-being of the young. Therefore, the relatives of the bride and groom, going to the "contract", discussed not only the wedding, the bride's dowry, but also how the economy will look young.

The parents also agreed on the penalty to be paid by the guilty party in case of wedding disorder.

Wedding ceremony in the Kuban has a traditional three-part structure. Each fragment of the rite is different functional value and time of passage:

- Pre-wedding actions (matchmaking, contract, bachelorette party, etc.).

- Wedding day (dressing the bride, redemption, wedding, etc.).

- Post-wedding activities (breakfast of the young, povivaye bride, etc.).

Pre-wedding ceremonies.

Pre-wedding took place mainly in four stages: matchmaking, contract, invitation of guests and the evening before the wedding. The beginning of the wedding ceremony in the Kuban was traditionally considered matchmaking, the purpose of which was to obtain the consent of the girl and her parents to the marriage. As a rule, matchmaking went on Saturday. The restrictions also applied to the time periods of the day. Matchmaking was done after sunset, in order to hide events from prying eyes.

Intending to catch the girl, the groom's parents were sent elders to the house of a potential bride with wrapped round bread in a towel. Matchmaking went mostly men. For the outcome of matchmaking opinion of the bride played a big role. She was asked for consent: "Согласна ты йты за его или ны согласна?" At the moment of reflection, the girl traditionally had to pick her finger oven. Presumably, therefore, the girls were hoping to get support from the spirits of the home, because in people's view of the Slavs, the hearth is the sacred center of the house, it was inhabited by spirits and ancestors, and a place under a stone slab, where a fire was burning, it was a refuge house.

The culmination of the matchmaking was the cutting of bread by the bride as a sign of consent to the marriage. Cutting the bread the girl could not refuse the marriage. It was thought that by this gesture she was separated from her parents. Spoke “the cut-off slice of bread.” There was a sign that the bread should be cut in one motion, without removing the knife. This foreshadowed a happy married life.

After the ritual cutting of bread followed by tying matchmakers towels, this ritual action was the responsibility of the mother of the bride. Mandatory condition to use the same towels, "шоб одинакова жизня булла у диток."

The bride could also refuse. In a sign of refusal the girl returned the bread with the words: “Берить свий хлип и со своим хлибом идить!”

After matchmaking in the Kuban rites followed the contract, the pre-wedding stage, where the parents of the bride and groom decided to organize the wedding. On the contract they decided when the wedding will walk, how many guests will be invited. If one of the parents did not have enough money, the other undertook to help. This whole process is called “сочиня’ть сва’дьбу.”

The final stages of the pre-wedding cycle in the Kuban was the inviting guests and the evening in the bride's house. The first time guests were invited on Wednesday before the wedding. A mandatory attribute that performs the function of an invitation card was a lump, a product of the test. Guests were invited usually parents young.

Again the guests were invited to the bride with the bridesmaids before the wedding. Only close relatives, godfather and godmother of the bride received such honor. In the morning, the bridesmaids dressed the bride in an outfit that was designed for the wedding day, and they went to the village to invite relatives. The bride went ahead of everyone and bowed low to everyone she met. In the house of the relatives the girl also bowed to everyone, kissed, gave a bump and said, "Просым на хлиб, на силь, на свайбу." In the evening of the same day a bachelorette party was held at the bride's house


Usually the wedding was celebrated for three days.

Rites of the first wedding day.

Highlights of the wedding was the dressing of the bride, wedding, ransom of the bride, sewing flower to hat of the groom, bride's farewell with her friends, the gifts, the parting of the bride with family, meeting young in the house of the groom, wedding night. Each element was a unity of game scenes, dialogues and ritual songs and had a certain semantic load. It is in the actions of the first wedding day that the main motives of the all-Slavic wedding are most clearly expressed, such as the transition from one social status to another, fertility, division and connection.

The first wedding day in the Kuban began with the fact that early in the morning friends came to the bride and dressed her. The ritual of the bride's removal to the crown was accompanied by sad ritual songs. At this stage, there is a connection with the idea of the death of the bride in the previous status, which is manifested in the passivity of the bride. At that time, when the bride was dressed to the crown, in the groom's house the wedding train was usually prepared: decorated carts and horses with ribbons and paper flowers.

The groom with the train went to the bride and took her, after which they went to the Church to get married. At this moment ritual songs were not performed, they went silently. Most likely, this is due to protection against damage and witchcraft.

After the wedding, this procession went to the groom's house. Parents treated participants of the train. After lunch, the train went to buy the bride. On arrival the procession of the groom to the house of the young began a series of ransoms: bought the gate, the entrance to the house, a place near the bride, dowry, etc.

The first barrier was the gate. On arrival of the wedding train to the house of the young battle between the family of the groom and the bride's family was staged. The girl's relatives hung on the gate wheel. Into the hole where the axis passed short sticks inserted. Hitting a log on the hole they “fired” the train of the groom. The boyars who accompanied the groom paid a ransom for the entrance with money or vodka.

As soon as the gate opened matchmakers from the groom and the bride exchanged bread which symbolized the connection of the two genera.

Following the redemption the groom paid the bride's mother.

At the threshold of the house the bride's brother demanded ransom. The last ransom the groom paid to the child sitting next to the bride to get a place next to his wife. Pay off the groom's elder thrice looped around the table and seated next to the bride. Traditionally, during this period the wedding feast began. The young sat in a place of honor in the Holy corner.

In the bride's house mother showered young grain, hops, nuts, candy and money. An important value in sprinkling had the use of such an attribute as a sieve because the flour is sifted through it also reflecting the motive of fertility.

The wedding was followed by gifts (still in the house of the young). The ceremony of gifting took place in the bride's house and the groom's house. The newlyweds tried to provide everything you need. Usually gifts consisted of agricultural products, livestock, poultry, dishes, fabrics. However in this wedding episode not only the newlyweds were honored, but also their parents and guests.

In the beginning young were gifted by father and mother, grandparents, godfather and godmother, then the other guests. Leading this ceremony were senior matchmaker (warden) and senior matchmaker. Swat screamed the names of the giver and addressed with the phrase: “Кланяюця молодый и молода хлебом-солью и подарком”. The father-in-law was usually given a shirt and a bread product in the form of a barrel, the mother-in-law was given a piece of cloth and a comb from the dough. Guests were treated to a lump and a glass of vodka.

As soon as the gift ceremony was over, it was reported that the young it was time to gather to the groom's parents. The bride said goodbye to her relatives, and the mother took the children out with a handkerchief the edges of which they held by the gate. Before the young ones are escorted to the groom's house the ritual of the transfer of dowry was going on.

Parents of the groom met young at the gate with the icon and bread. In the wedding ceremony of the Slavic peoples the gates were the important place to be protected.

According to popular belief the fire possessed the cleansing and protective force. On arrival of the wedding train to the house of the groom the fire was kindled at the yard of the young. The fire was extinguished before the supply with the newlyweds had time to drive up to the yard.

In the groom's house as in the bride's house the ceremonies of planting and giving took place. Around midnight young was off to bed. Marriage bed usually arranged with neighbors or relatives.

Post-wedding period

The second and third day of the wedding was called the post-wedding period.

In the wedding ceremony Kuban mother of the bride treated guests with sweets and honey. Sweet is a symbol of love and happiness

The cycle of post-wedding events sometimes lasted for a week. The main ritual actions were carried out in the second and third days after the wedding. In General, the whole stage was characterized by a richness of playing acts with mummers, highlighting the parents of the young couple, the use of military elements. It should be noted that most of the ritual actions of the post-wedding period, as well as the attributes used in their conduct, symbolized the ritual “transition”, “honesty” of the bride, fertility and well-being.

The next day after the wedding, one of the culminating actions of the wedding celebration was held the change of the bride's headdress to the cap of a married woman. The main moments of the second day were the breakfast of the young, meeting guests, visiting the bride's mother, dancing in ryadno, skating and bathing the parents of the young, as well as the continuation of the wedding feast. The morning of the second day began with the fact that mother of the bride sent swaszek with breakfast for the young.

Further episodes had a gaming system and presented a theatrical performance with costumes and pranks. Despite the improvised nature the events were usually the same scenario.

The new formation of the Kuban wedding was the construction of a wooden structure called the tower, which served as an observation post. The tower is probably an element borrowed from the military culture of the Cossacks. Special participants of the wedding celebration (watches, watchman) guarded a red flag hoisted to the top of the tower, a symbol of the bride's purity, punished those who tried to steal it and also reported on the guests who came. The guests were met by matchmakers and mummers with vodka. Latecomers were forced to pay off and rocked in the homespun cloth.

Of great importance the ritual decoration of guests was red ribbons, which are a sign of the preserved chastity of the young.

One of the most important events of the second day was a visit by a young couple of the bride's parents. Presumably, this ritual act is one of the peculiarities of the Kuban actual wedding ceremony.

After the feast, another mandatory and significant ceremony was held seeing the newlyweds to the groom's house for this purpose Ryadno was practilly to the gate. Seeing the gate was accompanied by cheerful songs and dances, throwing money and flowers under the young`s feet. The money raised guests bought gifts for parents. ("шоб молоди булы ны бэдни").

The finale of the second day was skiing and swimming parents with outdoor games and a mummers play. The action parodied the wedding. The bride and groom were portrayed by the young parents. ”Cart” prepared for “young”: decorated with flowers, ribbons, branches. In the cart “horses” portraying mummer were harnessed. Horses from time to time stopped, demanded to give to drink them. Parents with jokes and songs were transported along the street, tried to pump in the mud and bathe in the pond, then brought home, dried and dressed in new clothes.

The third day of the wedding celebration was nominated in terms “трэ'тий дэнь свайбы, цыга'ны, куры, на куря'х гулять”. This day was also full of game scenes with dressing up and jokes. During the day the mummers went from house to house drinking at the wedding guests and “steal” chickens making a clubbing. In the evening the guests were going to eat chicken noodle soup again and continue the fun. The closest gather in the house of young on "chicken's foot". All invited to bring a chicken or a goose.

The final stages of the Kuban wedding are the rites of sweeping the yard, hammering stake, combing the mother of the bride.

Even though most of these ancient traditions and rituals in the history of their existence have lost their original features and acquired a more formal character – they still have the same efficiency and effectiveness as before. Moreover by bringing these rites to the wedding ceremony you can not only protect yourself and your other half from the evil eye but also the unique beauty and special meaning to give the celebration. [3, p.3.10]

1.1.4. Statistics

The popularity of the official registration of a marriage union decreases every year more and more families live in the so-called civil marriage. At the same time many supporters of free relations miss the fact that informal spouses have almost no obligations to each other from the point of view of the law.

According to Rosstat only 985,000 marriages were concluded in Russia in 2016, and in 2017 just over 1,000,000 marriages were registered. All this can be seen on the histogram in Appendix № 1. [4]

In particular in the Kuban region for 2016 there were almost 40 000 marriages, and in 2017 there were more than 40 000. (Appendix №2) [5, p.30]

1.2. Wedding ceremonies in England

1.2.1. History of weddings in England

Until the nineteenth century in England, the decision to marry was made by the parents or guardians of young people. They also organized the wedding. At the same time the bride and groom often were not even familiar at the moment when the decision was made about their marriage. Often the marriage agreement was concluded at a time when the future newlyweds were no more than seven years. At the age of 3 to 7 years children even betrothals. In the future the "spouses" having reached a certain age began to live together.

However in the XVII-th century the judge decided that marriages between people at least one of whom has not reached 7 years are invalid. And here is if both more 7 years then children could become husband and wife – for this children enough was call each other husband and wife, hug and kiss. Of course children continued to live with their parents until they became adults. But they were already married.

Often young people in love with each other, not having received their parents’ consent to the marriage, ran away and secretly married. It was a protest against parental despotism and lack of freedom in choosing a future spouse.

Since the XVII-th century in England the number of unmarried men and women has gradually increased. Enterprising businessmen took advantage of this which began to act as marriage brokers. They were the catalogs wishing to marry women who published ads for seeking to join marriage.

By the XVIII-th century the real "marriage" of the fair began to function in large cities where were held the balls, meetings etc., contributing to the acquaintance and rapprochement of young people.

In 1653, a civil law was passed which required a civil marriage ceremony conducted by a justice of the peace for the official status of the marriage. At the same time, it was necessary to provide a certificate of public wedding from the parish Church. If one of the newlyweds was less than 21 years, need a certificate from parents. The exchange of rings was prohibited during the civil ceremony.

Since 1753, only those marriages that were concluded in the English Church, which has a special registration, have been recognized as legal. Until 1990, it was possible to marry in the Church only in the county where one of the future spouses lives. That is, to get married secretly, in a foreign territory was impossible, because the marriage would be declared invalid.

A serious obstacle to the free conclusion of marriage in England was the question of the religion of the spouses. There were strict boundaries between Catholics and Protestants, so that persons with different faiths rarely married, because in this case, family and friends turned away from them. In addition, in English society there was a strong prejudice against the girls marrying people not of their nationality. The development of capitalist relations, the conclusion of late marriages or their early disintegration, numerous remarriages, commercial and brokerage side of premarital relations, these and many other reasons, led to the fact that in the ХIХ-th century the marriage tradition and ritual developed over the centuries. It is preserved only in some areas of England and even not completely. However, premarital beliefs and customs are preserved in a more or less pure form and almost everywhere, which were manifested in various kinds of divination, timed to certain days. For example, on the eve of St. Agnes’ day (January 20-21), in many English counties, girls wondered at the spring water, stockings and garters, shoes, pins and branches of various plants, "songs under the Apple tree and the sowing of cereals at midnight."

It was very important for the British to choose a month and a wedding day. May, for example, was considered a bad month for marriage and weddings. In the course of the saying was: "To marry in May – all my life to suffer." Failure foreshadowed marriage in lent. The most successful day for the wedding was considered Wednesday.

From long ago weddings in England have been held from a reaping time till Christmas. The reason was simple – food abundance. There is a proverb there: in accordance with it September is the best time to get married if you want your couple to be good and rich. In the Church there was a large, massive chest, to which the applicant approached and tried to open it with one hand, which showed her readiness for housekeeping. You could even terminate the marriage contract, if the approach to the chest was unsuccessful: because the lid was heavy enough!

A bride received as a gift decorative horseshoes which she wore on her wrist. It was thought that they could bring her good luck.

During the wedding the tradition were strictly observed. Many of them are used today. On the way of the wedding train flowers were scattered. In addition to the bride and groom, the wedding train included their parents, bridesmaids, sisters of the groom, his friends, as well as relatives and friends of the bride and groom. Bridesmaids (usually six people) dressed in dresses, style and color of which the bride chose, and her mother paid for their cost.

One of girlfriends was the main. She was carrying a bouquet of the bride and during the wedding ceremony was located behind her. A friend (usually a brother, relative or friend of the groom) helped to organize a wedding, paid a fee to the priest, and also handed the rings to the groom in the Church.

In the morning of the wedding day all these persons gathered at the house of the future newlyweds. The main girlfriend decorated the entrance with white flowers. The bride herself shouldn't have done it. It was thought, that its family life will failed in such a case.

The newlyweds went to the Church accompanied by musicians, singing. Interspersed with songs, in which they repeatedly mentioned the garter from the bride's toilet. Male participants of a wedding train hard shot from guns. It was supposed to ward off evil power.

It was considered a bad omen if during the wedding ceremony started the clock, so usually wait at the entrance until they break. Before entering the Church many ancient customs were observed: the bride and groom jumped over the bench placed across the entrance to the Church and symbolized the overcoming of all obstacles in the future family life.

At the same time the bride as if accidentally lost the garter, which was picked up by young guys and noisy and fun carried her around the Church. In a number of areas while rural weddings Church doors were decorated with collected from all around with silver spoons, beer steins with lids (tancami) and a clock that foretold the abundance of young children.

When the bride entered the church she was showered with wheat. Such wedding traditions existed interiorly among many nations and have remained till nowadays. In present-day England bride is showered with grain, too. However, during this ritual bride doesn’t stand alone, but with her groom. The rite takes place not at entrance, but when the newlyweds leave the church after wedding ceremony. They are usually over strewed with colored rise, ticker tapes, rose petals, etc.

On the North of England the bride flung up not a bunch of flowers but… sliced bread from the plate. Guests tried to catch a slice of bread because it was considered to be a good sign and boded great luck.

The symbol of happiness that has survived to the present day, are also shoes. In 1860, at a wedding in Leicestershire, the bride's brother threw a huge old shoe on the road from the wedding crew while driving home from the Church. And bridesmaids, sparing no elegant dresses, rushed after him on the dusty road. The one who grabs the shoe first is the one who gets married first. [6. p.3]

Throughout the nineteenth century white was the common color for wedding dresses. The material was selected mainly dense: heavy silk, velvet, satin. White lace was sewn on it.

Women who remarried, and widows who remarried, dressed in dresses that match the fashion that prevailed at the time, or very often wore a blue dress, which occurred in the early XX-th century. In all segments of society it was accepted on the occasion of the engagement or marriage to wear (both women and men) white gloves.

Since 20-ies of the XIX-th century for the wedding ceremony, men wore coats with long tails and short waist, blue, narrow pantaloons of tights, not reaching a little to the ankle, black stockings and patent leather shoes; since the 30s in fashion there were long black pants with stripes and tail coats of black satin with white vests. In the 50s, men wore a jacket instead of a coat.

The popular expression of “honeymoon” came to us from England too. How did it appear? There was a tradition to brew a beverage from honey for newlyweds. This drink was given to them before wedding night. It was believed that it could increase probability of fathering a child (in particular – a boy).

In those days divorce was forbidden by the Church.

During the wedding feast the main role was given to the cake. The wedding usually never ended without a cake. The bride herself had to cut it. The feast could last for several days, but not more than a week and at the expense of the invitees themselves.

After the feast, the bride went to her new home. If she stumbled over the threshold, it was seen as an ominous omen. So usually the groom took her in his arms and carried her over the threshold. Then her friends accompanied her to the bedroom and put her to bed. The day after the wedding the couple began to live as a separate family, not depending on anyone. [7]

1.2.2. Modern wedding traditions in England

The British are thrifty in relation to traditions, but it should be noted that the system of wedding ceremonies that existed until recently, almost completely disappeared, in favor of the modern rhythm of relationships.

Recently there has been a tendency to move away from the good old English wedding traditions and replace them with unusual and even extreme events. Wedding celebration on the famous London Ferris wheel is very popular. After all, as you know, marriages are made in heaven. And do not think that it looks like out of this world, with a dirty bride's dress and a bad mood, as a result of uncomfortable and cramped cabins — the British went ahead and made special capsules for newlyweds, the capacity of which reaches up to 20 guests. The marriage is declared complete exactly when the capsule reaches the top of the London Eye.

But how could there not talking for this reason, beliefs have survived to this day. For example, divination on the betrothed with stockings and water from a spring. Blue color is of great importance in the wedding tradition.

Blue ribbons are used for decoration, because according to legend — to get married successfully, the bride must have an old, new, something borrowed, something blue, and six pence in her shoe.

Something old is usually a garter, taken from the mother, which symbolizes the preservation of traditions.

Something new is a new thing in her dress, which is a symbol of a new life.

Something borrowed is usually taken from a rich relative and returned after the wedding.

Something blue, because blue is considered a symbol of love in England, is usually a blue ribbon in the bride's hair.

A sixpence in a shoe as the British believe should bring wealth.

Engagement time in English weddings varies very widely from 2 months to several years. In old English families, where age-old traditions are strong, there are still engagements since childhood, when parents of two families decide to marry their children upon reaching adulthood. Of course, the engagement can be terminated for one reason or another, and first of all – at the request of the betrothed themselves.

English women prefer more modest wedding dresses than, for example, Russian or American women. Most British brides prefer dresses in white or cream color, although in wedding salons there are always color models of wedding dresses.

For bridesmaids dresses fabric bought the same color as for the vests and ties of the groom and best men. Bridesmaids’ dresses are paid by the bride.

Modern brides from England prefer not to leave their wedding dress for their daughter, because fashion is changing, and it is unlikely that the daughter will be happy to put on his wedding dress 25 years ago. Therefore the wedding dress after the wedding or sell, or use a more interesting and touching: from the fabric of the wedding dress sew baptismal clothing for the firstborn.

Bridesmaids are not accepted to cover their heads, but at the English wedding the guests usually come in fashionable flirtatious hats.

As for the wedding gifts there is no special ceremony of donating. In these latter days so-called wedding registries become more and more popular. It is a kind of expected gifts list composed by bride and groom. Guests can make a gift directly at the wedding, and can send in advance, for example, on the eve of the celebration.

Newly wedded couples usually keep the boxes with their gifts clothed till the end of honeymoon. Then after opening the gifts, they sent gratitude postcards to the guests.

England rightfully has the status of the patroness of marriages, because it was the British who once created those same marriage agencies, which have not lost relevance to this day.

A beautiful wedding ceremony, embellished with fog, like a bride's veil, gives this event an element of mystery and inner peace. To celebrate a wedding here is to get an unforgettable pleasure, a romantic adventure filled with love and tenderness.

The owners of the castles, descendants of old English families, provide their possessions for the celebration of weddings. And this is not surprising, because the locks here are an invaluable asset.

In summer, weddings are celebrated in the most beautiful parks of the castle, in winter, autumn and early spring — in the halls specially decorated for wedding ceremonies.

A mandatory element of the English wedding is a touching wedding in the Church. As usual, the bride, introduced to the hall of the groom's father, will be ahead of the little girl who will sprinkle the path of fresh flowers. Under the wonderful music the couple will swear allegiance to each other.

Before the wedding feast business cards are laid out on the tables with the names of the guests and small bags of sweets, expressing gratitude to the newlyweds guests. The menu of a wedding feast differs in a wide variety and the range. The leading place among the wedding dishes is baked lamb, alcohol is champagne, wine, and for dessert is supposed to be a lot of different fruits.

Wedding cake is a mandatory component of the wedding banquet. The bride and groom themselves cut and share between the invited guests, but leave yourself the top. The last piece is given by the rules to the bachelor friends of her husband, so he soon got a family. Toasts are pronounced at the wedding celebration after eating, and the first toast should be made by the groom's friend. Then all go for a walk, and then arranged incendiary dances. [8]

1.2.3. Statistics

Modern British people lose interest in traditional marriage and prefer to live together without its legal registration. According to statistics, the number of marriages contracted in the UK has now fallen to its lowest level since 1862, the beginning of such a nationwide calculation.

According to experts, the reasons for this as economic-officially registered couples pay higher taxes, as well as sociological – in modern British society is increasingly valued individualism and the lack of a person of any long-term obligations.

Moreover, officially to be married becomes not fashionable.

At the same time, the average age of British marriage is increasing. For men it is now 31.8 years, for women it is 29.7 years. In modern Britain, 67.2% of men and 71% of women are married.

According to the report of the national statistical service of Britain (ONS), the number of prisoners of marital unions between men and women in the country in 2015 decreased to an absolute historical minimum.

Published by the office the graphs show a reduction during recent years to the lowest levels since the 1930s. However, the ONS noted that as at the end of 2015 the level of traditional marriages in Britain has fallen to the lowest value since 1862 [9].

There were 239,020 marriages between opposite-sex couples in 2015, a decrease of 3.4% from 2014 when there 247,372 marriages, and 0.8% lower than in 2013. The information can be seen on the chart in Appendix №3

2. Practical part

Before starting our study, we decided to identify the level of knowledge of students on this topic, conducted a written survey (Appendix №4), what they know about the wedding traditions in the Kuban and England, their similarity and difference. 70 students of the school participated in the survey. According to the results of their survey, we made the following diagram:


The 1-st question: Have you ever attended a wedding ceremony?

The 2-nd question: What did you like about it?

The 3-d question: What didn`t you like about it?

The 4-th question: Do you know wedding traditions in England? What?

The 5-th question: Do you know wedding traditions in the Kuban? What?

The 6-th question: What is the difference between wedding ceremonies in the Kuban and England in your opinion?

The diagram shows that the knowledge of children about wedding traditions in the Kuban and England, their similarities and differences are very poor. From what we can conclude that we need to pay due attention to this, to expand the knowledge of children about the history of our region, the history of the studied country, the traditions of the family.

As part of our research work, we gave several English lessons about wedding traditions in the Kuban region and in England. We have published two Newspapers about these traditions. (Appendix №5)

As a result, children's knowledge began to improve. We are not going to stop on this, as part of this topic a number of lessons and performances in English are planned.

As a result of our study, we have created a table where you can see brief entertaining comparative facts about the Kuban and English weddings at the moment. (Appendix №6)


After studying the extensive material from different sources of information on the topic, comparing the features of wedding traditions in the Kuban and England, we came to the following conclusions:

The British and the Kubans have different understand the meaning of the wedding. In the modern Kuban wedding is a cycle of significant ceremonies (wedding feast, bride price, etc.). But many weddings do cancel all kinds of traditions, limited only to registration and ordering a restaurant for a small number of guests. In England as some traditions are honored, but on top of everything a marriage contract is signed.

In the study and comparison of wedding traditions and rituals of the Kuban and England, we found many differences, and at the same time, found common features. This is because despite the diversity of cultures, most of the traditions came to us from ancient Rome and other ancient cultures.

The main common feature that unites the motives of marriage is the attitude to the wedding: celibacy and childlessness are condemned, caring for children is one of the main goals of married life.

In England, prefer to marry in the Church, Church marriage they have is legally legal, while in Russia has legal force only a document on registration of marriage, issued by the Registry office.

On the basis of the conducted research it must be concluded that we have fulfilled the purpose of our research: the study of wedding traditions in the Kuban and England in order to better understand the society of the country whose language we study and finding similarities and differences in the celebration of weddings in the Kuban and England. All the tasks were solved.

The practical value of our work is that the material collected by us in the course of work can be used in English lessons, history, Kuban studies at school, and it can be useful to people who are interested in the traditions of the Kuban and England.

The result of our research is dishes on which you can find some tradition of wedding celebrations in England or the Kuban, thereby learning the history of our region and the country, the studied language, to revive old traditions. (Appendix №7)

Wedding is always a bright and memorable event, the beginning of a new stage in the life of every person. No matter where in the world the wedding is played and what nationality the newlyweds belong to, the wedding will be the brightest event in their lives. And traditions exist not only to be observed, but also to be remembered and known, it is part of the history of each country, part of the culture of the people.

This work inspired us to study the topic more deeply, to consider the traditions of wedding celebrations in other countries.


Russian wedding: Tatiana Novoselova. – M.: Feniks, 2007.

Balashov D. M., Marchenko D. I., Russian wedding, "Sovremennik". – M., 1985.

Tkachenko P., Kuban wedding. – Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009.

Statistics of marriages and divorces in Russia/

Krasnodar region in numbers. 2017: Stat. col./ Krasnodarstat. – Krasnodar, 2018.

Davydova-Harwood Elena, English wedding. – M.: Kolibri, Azbuka-Atticus, 2011.

English wedding traditions/

Modern traditions in pure English wedding/ http://женский-онлайн.рф/svadba/traditsii_svadba.html

Traditional marriages in Britain for 150 years/

Appendix №1


Appendix №2


Appendix №3

Number of marriages between opposite-sex couples, 1935 to 2015




1. Have you ever attended a wedding ceremony?____________________________________


2. What did you like about it?______________________________________________________


3. What didn`t you like about it?___________________________________________________


4. Do you know wedding traditions in England? What?_________________________________


5. Do you know wedding traditions in the Kuban? What?________________________________


6. What is the difference between wedding ceremonies in the Kuban and England in your opinion?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix №5





Appendix №6

Comparative table about the Kuban and English weddings at the moment.


The Kuban



Registration in the registry office is legally legitimate. It held solemnly to the sounds of Mendelssohn's waltz.

In England, a Church marriage or registered in a local Town Hall is legally legal.  State registration is carried out in a business environment, without musical accompaniment. Ring exchange is optional

Preparation of the marriage contract

It is made rarely.


Preparing for the wedding

The priest introduces the bride and groom to the ritual the day before.

Before the sacrament of the day, the newlyweds must come to the temple and undergo confession and communion. Three days before confession it is necessary to observe fasting and to read the preparatory prayers.

The bride and groom must take courses to prepare for the wedding.

Wedding rehearsal



The attitude of the Church to the wedding of representatives of other faiths

The Christian Church tolerates representatives of other faiths.

The wedding of Catholics with representatives of other faiths (Jews, Muslims) is prohibited.


The roles of the bride and groom are limited: they repeat the oath after the priest.

In a Catholic wedding the couple can say vows, the text of which they will write their own.


The newlyweds put the nameless on the ring finger of the left hand.

The ring is put on the nameless finger of the right hand.

Bride's bouquet

A very popular custom, when the bride throws the bouquet to unmarried girlfriends.

The custom is observed however noticed that young people refrain from taking part in this ritual.

Photo session with all guests after the wedding



The Seating guests

Guests sit at the table on the degree of relations.

Each guest knows his place at the table on business cards.

Wedding dress

Preference is given to an expensive, elegant wedding dresses.

English women prefer more modest wedding dresses in white or cream colors.


dressed differently at their own expense.

Bridesmaids' dresses are paid by the bride. For dresses bridesmaids bought fabric of the same color as for vests and ties of the groom and best men.


During the Banquet guests congratulate the young and give gifts. Gifts are given on your own.

Popular wedding registers are lists of expected gifts, compiled by the bride and groom. This register passes through the hands of all relatives and friends, and everyone chooses what will give. Gifts can be presented at the wedding or send in advance-on the eve of the event

Wedding Banquet organizer


MC (Master of Ceremonies).

Appendix №7

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