Homes we choose

Материал опубликован 23 May 2021

Петергофская гимназия имени Александра II


Homes we choose


10в класса Я. А. Донсков

Санкт-Петербург 2021


2 . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction

3 . . . . . . . . . . . . The history of the question

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Our dream house

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking documents and financing options

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Plan and design the home

6 . . . . . . . . . . . . The process of building a house

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion

13 . . . . . . . . . . . Used resources


A residential issue has always been considered central to the life of any person. At least once in a life a dilemma arises for many people: what is better to buy – a flat or a house? And if twenty years ago it was considered not prestigious to live in a private house, especially in a country house, today having your own mansion within the city boundaries, or behind it, provided with all the necessary communications that means comfortable living, is considered a sign of high status and affluence.

A survey was conducted on the website , which revealed that of 1057 respondents, 820 people would prefer a private house, 199 people would prefer an apartment, 38 people found it difficult to answer.


Which is better: own house or flat? The reasons why people choose an apartment or a private house for living can be different: fatigue from city and a desire to provide more space for the upbringing children, or a wish to lead a more active social life. Some want to have and cultivate their own land plot, while others do not like to work on the land, and they consider housing as a resting place after a hard day, not wanting to spend a lot of time on household chores and cares, which are much more in a private house than in an apartment.

Our family faced this problem several years ago when we decided to improve our living conditions and leave our parents’ home, because it became too small for the family of six persons.

My cousin and I were too small to take an active part in those discussions. But once I heard our guest from America who wondered why in Russia, unlike other countries, people prefer to live in flats even if they are well-to-do and anyway, why they have additionally country houses. It meant that in other countries people’s attitude to this problem differed from that of ours. Consequently I decided to start my research.

The history of the question

Why do we need homes? We need homes to protect us from the weather. The roof and walls protect us against the sun, rain, wind and snow. Houses can protect people from attack by their enemies, thieves or wild animals. A residential issue has always been considered central to the life of any person.

Today most of us live in houses or blocks of flats. Many people live in villages, towns or cities but a long time ago most people around the world were nomads. They travelled from place to place. They made homes that they could take with them.

What are Homes Made of?

People often make houses from building materials that they can find around them, for example, wood, stone, plants, straw or snow. Stone is a very popular building material. Stone houses are very strong. If there is a fire, stone walls do not burn. In places where there are rivers or lakes, people sometimes use reeds to build their houses. In many countries people build their houses out of earth. When it is wet you can make it into a lot of different shapes. You can dry earth and make it into bricks. Bricks are very hard and they make a building very strong. Brick houses can be tall.

The Shape of Homes

Some architects design houses from unusual things, for example, containers from ships. These containers are very quick to put into place and make into small blocks of flats. Houses in cold countries often have sloping roofs to protect them from rain or snow. In countries where there is not much rain, a lot of houses have got flat roofs. In some very hot countries, houses have rounded roofs. This shape helps to keep the house cool because the hot air goes to the top of the roof.

Strange homes

Some people like to make their houses look different just for fun. There is a house in the USA, that looks like a shoe. In Poland there is a house that is upside down. The roof is on the ground and the floor is in the air. Architects build interesting houses that save energy. These houses are often called earth houses. In Switzerland there is a small village of earth houses. Some of these houses have doors in the roof. They are easy to keep warm.

Our dream house

When our family decided to improve our living conditions, my Mum and I decided to build a detached house. My cousin Dima and his mum wanted to live in a block of flats. There certainly were definite reasons behind the choice. Their choice was mostly founded on proximity to work and school. My Mum preferred to live closer to nature and further from city hustle and bustle. Our dream was to live in light and spacious rooms. Our both dreams have almost come true. This is how it was happening.

Checking documents and financing options

Since we decided that building a custom home is the right choice for us and our Grandfather presented us with a plot of land he had received from the government on his retirement from military service, the next step was to apply for permits for erecting the building, which included architectural plans, running water, electricity, gas, rubbish utilization, the Internet etc. Luckily, mum collected all permission papers herself; otherwise we would hire a professional that needs additional money. Starting with this point we tried to save money, doing a lot of things ourselves.

Figuring out how we would pay for pay for it — we could not pay for the entire build with cash, but getting a construction loan is often more difficult than getting a traditional mortgage, as we were borrowing money for a concept and not a physical house. We had to provide our lender with a timetable, budget, floor plans, and materials needed and extensive details to be considered. There was the only way out: to take a consumer credit for every stage, buy materials and hire construction workers only when we couldn’t do the work ourselves. It appeared more economical than a traditional mortgage.

Dima’s family took a traditional 20-year, fixed-rate mortgage, their initial capital made it possible to take it with low interest rate on the loan. Besides, it is easier to take mortgage, because banks give it secured by real estate (in this case – their future flat). They had to be sure, signing the papers, that they would not be deceived.

Plan and design the home

Figuring out the size, layout and style of your home is a big task, and it can happen before or after the lot is selected, depending on your individual plans. When you’re building a custom home, the sky’s the limit, although you will need to keep in mind your budget and any limitations of your lot. We discussed the following details with our mum before we created our blueprints:

Square footage -160m

Stories - 2

Number of bedrooms - 4

Number of bathrooms - 2



My mum is an architect and she wanted to create a home that’s uniquely hers and considered building a house. My mum designed it with pleasure and all her skills.


In the house there are 2 floors. Downstairs there is a hall, a guestroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and large living room with a fireplace. Upstairs there are bedrooms.

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There is a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. The flat has a central heating and a balcony with a beautiful view on the mountain.

Our relatives managed to find their dream home on the market. They bought a flat in a block-of-flats, which was under construction. According to the contract the flat is on the second floor.

Their task was only pay the money and inspect from time to time the process of construction fulfilled by professionals .There is a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. The flat has a central heating and a balcony with a beautiful view on the mountain.

The process of building a house

After the designs and blueprints were finalized and our permits were approved, that’s when construction started and our home began to take shape, generally following these steps: 

1. Land preparation

he first step in the construction process is getting the land ready. This includes clearing the area; digging trenches and making sure utilities are installed. 
You can see the beginning of the construction in 2011.

2. Footings and foundation

ur foundation was made of poured concrete reinforced with steel rods.( Depending on the part of the country you’re building in and the design of your home, you may have a slab foundation, crawl space or a full basement. No matter what kind of foundation is poured, it will be sprayed with a waterproofing material).

3. Framing.

While the hired builders were making foundation we were choosing material for erecting walls. Keeping in mind that skimping on foundation and roof is no good or even dangerous we bought the best materials we could afford. But we had a great choice of material for walls: bricks – perfect but too expensive, aerated concrete blocks – expensive work and additional expenses on insulation, SIP panels – cheap but not ecological, wood – “breathes”, changes the form, but not so long-lasting. We chose a new good-looking (though not tested yet) –heat blocks.

At the construction of the flat they also checked the variants of the developers and approved their choice. But not all the chosen materials were used, developers like economize! Thus Dima’s mum had to pay additionally to change all the doors and windows.

n the framing step, the bones of the home started to take shape. Framing included the floor joists, subfloors, studs that formed the walls and roof trusses. During this step, the crew usually wrap the house to protect it from moisture. If construction is taking place during a rainy time of year, builders may also install windows, roof shingles and siding during this step.

During the process of construction the living area of a flat or a house can change sometimes. It happened in our house – nobody was against, but in the case of the flat it demanded additional financial investments.

4. Plumbing, electricity and insulation

Once the home was “dried in,” subcontractors started installing the home’s major systems, including plumbing pipes, electrical wiring and heating and cooling ducts. Each of these steps required sign-off from a local inspector. By the way, home’s insulation needs vary by climate, but in general, insulation is applied to exterior walls, basements, crawl spaces and attics. Fiberglass, cellulose and foam insulation are all options. We entrusted all this work to the professionals.

5t1621763820aj.png . Drywall

Drywall panels are hung with screws, taped and mudded, and a spray texture is applied. Then the new walls are primed with paint. 

6. Interior finishes

In this step, most of the home’s interior features are added. This includes doors, baseboards, casings, window sills, stair balusters, kitchen counters and cabinets, bathtubs, vanities, and hard-surfaced flooring. Interior painting and hardwood installation are sometimes done during this step, but they may be done later if there is risk of damage due to continuing construction.  With the house close to completion, toilets, faucets, light switches, heat register covers, the hot water heater, the electrical panel are all installed. Another task that happens in this step is the installation of glass fixtures like mirrors and shower doors. 
Carpet and hardwood flooring are added in this late stage.In our family most of this work, which undoubtly needs certain skills and experience was done by my grandfather


7. Exterior finishes

riveways, walkways, patios and final grading to direct water away from home were almost all completed. Landscaping and exterior decorating happened during that step too. 
The house has large windows with beautiful views on the garden.

he block- of –flats has a parking and a playground nearby.

8. Final inspection

Once construction was complete, a final inspection was conducted by a local building official. Upon passing, we received a certificate of occupancy, which gave us the green light to move in. 

Our relatives have already moved to their new flat.

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We have also moved into a new house. But it is still being built and there is only a hope that it will be finished in a year, it needs some finishing touches –a fence, lanes in the yard, and so on…

What I have definitely realized is that after you have started construction of your own house it will never come to an end. Further maintenance needs further investments, time and efforts.

The situation with a flat is a little better – it needs only investments.


All things considered, we can come to the conclusion, that both flats and houses have benefits and shortcomings.




large living area: in comparison with an apartment, a private house almost always wins in this regard, often has two or three floors, as well as various outbuildings

high operating costs to maintain the operability of engineering support systems and their repair, because in the event of an accident you have to rely only on your own strengths and resources

plenty of space for pets

usually lack of infrastructure

the presence of a plot of land on which you can grow flowers, vegetables and fruits, as well as establish a playground or a terrace with barbecue, where you can gather as a family and receive guests

maintaining order in the house and on the land will require much more effort and time than in the apartment; the need to provide a higher level of security, for which it will be necessary to strengthen doors and windows, arrange an alarm system, have a dog,

isolation from neighbors and other strangers in your territory: in a private house you will not be awakened by their loud quarrel or the sound of a drill turned on in the morning

lack of utilities: you will have to do all the cleaning work on your own, and you will have to pay for repairs to the building facade and other malfunctions from your own pocket

own garage, which allows you to keep the car near the house

you need to constantly monitor the site and the condition of the house

the best ecology most often, houses and cottages are built outside the city or on its outskirts, in the green zone, away from industrial enterprises; the opportunity to live in a good ecological environment, breathe fresh air daily and relax in their own outdoor area

possible interruptions in electricity or the Internet

comfort and tranquility: away from the noise of city streets you can enjoy the silence, the territory in front of the house can be decorated to your liking, providing it with decorative elements, green spaces and flower beds

the need to enclose the territory: a strong fence is a usual attribute for private houses and territories, otherwise they will not be fully private taking care of the garden leads to additional expenses and efforts

space, the opportunity to spend more time outdoors, which is important if your family has small children

Can be reconstructed or square metres and even new rooms added




developed infrastructure: the presence of shops, schools, kindergartens

neighbors: it can be very difficult to live peacefully with neighbors, because these or other actions are not always suitable for us and they.  In addition, your neighbors can be people with alcohol dependence, mental disorders, or lovers of loud music or repair work

transport accessibility: you can easily reach the desired part of the city

problems with keeping pets

does not require capital expenditures for repairs and construction

gas contamination in the city

availability of communication networks

noise from the street

savings on utility bills (compared to house)

Can’t be reconstructed or square metres added

What to choose –a flat or a house?

I think obviously it depends on the person. For some a house is practical for their lifestyle needs. For others an apartment is more suitable for their living arrangements and lifestyle.

According to most people experience they live with their parents without considering their place of dwelling. When they get their 1st place at about 18 years old… they are so happy to be away from mommy it doesn't matter, they would probably rent at a barn if it meant they could be on their own. As they grow older, establish a business, get a pet… get more furniture and as their kids get older the need for space becomes apparent. As they grow more settled in their ways the need for privacy becomes important as well. They begin to become irritated by apartment living and purchase a house with a lot of land… and they don't mind cutting the grass because it's theirs! They definitely like living in a house better and there are a lot of reasons why. My advice is to experience all kinds of dwelling during your life.

Buying property is one of the biggest investments in life. Therefore, research must be done and care should be taken to ensure that you buy the best property that not only fits your property requirements but also offers high returns on investment in future.

PS. Having learnt much about difference in lifestyles and climate in our country and e.g. America I now can answer the question of a foreign friend I mentioned in the beginning of my essay.

The main problem living in a cottage or another privately owned house in our severe climate is to heat it during the harsh winter. People live in flats in winter. But since people tend to live privately they mostly can afford to have a small country house in summer (so called dacha) when they don’t need to heat it. Americans prefer living in detached houses. It costs not so much to build a house with thin walls and to maintain it in mild climate. But the situation is changing for the better with appearing new building materials and new methods of heating the houses.

Used resources

Nicol Tailor “World of homes”. Pearson Education Limited

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