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Еремина Светлана Борисовна21

Интеллектуальная игра 

 “On Holiday



1. Актуализация знаний учащихся по изученным темам.

2. Развитие внимания и памяти, творческих способностей учащихся.

3. Воспитание у учащихся умения работать в команде, чувства взаимопомощи.



Систематизировать знания детей по пройденному материалу (учебник Starlight 6. Module 4).

Повторить и углубить знания обучающихся по теме «Каникулы»

Совершенствовать навыки аудирования, устной и письменной речи

Поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Вид: урок-игра.


Форма работы: групповая, устная, письменная.




Интерактивная доска.

Презентация в Power Point.

Отпечатанные на цветном принтере карточки для проведения мероприятия (для участников, для болельщиков и для членов жюри).



Ход мероприятия


I. Организационный момент.

На первом этапе продумывается структура мероприятия: этапы
(раунды игры «Викторина») и очередность их проведения. Задания не предусматривают предварительной подготовки, а рассчитаны на тот минимум знаний, имеющихся у учащихся на данный этап обучения иностранному языку.

Учащиеся делятся на две команды. Каждая команда до мероприятия придумывает название, девиз команды и выбирает своего капитана.

II. Постановка цели и задач мероприятия (см. выше).

III. Cообщение правил игры

На проекторе демонстрируется презентация.

- Участвуют две команды.

- Команда, которая готова отвечать, поднимает руки.

- Игра проводится ведущим (учителем) и состоит из пяти раундов.

- Вопросы и задания у ведущего и на проекторе.

- Жюри оценивает ответы и ведет подсчет очков.

- Заканчивается игра поздравлением победителей, вручением призов.

IV. Проведение игры

V. Подведение итогов.



1. Questions:

What place is located in the beautiful forest of Sherwood with a stunning landscape of trees? Lakes and steams? (Sherwood Forest Center Parcs)

It is the most famous geyser. It erupts every 90 minutes. (Old Faithful)

What can you see in the Yucantan Peninsula? (sea sculptures)

It is a huge, deep canyon full of beautiful hiking trails and spectacular views. (the Great canyon of Yellowstone)

Where can you see Tagango Zoo, go on a treasure hunt with a real Captain Jack Sparrow and visit the Observatory? (in Sydney)

There are more thermal pools, geysers and hot springs than anywhere else in the world. (Yellowstone park)

The last time it erupted was 640,000 years ago. (the Yellowstone supervolcano)

What place is one of most accessible ski and snowboard resorts in Russia? (Krasnaya Polyana)

2. Listening

Listen to five people talking. Match the speakers (1–5) with the statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.

A Speaker ___ is describing a camping holiday.

B Speaker ___ is talking about a safari park.

C Speaker ___ is telling us about a study trip.

D Speaker ___ is describing a walking holiday.

E Speaker ___ is telling us about her photography course.

F Speaker ___ is describing a scene from a film.


Speaker 1

I’m studying zoology and as a part of my course we get to travel aboard. Last year I went to Africa. It’s the best continent to learn about gorillas because you can watch them in their natural surroundings. I took photos of the animals every day and wrote about the routines family relationships in a block. I was very surprised to discover how similar they are to us.

Speaker 2

I want to see the Revenant last weekend. My favourite actor Leonardo DiCaprio is in it. There was this amazing fight. It was really exciting to watch. He was in the middle of the words and he had some animals closed to him. They were baby bears. Then he saw the mother bear and she ran after him, jumped on him and pushed him on the ground. He hit a head on some rocks and held him down with one of his large paws.

Speaker 3

Lonely is in the Southwest of England. It has many wild animals including: elephants and lions. There is a large lake with hippos and the island where gorillas live. Did you know that gorillas are frightened of water? The park is most famous for the monkey drive through. Don’t take your car if it’s new they jump all over the cars and break everything.

Speaker 4

It was just after midnight. I was in my sleeping bag inside the tent and a shore light. I looked outside but there wasn’t a moon. The light moved towards my tent and then across it. I felt very scared. Then I heard a voice. It was my cousin from the tent behind me. He had his smartphone on and needed the light to find his way to the toilet.

Speaker 5

We had to carry everything on our backs: a sleeping bags, food and drink. In general, it wasn’t too bad, but it was difficult when we had to climb the mountains. We had to take a map and compass and it was important to keep mobile phone with us in case we lost our way. We got up early every day so we could arrive at the next youth hostel before the sunset.









3. Cards with pictures.

Choose one of the pictures and describe it. You have 1,5 minutes for preparing. Other teams have to guess what card you’ve described. Follow the plan:

Tell about the weather

Who is in the photo

What they are wearing

Where they are

What they are doing




4. Reading

Read the text and fill in the blanks (1- 5) with the parts of the sentences (A - F).One part you don’t have to use.

The Story About My Holiday Adventure

Last summer my friends and I were on the camp at the seaside. We spent there marvelous time playing volleyball on the beach and swimming in the sea. One sunny day we were 1._______________. It was stiflingly hot so I went to the shop to buy something cold to drink. My friends said that they would be 2._______________near the shop. The shop was small so I found the bottle of cola quickly. I paid for it at a checkout and I wanted to get back to my friends but I couldn’t open the door. Although another person wanted 3._______________, they also weren’t able to do it. Suddenly there appeared men in black. I couldn’t call my friends because I left the mobile in a hotel room. They were talking with each other. But I didn’t know about what. An hour later the door was opened. And I came back to my friends who 4_______________. Then I got to know that one man had taken something and wanted to run away. Security had closed the door 5.____________. I didn’t come back to that shop anymore.


A. waiting for me in a park

B. to buy a bottle of water

C. walking on the beach

D. to catch the thief

E. were very nervous

F. to open the door

Ответы 1. C, 2. A, 3. F, 4. E, 5.D


5. Grammar practice

Use the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences in the most common form (be going to, Present Continuous, Future Simple).

1. It’s cloudy. It ..................... (rain)

2. I ................. to the theatre tonight. I’ve already bought a ticket. (go)

3. Are you planning your holiday? - I don't know yet. Perhaps I ............. to Sydney. (fly)

4. You should have a break. - OK. I ................... a rest. (have)

5. Kitty is going to driving lessons, because she ................. a car. (buy)

6. I've just missed my train! - No problem. I ......................... you there. (drive)

7. What do you want to do in future? - I hope I ....................... a doctor. (become)

8. Look at the diary. We ...................... Mrs. Brown at 5 o'clock. (meet)

9. Please, buy some butter. I ....................... a cake. (make)

10. My mother has already booked the holiday. We .................. to Spain on 12 May. (fly)

Key with answers:

1. is going

2. am going

3. will fly

4. will have

5. is going to buy

6. will drive

7. will become

8. are meeting

9. will make

10. are flying


6. Writing

You have received a letter from your English pen friend, Steve.


I hope you are having a great time. Where are you staying? What is the weather like? What did you do yesterday and are your plans for today?



Write Steve a letter and answer his questions. Write 80-100 words.



1. УМК «Звездный английский» ("Starlight") К. М. Барановой

2. Solutions Elementary Progress Test 6 (third edition). Авторы: Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies

3. https://sciaga.pl

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