Доклад на тему: "Endangered animal: Orange toad"

Материал опубликован 25 November 2019

"Endangered animal: Orange Toad"

Prepared by Sonya Stebeneva

Form 7B

t1574705892aa.jpgOrange Toad - a small toad that lived in a limited area of ​​the tropical forests of Costa Rica. It

was first described in 1966, but after 1989 no one saw it.  Orange toad is a rare species of amphibians and is considered to have disappeared from the face of the earth population.


Eyewitnesses describe that the golden toads looked like a bright jewel, a gold bar, unknown to be found underfoot on mortal ground in the middle of the forest. By the way, according to legend, when a golden toad dies, it turns into gold. There was a red-orange toad in the tropical forests of Costa Rica, in a strictly defined area (not throughout the forests, but on one Monteverdi mountain).


The causes of extinction are reliably unknown. It is assumed that among the “culprits” there may be: an epidemic of fungal infection, drought due to changes in the El Nino ocean current, environmental pollution, deforestation.


The golden frog is considered the national symbol of Panama. On August 14, National Day of the Golden Frog is celebrated on a grand scale here. Celebrations, festivals and exhibitions take place in Panama throughout August.


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