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Важенина Лилия Александровна19

Внеклассное мероприятие на тему :” English through fun.”

Разработчик: Важенина Лилия Александровна, преподаватель английского языка Екатеринбургский монтажный колледж.

Цель мероприятия: формировать интерес и создание мотивации к изучению английского языка через коммуникативное общение, развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, формировать речевой ритм, развитие навыков общения, умения в совместной деятельности и   развитие артистических способностей студентов.

 Выходит ведущий и говорит; Today the students of our college are taking the English exam .Our administration decided to make an experiment and to do it in an unusual way as it was done
 before because they invited a professor from England as an examiner to see how well our students speak and understand a native speaker. And now we offer you to see how it happened. The Professordid not realize (know) that the Russian students are capable of making tricks and here is one of them
who always learned only one ticket- number 13 whatever the subject was . He always came first.

2.(The student enters and sits far away from the teacher ).Good morning professor! I am glad to see you.

Pr. Good morning. Me too .Please come
St: Thank you. I feel more comfortable here.
Pr: Do not be so nervous. You are welcome!
St: Thank you!( He takes three jumps, then bows again and then approaches the table). You look very familiar to me professor. Have we met before?
Pr. I do not think so.
St. I never forget the face! I am sure I know you from somewhere. I do not look familiar to you, do I?
Pr: I am sorry. No.
St. I believe we met in Chicago. You were a waiter in a café.
Pr: I have never been to Chicago.
St. Have you ever driven a taxi in Egypt?
Pr.: No.
St. Oh! I have remembered! We played together in a casino in Paris
Pr. I have never been to Paris. I do not like casino and I do not play any gambling games. Actually I have no time for that. Let's get down to business. .Do not get distracted. ( shuffles cards and lays on the table)

St: Professor, how do you make it a habit to shuffle the tickets?
Pr: What? Did I do that? I did not notice it.
St. And now for yourself!
Pr: Why should I? Which of us is taking an exam? Me or you? Make your choice.
St.Sorry Professor! Sorry! I am excited. I have said without thinking ( takes and shuffles the Professor ‘s tickets Then takes the thread with weighted zzzzzztt takes a ticket and in a panic puts the tickets all confusing).

Pr: What's up? What are you doing? Why did you mix up all the tickets? What was the number?
St: You see I am very superstitious and the number was unlucky. It was 13!
Pr. Never mind! I will help you! 've heard a lot about different tricks of Russian students and I cannot be hold! To me, this will not - I will take a ticket for you this time. Takes the ticket and gives it to him - I will take a ticket for you. .What is the topic?
St. The topic is : Why do I learn English?
Pr: Nice! You see I do not like when the students say memorized phrases and say the thoughts of others To determine the level of knowledge I usually organize the examinations according to my own

system I'm talking to a man asking him questions based on the subject line of the ticket and it helps me easily find out the level of his knowledge. Settled? So , let’s start.. English has always been my favourite subject at school and I like when people speak fluent English. English is spoken all over the world including Russia.
Pr.How can you prove that?
St. Easily! I foresaw this question and I can say that even my relatives often speak English when we get together . My granny likes to teach my brother and me.
and she often does it in English. I do not know why.
Pr.: Does your father speak English?
St: Just a little. He speaks French and German much better.
Pr: Now I see how noble your granny is ! She does not want your dad to know that she is scolding you.
St: Maybe. And now see my proof that Russian people can speak not only at schools but at home as well.
            ( watch the video)

Granny enters the room where her two grandsons are sitting at the computers

Granny enters the room where her two grandsons are sitting at the computers websites
she asks:
What is this? Again computers! Tomorrow you are having your English exam at school and what are you busy with!

Yes. We are. Do not worry granny! Everything is great!
-Give me the list of questions you have to be prepared to answer and I will see how well you know the subject!
To be successful at the exam tomorrow you should sit in a quiet room with your phones and the social media websites off!
Did you forget who would be your examiner tomorrow! A native speaker! It's a pretty good chance and opportunity to check your knowledge.
- It's a shame! My God! I can’t stand it! You are running me mad!! How awful!Shame on you! Other children are like children and you... Oh , My bad heart! Oh, call an ambulance! If you were more disciplined you would have achieved great success in school and in sports. You will not you realize yourselves if you continue being idle-you will not achieve anything Are you ready for tomorrow's exam? You-both!
спрашивает первого: What is the heart of London?
-1 answers: I know. I know. The heart of London is the City.
-Who was the first President of the USA?
-2-I know! George Washington
-form the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives:
 a). comfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable
 b).good-better the best
And now tell me what event our country is hosting in summer?
1:-World football championship.
2: Granny! Do you like football? Can you play football?
1: Do you like music? Do you like dancing?
She: Stop fooling me!!!
2: Granny we are tired of your lectures!
1: Let's have a break! Huray! Music! Dancing! Break!

 Pr: It's good but you did not surprise me with this video. You could rehearse and present it .How else you can prove the fact?
St. Oh It's easy. Now I will speak to the audience and ask them to help me. You do agree that I could not instigate so many unfamiliar young people in advance. Can anybody in the hall help me?
Baz: I can! (
Выходит на сцену). Good morning professor! I like English; I try to speak and learn English almost every day and I can demonstrate you that many young Russian people
speak English!
Pr: It's interesting! Do that !
обращается в зал)
Baz: Dear those present students! Let me ask you some questions and please give me your answers
1.Do you like English?
2. What country is this professor from?
3. What exam is this student taking now?
4. Who is the President of the USA now?
5. Who was the president of the USA before Trump?
6.Do you like fruits?
7. What fruits do you like?
                 You see professor our young people can understand and speak English without any preparation.
By the way professor, have we met before? Your face looks familiar to me!
Pr: Another one!
Baz: Let me just be present at your exam. I will sit quietly and will not bother you. We do not often have opportunities to listen to a native speaker here. l will sit on the sidelines and won't interfere because we do not often have the opportunity to listen to a native speaker.
Pr: You are welcome! So Let's start our conversation on the topic. We're a little distracted
My first question is: What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
St: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Pr. Where was Charlie Chaplin born?
St: In London.
Pr: What is the capital of Scotland?
St: Edinburg
Pr: What universities have the highest reputation in the United Kingdom?
St Oxford and Cambridge.
Pr: Where is Nelson’s column situated?
St: In Trafalgar square
Pr Where is Hawaii?
St: In the Pacific Ocean.
Pr: What is Mark Twain’s real name?
St: Samuel Clemens.
Pr. And now let's talk about reading and shopping and homes. What is your favourite book?
St: Face book.
Pr: What is your favourite shop?
St: Photo shop.
Pr: What do you like to buy?
St: Eyes cream.
Pr: What kind of ice cream?
St. No. Eyes cream. Cream for my eyes.
Pr: What do you have on the walls in your house?
St: Dead mosquitoes.
Pr: Where was the declaration of Independence signed?
St: At the bottom of the page! You see at the bottom not at the top!
Professor: I am tired! And you? How are you feeling? Did you like my answers? Am I attaboy? Please
, praise me.

встает тот, который сидел и кричит) Professor! ! I have remembered ! I have remembered where I saw you-I was sitting and tormenting memories .We really played all together in the casino in Paris and I have even preserved our photo .(shows him the phone) - you will not deny that it is You!

First student. Well, I told you I have also got the proof-a selfie-look it's you and we!Pr: You are mistaken my dear! It's not me It’s my twin brother We are similar as two drops of water We are the exact image of each other and even friends mix us up.


1.Каверина В. “ 100 тем Английского устного”, Бао-Пресс, 2016.

2. Рогова Г. В. “ Устная речь как средство обучения”- Иностранные языки в школе, 1976, №3.

3. Ратина Н. Ф.” Конкурс “ The United States of America” Иностранные языки в школе, 2003г. №3,

Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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