Интерактивные кроссворды по английскому языку (7-11 классы, студенты первых курсов)

Материал опубликован 15 August 2018 в группе

Interactive Word Puzzles

Add one letter to another letter or letters in a row (either downwards from 1 to 5 or upwards from 9 to 5) until you get to the longest word (5). Then subtract one letter at a time until you complete the puzzle. Add one letter to another letter or letters in a row (either downwards from 1 to 5 or upwards from 9 to 5) until you get to the longest word (5). Then subtract one letter at a time until you complete the puzzle. Push the number (1-9) to see the clue, click on the clue to get the word. Add & Subtract

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O O N T O N Clue #2 You put a piece of clothing … (preposition) Clue #3 A unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms T O N E Clue #4 The shade or quality of a color T O K E N Clue #5 A souvenir that shows your feelings for somebody N O T E Clue #6 A piece of money in Britain; the same as an American bill N E T Clue #7 A device used for catching fish N E Clue #8 The direction which is between north and east (abbreviation) E Clue #9 The third note in music scale Clue #1 A zero (when telling phone number)

Guess the words by the given clues (either downwards or upwards) in random or numerical order. When done, find the words that wrap the puzzle up. Guess the words by the given clues (either downwards or upwards) in random or numerical order. When done, find the words that wrap the puzzle up. Push the number (1-9) to see the clue, click on the clue to get the word. Wrapped Up

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