Урок-викторина по английскому языку на тему «Do you know Great Britain?» (5–11 классы)

Материал опубликован 22 March 2016

Урок - викторина по теме: «Do you know Great Britain?»

Цель: закрепление имеющихся знаний в области английского языка по теме Великобритания посредством игровой ситуации.



- повышать познавательный интерес учащихся к языку через использование игровых моментов;

- закрепить лексику по теме Великобритания;

- обучение навыкам восприятия на слух иностранных слов.


- развивать внимание студентов;

- развивать интерес к изучению английского языка;

- развивать умение работать в группе.


- умение работать в команде;

- формировать уважительное отношение к мнению других

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование и оснащение: карточки с вопросами, презентация Power Point, грамоты.


Ход занятия:

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Преподаватель: Good morning, students! I’m very glad to see you today!

Its will be very interesting and unusual lesson today!

Студенты: Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you too! We are ready for the lesson!

Преподаватель: Who is on duty today?

(Студенты отвечают)

Студент: Who is absent today?

(Дежурные называют отсутствующих)

Основная часть урока:

Преподаватель: Ребята, сегодня мы с вами немножко поиграем. Для этого мы поделились на 2 команды. Вам будут представлены различного рода задания, за выполнение которых вы получите баллы.

Представляю вам членов нашего сегодняшнего жюри, которые будут оценивать ваши баллы и в конце урока подведут итог и объявят команду-победителя.  

Группа делится на две команды. Преподаватель читает вопрос викторины, какая команда первая поднимет руку, та и отвечает на вопрос. Если ответ не верный, то вторая команда отвечает. На размышление командам дается по 2 минуты на каждый вопрос.

Перед студентами также идёт презентация вопросов.

Преподаватель: “Today you will show us their knowledge of English language, English history, English famous people, English customs and traditions. Today you will know many interesting things. The winner will be the best. Good luck to you!”

Вопросы Викторины «Great Britain»

"Main Parts of Great Britain"

How many parts are there in Great Britain? (2 points)

(There are 4 parts)

What is the largest part of the UK? (2 points) (The largest part of the UK is England.)

What part of Great Britain borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land? (4 points)

(Northern Ireland borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land.)

What is the capital of Wales? (3 points) (The capital of Wales is Cardiff.)

5) What is the symbol of Scotland? (2 points) (The Thistle national emblem of Scotland)

What is the symbol of Wales? (2 points)

(The Leek and the Daffodil)

7) What parts is Scotland divided into? (2 points)
(Scotland is divided into Highlands and Lowlands.)


2. "Geographical Outlook"

1) What river is the capital situated on? (2 points)

(The river Thames)

2) What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (2 points)

(The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scot­land, Northern Ireland, Wales.)

3) What is the most famous lake in Scotland? (3 points) ( Loch)

What is between Great Britain and Ireland? (5 points) (The Irish Sea is between Great Britain and Ireland.)

Where is the UK situated? (4 points) (The UK is situated on the British Isles.)

What is the UK washed by in the north - west? (1 point) (The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north - west.)

7) What Dover do we usually call the narrowest part of the English Channel? (3 points)

(The Strait of Dover is the narrowest part of the English Channel.)


3. "Political Outlook"

1) How many members are there in the House of Commons? (2 points)

(There are 650 members in the House of Commons.)

2) Whom does the power in the country belong to? (3 points)

(The power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government.)

3) Why is the House of Lords considered to be a very
important body? (4 points)

(It is considered to be a very important body because it can offer, delay and change laws.)

4) How often do the British people elect the members of the
House of Commons? (5points)

(The British people elect the members of the House of Commons every five year.)

5) Who is the Head of State in Great Britain? (2 points)
(The Head of State is the Queen.)


4. "The British Ways of Life"

1) What is the favourite topic to discuss in Great Britain? (2 points)

(The favourite topic to discuss in Britain is weather.)

2) What pets are the special animals in Great Britain? (3 points)

(The special animals in Great Britain are cats.)

3) When do British people celebrate Christmas? (3 points)

(on December 25)

4) What is the Scottish national costume? (2 points)

(Traditional kilts)

5) What is the national instrument of Scots? (2 points)


6) When do people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day? (4 points) (People celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on the 5"' of Novem­ber.)

7) Where can you see ravens in London? (3 points) (The ravens we can see in the Tower of London.)

8) Why do the ravens live in the Tower of London? (3 points)

(One of the old English legends says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great, until twelve black ravens live in the Tower of London.)


Урок завершается конкурсом стихотворений выученных в процессе работы над данной темой и в процессе подготовки к данному уроку. (Учащиеся рассказывают стихи или четверостишия). Чем больше стихов выучила команда, тем больше баллов она получает.


III. Заключительное слово учителя. Награждение победителей.

Преподаватель: So my dear students our lesson is almost over and now we will know who the winner is today.

Жюри подводит итоги.

Преподаватель: The winner is..... . Congratulations!!! Do you like our lesson today? What do you like the most? What you do not like today and why?

Thanks a lot for your work! Good bye!

Стихи: (к примеру)


'This England' from Richard ll:

This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle, 
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, 
This other Eden, demi-paradise, 
This fortress built by Nature for herself 
Against infection and the hand of war, 
This happy breed of men, this little world, 
This precious stone set in the silver sea, 
Which serves it in the office of a wall, 
Or as a moat defensive to a house, 
Against the envy of less happier lands, 
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England, 
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings, 
Fear'd by their breed and famous by their earth

Стихи о Лондоне: Вернон Скэннел (1922-2007), Autumn 

It is the football season once more 
And the football pages of the Sunday papers 
Again show the blurred anguish of the goalkeepers. 

In Maida Vale, Golders Green and Hampstead 
Lamps ripe early in the surprising dusk; 
They are furred like stale rinds with a fuzz of mist. 

The pavements of Kensington are greasy; 
The wind smells of burnt porridge in Bayswater, 
And the leaves are mushed to silence in the gutter. 

The big hotel like an anchored liner 
Rides near the park; lit windows hammer the sky. 
Like the slow swish of surf the tyres of taxis sigh. 

On Ealing Broadway the cinema glows 
Warm behind glass while mellow the church clock chimes 
As the waiting girls stir in their delicate chains. 

Their eyes are polished by the wind, 
But the gleam is dumb, empty of joy or anger, 
Though the lovers are long in the coming the girls still linger. 

We are nearing the end of the year. 
Under the sombre sleeve the blood ticks faster 
And in the dark ear of Autumn quick voices whisper. 

It is a time of year that’s to my taste, 
Full of spiced rumours, sharp and velutinous flavours, 
Dim with the mist that softens the cruel surfaces, 
Makes mirrors vague. It is the mist that I most favour.



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10 May 2016