Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку во 2-х классах в рамках декадника английского языка «English is fun!»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку во 2-х классах в рамках декадника английского языка «English is fun!»
2012-2013 учебный год
Цель: обобщить знания обучающихся
- Формирование умения применять полученные знания на практике;
- Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков обучающихся на английском языке;
- Развитие креативности мышления, языковой догадки, внимательности;
- Расширение кругозора обучающихся;
- Повышение интереса к предмету «иностранный язык»;
- Воспитание доброжелательного отношения друг к другу.
Форма: игра- КВН.
Видео проектор;
Одежда для судей;
Иллюстрации к стихотворению (конкурс 2);
Белые листы, маркеры, платки для завязывания глаз;
Жёлтый маркер;
Плакаты с солнышком;
Плакаты с АВС;
Картинки к загадкам;
Карточки с местоимениями;
Разрезные предложения;
Таблички для аудирования;
Эмблемы для команд;
Призы для команд, зрителей, жюри.
Музыкальное оформление:
фанфары начала КВН
музыка для выхода жюри
песенка алфавита
музыка на конкурс рисования для болельщиков
музыка для конкурса капитанов команд
заключительная песенка
фанфары для награждения
музыка на концовку
- сформировать команды, придумать название, девиз
- подготовить представление команд
- повторить стихотворение
- повторить животных
- повторить счёт
- повторить алфавит
- повторить множественное число
- повторить цвета
- повторить личные местоимения
- рассказ о животном
конкурс приветствия
2А (эмблема)
конкурс 2 стихотворение
1 часть стих.
2 часть стих.
3 часть стих.
конкурс 3 счёт
конкурс 4 АВС
конкурс 5 аудирование
конкурс 6 мн. ч.
15-32 животные
конкурс 7 загадки
конкурс рисования для болельщиков
конкурс 8 капитанов
конкурс для болельщиков «кот в мешке»
37-39 обезьяна, лев, попугай
конкурс 9 местоимения
41-44 предложения с местоимениями
конкурс 10
призовые места
заключительный слайд
Ход мероприятия
Слайд № 1
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!
Today we have a competition. We have 3 teams. They consist of pupils of the second forms: form 2A, form 2B, form 2V.
Слайд № 2
And we have a jury. Let me introduce its members: Tiloeva Regina, Pozolotin Svyatoslav and Ryazanov Nikita. They are in the fourth form.
There will be … tasks in our competition.
Конкурс 1
Слайд № 3
Now we start. The first task is to introduce your teams. 2A, you will be the first.
Слайд № 4 (Приветствие 2А класса)
Thank you. Now it’s your turn, the second form B.
Слайд № 5 (Приветствие 2Б класса)
It was nice of you, thanks. The second form V, you are welcome.
Слайд № 6 (Приветствие 2В класса)
Thank you. Fans, clap your hands, please. Our jury will give you marks.
Конкурс 2
«Who is the best in recycling poems?»
Слайд № 7
The second task is to recite a poem. We have 3 teams and we know 3 parts of the poem we have leant at the lessons. Choose a picture and recite your part all together. Who will be the best?
1. Слайд № 8
A pig went to town to buy a stick.
What? A pig with a stick?
A stick for a pig?
Who ever saw a pig with a stick?
2. Слайд № 9
A cat went to town to buy a hat.
What? A cat with a hat?
A hat for a cat?
Who ever saw a cat with a hat?
3. Слайд № 10
A dog went to town to buy a frog.
What? A dog with a frog?
A frog for a dog?
Who ever saw a dog with a frog?
Thank you very much. It was nice.
Конкурс 3
«Let’s count»
Слайд № 11
Now we shall see how you can count. You are to count from 1 to 10 and then from 10 to 1. Let’s start. 2B, begin, please.
2V, go on, please.
2A, now it’s your turn.
Thanks a lot. All of you can count well.
Конкурс 4
«The ABC»
Слайд № 12
Now we shall see who knows the English alphabet best of all. Each team will get a card with the ABCs, but the letters are not in the right order. So your task is to show and name all the letters in the alphabet order. I’ll give you one minute to prepare.
And I suggest you, dear guests, to sing the ABC song while the teams are getting ready.
Now 2V, you will be the first.
2A, it’s your turn.
2B, you are welcome.
We see you know the letters well.
Dear jury, can you show us the results.
OK. Let’s go on.
Конкурс 5
Слайд № 13
Sam likes to take part in different competitions too. Let’s listen to the interview with Sam. Your task is to fill in the table.
Give your cards to the jury.
So who can skate in his family?
And who can ski?
Who can ride a bike?
All right. Weldone.
Конкурс 6
«One and Many»
Слайд № 14
The next task is to make the plural of the words. I’ll give the word in singular and you’ll form the plural, for example, a crocodile – crocodiles. Do you understand? Let’s start. 2A (по-очереди, по слову)
A rabbit – rabbits Слайды № 15-16
A dog – dogs Слайды № 17-18
A tiger – tigers Слайды № 19-20
A fish – fish Слайды № 21-22
A fox – foxes Слайды № 23-24
A mouse – mice Слайды № 25-26
A cat – cats Слайды № 27-28
An elephant – elephants Слайды № 29-30
A bear – bears Слайды № 31-32
Конкурс 7
«Guess the riddles»
Слайд № 33
2A: It is funny. It is brown. It can jump and climb. It likes bananas.
(a monkey)
2B: It is grey. It is big. It can’t fly. It can go.
(an elephant)
2V: It lives in the forest. It is big. It is brown. It likes honey and fish.
(a bear)
2A: It is small. It likes fish and milk. It can jump and run.
(a cat)
2B: It is green and long. It lives in the river. It can swim.
(a crocodile)
2V: It is green and small. It can’t go. It can’t fly. It can jump.
(a frog)
«Drawing» (для болельщиков)
Слайд № 34
Who wants to draw? I’ll close your eyes and you will draw the animal the jury names.
(К доске выходят по одному человеку от болельщиков. Им завязывают глаза и просят нарисовать животное).
Draw a pig, please.
Draw a parrot, please.
Draw a hare, please.
Now let’s see how our teams can guess the riddles. Read them and guess one by one. 2B, you will begin. 2V. 2A.
Nice of you. It’s high time to have a rest.
Let’s see your results.
Слайд № 35
It’s high time to have a rest. Stand up, please. Do exercises all together.
Задание 8
Story-tellers (для капитанов). «Чьё солнышко ярче?»
Слайд № 36
The next card is for captains. Choose a picture of an animal and tell us everything you can about it. Try to make up as many sentences about this animal as you can. (Капитан каждой команды вытягивает картинку животного, и составляет рассказ о нём. На доске нарисовано 3 солнышка без лучей. За каждое правильное предложение добавляется лучик к нему. Чьё солнце ярче, тот и победит. За каждое правильное предложение – 1 балл).
Животные: a monkey, a lion, a parrot.
While captains are working, the teams will play the game which is called «A cat in a bag». Put your hand into the bag without looking inside and name the colour of the thing.
The game is over, let’s listen for our captains. The jury will count only right sentences. One right sentence – one ray for your sun. Whose sun is the brightest? 2V. 2A. 2B. Слайды № 37, 38, 39
Конкурс 9
Слайд № 40
Now we remember personal pronouns. You’ll have these cards with pronouns. Look at the smart board, you see a sentence, one word is missing, your task is to show us the card with the pronoun which we need here.
Слайды № 41-42, 43-44, 45-46
Конкурс 10
«Составьте предложения»
Слайд № 47
And the last task of our game is to make up sentences out of words. You’ll take cards and form a sentence. Your fans will read and translate your sentence.
So our competition is over. The jury will count your points. Let’s sing the song “The more we are together” Слайд № 48
Now listen to our jury. Слайд № 49
All the teams were active and smart. Fans tried to do their best too.
Team “…” has … points. They are the third. Captain, come here, please. Clap your hands, please.
Team “…” has … points. They get the second prize.
And as you see team “…” has … points. They are the winners! We congratulate you!
Слайд № 50
Thank you very much to all of you. We like the way you work. You are the best pupils.
Goodbye, my friends, Goodbye!
Язык учить не забывай!
See you!