Тест по английскому языку на знание идиом «Do you know English idioms?»

Do you know English idioms?
Task 1
1.You do abs exercises once in a blue moon. Do you really think it’ll help you to get in shape?
По ночам
Раз в сто лет
2.That job was a piece of cake. It was the easiest thing that I ever did.
Пустяковое дело
По плечу
Очень тяжелой
3.Sam is head over heels with someone in his company.
Надеть каблуки
Вывернуться на изнанку
Влюбиться по уши
4.The woman was as cool as a cucumber when her canoe turned over in the river.
5. It has been raining cats and dogs all morning.
Льет как из ведра
Капает мелкий дождик
Давно не было дождя.
Task 2
Match the color idioms and their meaning.
Idiom |
Meaning |
Have a green thumb |
Very rare |
Have the blues |
Be skillful in the garden |
Once in a blue moon |
Official or bureaucratic tasks |
Red tape |
Be sad or depressed |
Task 3
Find the appropriate meaning to the picture
a) c)
d) e)
When it comes
to computers he really
knows his onions.
Meaning of the idioms:
try to win favor through flattery; -----------------------------
know a lot about a particular subject; -------------------
be in serious trouble; -----------------------------
person or situation difficult to deal with --------------------------------
get upset over something that has happened and cannot be changed ----------------
Task 1 |
Task 2 |
Task 3 |
1-c 2-a 3-c 4-b 5-a |
1-b 2-d 3-a 4-c |
a-1 b-4 c-5 d-2 e-3 |
c |
Лукьянова Оксана Яронимовна